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jgo384 at Oct 11, 2018 02:20 PM




canons in Salamatica, passed over to the Indies as
vicar of the province of Santa Cruz in the Spapish
island, came to Spain at the general capitulation,
and was elected bishop of Cuba in 1602 ; he at-
tempted to translate the cathedral to the Havana,
but did not succeed ; visited Florida, and was
promoted to the mitre of Guatemala in 1610.

12. Dm Fray Alonso Enriquez de Armendariz,
of the order of Nuestra Senora de la Merced, na-
tive of Navarra; was comendador of Granada,
titular bishop of Sidonia, and nominated to Cuba
in 1610; he wrote, by order of the king, a
spiritual and temporal relation of his bishopric,
and w’as promoted to that of Mechoacan in 1624.

13. Don Fray Gregorio de Alarcon, of the
order of St. Augustin ; elected in the same year ;
died in the voyage.

14. Don Leon de Cervantes, native of Mexico ;
he studied in Salamanca, and was collegiate in
the university of Sigiienza, school-master in the
church of Santa Fe, in the Nuevo Reyno de Gra-
nada, bishop of Santa Marta, and promoted to this
see in 1625, and from this to that of Guadalaxara,
in 1631.

15. Don Fray Geronimo Manrique de Lara,
of the order of Nuestra Sefiora de la Merced, twice
comendador of Olmedo, difinidor of the province
of Castille, and master in sacred theology ; elected
bishop of Cuba in 1631 ; he died in 1645.

16. Don Martin de Zelaya Ocarriz, in 1645.

17. Don Nicolas de la Torre, native of Mexico,
first professor of theology in its university, four
limes rector of the same, canon of that metropo-
litan church, first chaplain of the college of
Nuestra Senora de la Caridad, examiner-general
of the archbishopric, and visitor-general of the
convents ; presented to the bishopric of Cuba in
1646 ; died in 1652.

18. Don Juan de Montiel, until 1656.

19. Don Pedro de Reyna Maldonado, native
of Lima, a celebrated writer, who governed un-
til 1658.

20. Don Juan de Santa Matia Saenz de Ma-
nosca, native of Mexico, inquisitor of that capi-
tal ; elected in 1661, promoted to the church of
Guatemala in 1667.

21. Don Fray Bernardo Alonso de los Rios, of
the order of La Trinidad Calzada, until 1670.

22. Don Gabriel Diaz Vara and Caldron, until

23. Don Juan Garcia de Palacios, until 1680.

24. Don Fray Baltasar de Figueroa y Guinea,
a Bernard ine monk, until 1683.

,25. Don Diego Ebelino dc Compostela, in 1685.

26. Don Fray Geronimo de Valdes, Basilican
monk; elected, in 1703, bishop of Portorico, and
promoted to this in 1706.

27. Don Fray Francisco de Yzaguirre, of the
religious order of St. Augustin ; he governed until

28. Don Fray Gaspar de Molina y Oviedo, of
the order of St. Augustin ; elected in 1730, pro-
moted before he took possession of the bishopric
of Malaga to the government of the cogncil, and
afterwards to the purple.

29. Don Fray J uan Laso de la Vega y Cansino.
of the religious order of St. P'rancis ; elected in the
same year, 1730.

30. Don Pedro Agustin Morel de Santa Cruz ;
he governed until 1753.

31. Don Santiago de Echavarria y Elquezaga,
native of Cuba ; promoted to the bishopric of Ni-
caragua in 1753.

Governors and Captains-general who have presided
in the island of Cuba.

1. Don Diego Velazquez, native of Cuellar,
knight of the order of Santiago, a conqueror and
settler of this island, nominated by the Admiral
Christopher Columbus in 1511; he governed
Avith great applause until his death, in 1524.

2. Manuel de Roxas, native of the same town
as was his predecessor, on account of whose death
he was nominated to the bishopric, and in remem-
brance of the great credit he had acquired in the
conquest of the island, receiving his appointment
at the hands of the audience of St. Domingo, and
being confirmed in it by the emperor in 1525 ; he
governed until 1538.

3. Hernando de Soto, who governed until

4. The Licentiate Juan de Avila, until 1545.

5. The Licentiate Antonio de Chaves, until

6. The Doctor Gonzalo Perez Angulo, until

7. Diego Mazariegos, until 1554.

8. Garcia Osorio, until 1565.

9. Pedro Melendez de Aviles, until 1568.

10. Don Gabriel de Montalvo, until 1576.

11. The Captain Francisco Carreno, until

12. The Licentiate Gaspar de Toro, until

13. Gabriel de Lujan, until 1584.

14. The militia colonel Juan de Texeda, until

15. Don Juan Maldonado Barrionuevo, until


Cánones en Salamanca, pasó a Indias de Vicario de la Provincia de Santa Cruz en la Isla Española, vino a España al Capítulo General, y fue electo Obispo de Cuba el año de 1602; intentó trasladar la Catedral a la Habana, y no lo pudo conseguir, visitó la Florida, y fue promovido a la mitra de Goatemala en 16 10. r
12 Don Fray Alonso Enriquez de Armendariz, del Orden de nuestra Señora de la Merced, natural de Navarra; fue Comendador de Granada, Obispo titular de Sidonia, y nombrado para Cuba en 1610; escribió de orden del Rey una Relación espiritual y temporal de su Obispado, rué promovido al de Mechoacan el año de 1624.
13 Don Fray Gregorio de Alarcon, del Orden de San Agustín, electo el mismo año, murió en la navegación.
14 Don León de Cervantes, natural de México, estudió en Salamanca, y fue Colegial en la Universidad de Siguenza, Maestre Escuela de la Iglesia de Santa Fe en el Nuevo Reyno de Granada, Comisario del Santo Oficio, Obispo de Santa Marta, y promovido a esta Silla el año de 1625, y de ella a la de Guadalaxara el de 1631.
15 Don Fray Gerónimo Manrique de Lara, del Orden de nuestra Señora de la Merced, dos veces Comendador de Olmedo, Difinidor de la Provincia de Castilla, y Maestro en Sagrada Teología, electo Obispo de Cuba en 1631, murió el de 1645.
16 Don Martín de Zelaya Ocarriz, en 1645.
17 Don Nicolás de la Torre, natural de México, Catedrático de Prima de Teología en su Universidad, Rector de ella 4 veces, Canónigo Penitenciario y Magistral de aquella Iglesia Metropolitana, Capellán Mayor del Colegio de nuestra Señora de la Caridad, Examinador General del Arzobispado, y Visitador General de los Conventos, presentado para Obispo de Cuba el año de 1646, murió el de 1652.
18 Don Juan de Montiel, hasta el año de 1656.
19 Don Pedro de Reyna Maldonado, natural de Lima, célebre Escritor, hasta el año de 1658.
20 Don Juan de Santo Matia Saenz de Mañosea, natural de México, Inquisidor de aquella Capital, electo el año de 1661, promovido a la Iglesia de Guatemala el de 1667.
21 Don Fray Bernardo Alonso de los Rios, del Orden de la Trinidad Calzada, hasta el año de 1670.
22 Don Gabriel Diaz Vara y Calderón, hasta 1674.
23 Don Juan García de Palacios, hasta 1680.
24 Don Fray Baltasar de Figueroa y Guinea, Monge Bernardo, hasta 1683.
25 Don Diego Ebelino de Compostela, en 1685.
2O Don Fray Gerónimo de Valdés, Monge Basilio, electo el año de 1703, Obispo de Portorico, y Promovido a éste en 1700.
27 Don Fray Francisco de Yzaguirre, Religioso del Orden de San Agustín, gobernó hasta el año de 1730.
28 Don Fray Gaspar de Molina y Oviedo, del Orden de San Agustín, electo el año de 1730, promovido antes de tomar posesión al Obispado de Málaga, al Gobierno del Consejo, y luego a la Púrpura.
29 Don Fray Juan Laso de la Vega y Cansino, Religioso del Orden de San Francisco, electo el mismo año de 1730.
30 Don Pedro Agustín Morel de Santa Cruz, gobernó hasta el año de 1753.
31 Don Santiago Joseph de Echavarría y Elguezaga, natural de Cuba, promovido del Obispado de Nicaragua, en 1 7 5 3 .
GOBERNADORES, CAPITANES GENERALES que ha tenido la isla de Cuba.
1 Don Diego Velazquez, natural de Cuellar, Caballero del Orden de Santiago, Conquistador y Poblador de esta Isla, nombrado por el Almirante Don Cristóval Colon el año de 1 5 1 1, gobernó con grandes créditos hasta su muerte el de 15 24.
2 Manuel de Roxas, natural de la misma Villa que su antecesor, por cuya muerte fue nombrado en su lucrar, en atención a los grandes créditos que habia adquirido en la Conquista de la Isla por la Audiencia de Santo Domingo, y confirmado por el Emperador el año de 1525 hasta 1538.
3 Hernando de Soto, hasta 1 539.
4 El Licenciado Juan de Avila, hasta 1545.
5 El Licenciado Antonio de Chaves, hasta 1547.
6 El Doctor Gonzalo Pérez Angulo, hasta 1549.
7 Diego Mazariegos, hasta 1554
8 García Osorio, hasta 1565.
9 Pedro Melendez de Aviles, hasta 1568.
10 Don Gabriel de Montalvo, hasta 1576.
11 El Capitán Francisco Carreño, hasta 1 5 78.
12 El Licenciado Gaspar de Toro, hasta 1580.
13 Gabriel de Lujan, hasta 1584.
14 El Maestre de Campo Juan de Texeda, hasta 1589.
15 Don Juan Maldonado Barrionuevo, hasta 1596.




canons in Salamatica, passed over to the Indies as
vicar of the province of Santa Cruz in the Spapish
island, came to Spain at the general capitulation,
and was elected bishop of Cuba in 1602 ; he at-
tempted to translate the cathedral to the Havana,
but did not succeed ; visited Florida, and was
promoted to the mitre of Guatemala in 1610.

12. Dm Fray Alonso Enriquez de Armendariz,
of the order of Nuestra Senora de la Merced, na-
tive of Navarra; was comendador of Granada,
titular bishop of Sidonia, and nominated to Cuba
in 1610; he wrote, by order of the king, a
spiritual and temporal relation of his bishopric,
and w’as promoted to that of Mechoacan in 1624.

13. Don Fray Gregorio de Alarcon, of the
order of St. Augustin ; elected in the same year ;
died in the voyage.

14. Don Leon de Cervantes, native of Mexico ;
he studied in Salamanca, and was collegiate in
the university of Sigiienza, school-master in the
church of Santa Fe, in the Nuevo Reyno de Gra-
nada, bishop of Santa Marta, and promoted to this
see in 1625, and from this to that of Guadalaxara,
in 1631.

15. Don Fray Geronimo Manrique de Lara,
of the order of Nuestra Sefiora de la Merced, twice
comendador of Olmedo, difinidor of the province
of Castille, and master in sacred theology ; elected
bishop of Cuba in 1631 ; he died in 1645.

16. Don Martin de Zelaya Ocarriz, in 1645.

17. Don Nicolas de la Torre, native of Mexico,
first professor of theology in its university, four
limes rector of the same, canon of that metropo-
litan church, first chaplain of the college of
Nuestra Senora de la Caridad, examiner-general
of the archbishopric, and visitor-general of the
convents ; presented to the bishopric of Cuba in
1646 ; died in 1652.

18. Don Juan de Montiel, until 1656.

19. Don Pedro de Reyna Maldonado, native
of Lima, a celebrated writer, who governed un-
til 1658.

20. Don Juan de Santa Matia Saenz de Ma-
nosca, native of Mexico, inquisitor of that capi-
tal ; elected in 1661, promoted to the church of
Guatemala in 1667.

21. Don Fray Bernardo Alonso de los Rios, of
the order of La Trinidad Calzada, until 1670.

22. Don Gabriel Diaz Vara and Caldron, until

23. Don Juan Garcia de Palacios, until 1680.

24. Don Fray Baltasar de Figueroa y Guinea,
a Bernard ine monk, until 1683.

,25. Don Diego Ebelino dc Compostela, in 1685.

26. Don Fray Geronimo de Valdes, Basilican
monk; elected, in 1703, bishop of Portorico, and
promoted to this in 1706.

27. Don Fray Francisco de Yzaguirre, of the
religious order of St. Augustin ; he governed until

28. Don Fray Gaspar de Molina y Oviedo, of
the order of St. Augustin ; elected in 1730, pro-
moted before he took possession of the bishopric
of Malaga to the government of the cogncil, and
afterwards to the purple.

29. Don Fray J uan Laso de la Vega y Cansino.
of the religious order of St. P'rancis ; elected in the
same year, 1730.

30. Don Pedro Agustin Morel de Santa Cruz ;
he governed until 1753.

31. Don Santiago de Echavarria y Elquezaga,
native of Cuba ; promoted to the bishopric of Ni-
caragua in 1753.

Governors and Captains-general who have presided
in the island of Cuba.

1. Don Diego Velazquez, native of Cuellar,
knight of the order of Santiago, a conqueror and
settler of this island, nominated by the Admiral
Christopher Columbus in 1511; he governed
Avith great applause until his death, in 1524.

2. Manuel de Roxas, native of the same town
as was his predecessor, on account of whose death
he was nominated to the bishopric, and in remem-
brance of the great credit he had acquired in the
conquest of the island, receiving his appointment
at the hands of the audience of St. Domingo, and
being confirmed in it by the emperor in 1525 ; he
governed until 1538.

3. Hernando de Soto, who governed until

4. The Licentiate Juan de Avila, until 1545.

5. The Licentiate Antonio de Chaves, until

6. The Doctor Gonzalo Perez Angulo, until

7. Diego Mazariegos, until 1554.

8. Garcia Osorio, until 1565.

9. Pedro Melendez de Aviles, until 1568.

10. Don Gabriel de Montalvo, until 1576.

11. The Captain Francisco Carreno, until

12. The Licentiate Gaspar de Toro, until

13. Gabriel de Lujan, until 1584.

14. The militia colonel Juan de Texeda, until

15. Don Juan Maldonado Barrionuevo, until
