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3 revisions
kmr3934 at Oct 19, 2018 09:14 PM


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same kingdom. It contains 180 families of In-
dians, and 60 of Spaniards, Mustees, and Mulattoes.
Here is an hospital of the religious order of St.
Francis. Seven leagues from its capital.

(COXHALL, a township in York county, dis-
trict of Maine, containing 775 inhabitants.)

COXIMAR, a large plain of the coast of the
island of Cuba, close by the city of Havana, in
which is a fortified tower. On this plain the Eng-
lish drew up their troops when they besieged that
place, in 1762.

COXIMES, a settlement of the province and
government of Esmeraldas in the kingdom of
Quito ; situate on the sliore of the S. sea, on the
point formed by the port Palmar, under the equi-
noctial line.

COXO, a settlement of the province and go-
vernment of Venezuela ; situate on the sea-coast,
close to the settlement of Carvalleda.

(COXSAKIE, a township in the w. part of
Albany county, New York, containing S406 in-
habitants, of whom 302 are slaves. Of the citi-
zens 613 are electors.)

COXUMATLAN, a settlement of the head
settlement of Zanguio and afcaldia mayor of Za-
mora in Nueva Espana ; situate on the shore of the
sea of Chapala, and being backed by a large moun-
tain covered with fruit-trees of various kinds, and
excellent timber and woods. It contains 17 tami-
lies of Indians, who employ themselves in fishing
and in agriculture. Four leagues to the w. of its
head settlement.

COYAIMAS, a barbarous and ancient nation
of Indians of the province and government of Po-
in the kingdom of Quito, and district of the
townofNeiba. Tliese Indians are valorous, ro-
bust, faithful, and enemies to the Pijaos. Some
of tl)ern have become converted to the Catholic
faith, and liveuniteil in settlemenis.

(COYAU, a settlement on Tennessee river, SO
miles below Knoxville.)

COYONES, a barbarous nation of Indians, who
inhabit the s. w. of Tocuyo. They are ferocious
and infidels, and live upon the mountains. Their
numbers at the present day are much reduced.


COZAL, a settlement of the province and alcaldia
mayor of Zacapula in the kingdom of Guatemala.

COZALCAQUE, San Felipe de, a settlement
of the head settlement of Tenantitlan, and alcaldia
mayor of Acaynca, in Nueva Espana. It contains
51 families of Indians, and is 10 leagues to the e.
and one-fourth to the a. e, of its head settlement.

COZAMALOAPAN, a province and alcaldia
viayor of Nueva España, the capital of which

bears the same name, with the dedicatory title of
San Martin, and which is situate on a plain half a
league long, and somewhat less broad, surrounded
by mountains so knit together, that, at the time of
its foundation, passes were obliged to be o[>ened.
Through this province runs a river, which flows
down from the sferTflA of Zongolica, and which
afterwards takes the nam.e of Alvarado, it is of
a hot and moist temperature, and continually ex-
posed to inundations during the rainy seasons,
owing to the immense overflowings of the rivers.
Its population is composed of 38 families of Spa-
niards, 128 of Mulattoes, and 34 of Mexican In-
dians, who maintain themselves by the gathering
of cotton and maize ; and this last in such abun-
dance as to supply Vera Cruz. The Spaniards
employ themselves in fishing in the rivers, which
abound with fish the three last months of the year,
and they carry them for sale into the other juris-
dictions. It has, besides the parish church, a
temple of superior architecture, dedicated to
Nuestra Seilora de la Soledad, though it be com-
monly called, Of Cozomalotipan, being of such
ancient origin as to be said to liave existed 12
years before the conquest of the kingdom. This
temple was inhabited by a religious fraternity, ap-
proved by his holiness Gregory XIII. he having
granted to the same many favours and indulgences,
which, through the devotion of the communily,
were perpetuated, through several prodigies and
miracles which afterwards took place in the set-
tlement, and in its district. One hundred and
fifteen leagues s. s.xo. of Mexico, in lat. 17^ 47' ;
long. 274° 50'. The jurisdiction of this alcaldia
consists in the folloAving settlements :

A rnatlnn,








COZAQUl, Santa Maria de, a settlement of
the head settlement of Acazingo and alcaldia
mayor of Tepeaca, in Nueva Espana. It contains
four families of Spaniards, 33 Aluslees and Mu-
lattocs, and 51 of Indians. It is a quarter of a
league lioni its head settlement.

COZATLA, San Juan de, a settlement of the
head settlement of Axixique, and ahaldia mayor of
Zayula, in the same kingdom. It contains 60
familie.s of Indians,
its head settlement.

COZAUTEPEC, a settlement and head settle-
ment of the alcaldia mayor of Chichicapain Nu-
eva Espana, of the province and bishopric of

iid is two leagues to the w. of


mismo Reyno: tiene 180 familias de Indios y 60 de Españoles, Mestizos y Mulatos: hay en él un Hospital de Religiosos de San Francisco, y dista 7 leguas de su Capital.

COXIMAR, Playón grande de la Costa de la Isla de Cuba, inmediato a la Ciudad de la Habana, en que hay una torre fortificada para su defensa; enella hicieron los Ingleses el desembarco de sus tropas, quando sitiaron aquella Plaza el año de 1762.

COXIMES, Puebla de la Provincia y Gobierno de Esmeraldas en el Reyno de Quito, situado a orilla de la mar del Sur en la Punta que hace el Puerto del Palmar, baxo de la línea equenocial.

COXUMATLAN, Pueblo de la Cabecera de Zanguio y Alcaldía mayor de Zamora en Nueva España, situado a orilla del mar de Chápala, haciéndole espalda un encumbrado cerro poblado de árboles frutales y maderas exquisitas: tiene 17 familias de Indios, que se exercitan en la pesca y en el cultivo de las tierras: dista 4 leguas al Poniente de su Cabecera.

COYAIMAS, Nación bárbara, antigua de Indios de la Provincia y Gobierno de Popayan en el Reyno de Quito y distrito de la Villa de Neiba: estos Indios son valerosos, robustos y rieles, enemigos de los Pijaos: algunos se han reducido a la Religión, y viven unidos en Pueblos.

COYONES, Nación bárbara de Indios, que habita al SO del Tocuyo: es feroz é infiel, y vive en las montañas; hoy está reducida a muy corto numero,

COYPO. Véase Ralemo.

COZAL, Pueblo de la Provincia y Alcaldía mayor de Zacapula en el Reyno de Goatemala.

COZAMALOAPAN, Provincia y Alcaldía mayor de Nueva España, cuya Capital tiene el mismo nombre con la advocación de San Martin, situado en un llano que tiene media legua de largo y poco menos de ancho, cercado de montes tan unidos, que para entrar y salir al Pueblo fue necesario abrircaminos al tiempo de su fundación: pasa por él un río que baxa de las sierras de Zongolica, y Juego toma el nombre de Alvarádo: es de temperamento cálido y húmedo, expuesto siempre a inundaciones en tiempo de aguas por las terribles crecientes de los rios: compónese su vecindario de 38 familias de Españoles, 128 de Mulatos y 34 de Indios Mexicanos, que se mantienen de las cosechas de algodón y maiz, y de este último con tanta abundancia, que de él se provee la Vera-Cruz: los Españoles se ocupan en el exercicio de la pesca de que abundan sus rios los tres meses últimos del año, que venden luego en las otras jurisdicciones: tiene ademas de la Iglesia Parroquial un Templo de primorosa arquitectura, dedicado a nuestra Señora de la Soledad, que comunmente llaman de Cozamaloapan, cuyo origen es de tanta antiguedad, que dicen lo tuvo doce años antes de la conquista de aquel Reyno; figurado en un arco Iris, que nacia a la orilla del río inmediato a la población, y terminaba sobre la Ciudad de México, permaneciendo este arco doce años, que mediaron hasta la entrada de Cortés y conquista, que desapareció substituyendo la Soberana Imagen de tan peregrina y hermosa hechura, que es admiración de quantos la ven: era entonces Capital de la jurisdicción el Pueblo de Amatlán, a cuya Parroquia intento trasladar el Cura la Imagen; pero no pudo conseguirlo, y así se fabricó el Templo en el mismo oarage de su aparición, formando desde entonces una devota Cofradía, que aprobó la Santidad de Gregorio XIII, concediendo muchas gracias é Indulgencias que perpetuó la devoción por los repetidos milagros y prodigios que experimenta el Pueblo y su comarca: está 1 1 5 leguas al S SO de Mexico en 274 grad. 50 min. de long. y 17 grad. 47 min. de lat. la jurisdicción de esta Alcaldía consta de los Pueblos siguientes.

COZATLA, San Juan de., Pueblo de la Cabecera de Axixique y Alcaldía mayor de Zayula en el mismo Reyno: tiene 60 familias de Indios, y está dos leguas al Poniente de su Cabecera.

COZAQUI, Santa María de, Pueblo de la Cabecera de Acazingo y Alcaldía mayor de Tepeaca en Nueva España: tiene 4 familias de Españoles, 33 de Mestizos y Mulatos, y 5 1 de Indios, distante un quarto de legua de su Cabecera.

COZAUTEPEC, Pueblo y Cabecera de la Alcaldía mayor de Chichicapa en Nueva España, de la Provincia y Obispado de Oaxaca: solo tiene 20 familias de Indios, que viven del cultivo de la grana y semillas.


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same kingdom. It contains 180 families of In-
dians, and 60 of Spaniards, Mustees, and Mulattoes.
Here is an hospital of the religious order of St.
Francis. Seven leagues from its capital.

(COXHALL, a township in York county, dis-
trict of Maine, containing 775 inhabitants.)

COXIMAR, a large plain of the coast of the
island of Cuba, close by the city of Havana, in
which is a fortified tower. On this plain the Eng-
lish drew up their troops when they besieged that
place, in 1762.

COXIMES, a settlement of the province and
government of Esmeraldas in the kingdom of
Quito ; situate on the sliore of the S. sea, on the
point formed by the port Palmar, under the equi-
noctial line.

COXO, a settlement of the province and go-
vernment of Venezuela ; situate on the sea-coast,
close to the settlement of Carvalleda.

(COXSAKIE, a township in the w. part of
Albany county, New York, containing S406 in-
habitants, of whom 302 are slaves. Of the citi-
zens 613 are electors.)

COXUMATLAN, a settlement of the head
settlement of Zanguio and afcaldia mayor of Za-
mora in Nueva Espana ; situate on the shore of the
sea of Chapala, and being backed by a large moun-
tain covered with fruit-trees of various kinds, and
excellent timber and woods. It contains 17 tami-
lies of Indians, who employ themselves in fishing
and in agriculture. Four leagues to the w. of its
head settlement.

COYAIMAS, a barbarous and ancient nation
of Indians of the province and government of Po-
in the kingdom of Quito, and district of the
townofNeiba. Tliese Indians are valorous, ro-
bust, faithful, and enemies to the Pijaos. Some
of tl)ern have become converted to the Catholic
faith, and liveuniteil in settlemenis.

(COYAU, a settlement on Tennessee river, SO
miles below Knoxville.)

COYONES, a barbarous nation of Indians, who
inhabit the s. w. of Tocuyo. They are ferocious
and infidels, and live upon the mountains. Their
numbers at the present day are much reduced.


COZAL, a settlement of the province and alcaldia
mayor of Zacapula in the kingdom of Guatemala.

COZALCAQUE, San Felipe de, a settlement
of the head settlement of Tenantitlan, and alcaldia
mayor of Acaynca, in Nueva Espana. It contains
51 families of Indians, and is 10 leagues to the e.
and one-fourth to the a. e, of its head settlement.

COZAMALOAPAN, a province and alcaldia
viayor of Nueva España, the capital of which

bears the same name, with the dedicatory title of
San Martin, and which is situate on a plain half a
league long, and somewhat less broad, surrounded
by mountains so knit together, that, at the time of
its foundation, passes were obliged to be o[>ened.
Through this province runs a river, which flows
down from the sferTflA of Zongolica, and which
afterwards takes the nam.e of Alvarado, it is of
a hot and moist temperature, and continually ex-
posed to inundations during the rainy seasons,
owing to the immense overflowings of the rivers.
Its population is composed of 38 families of Spa-
niards, 128 of Mulattoes, and 34 of Mexican In-
dians, who maintain themselves by the gathering
of cotton and maize ; and this last in such abun-
dance as to supply Vera Cruz. The Spaniards
employ themselves in fishing in the rivers, which
abound with fish the three last months of the year,
and they carry them for sale into the other juris-
dictions. It has, besides the parish church, a
temple of superior architecture, dedicated to
Nuestra Seilora de la Soledad, though it be com-
monly called, Of Cozomalotipan, being of such
ancient origin as to be said to liave existed 12
years before the conquest of the kingdom. This
temple was inhabited by a religious fraternity, ap-
proved by his holiness Gregory XIII. he having
granted to the same many favours and indulgences,
which, through the devotion of the communily,
were perpetuated, through several prodigies and
miracles which afterwards took place in the set-
tlement, and in its district. One hundred and
fifteen leagues s. s.xo. of Mexico, in lat. 17^ 47' ;
long. 274° 50'. The jurisdiction of this alcaldia
consists in the folloAving settlements :

A rnatlnn,








COZAQUl, Santa Maria de, a settlement of
the head settlement of Acazingo and alcaldia
mayor of Tepeaca, in Nueva Espana. It contains
four families of Spaniards, 33 Aluslees and Mu-
lattocs, and 51 of Indians. It is a quarter of a
league lioni its head settlement.

COZATLA, San Juan de, a settlement of the
head settlement of Axixique, and ahaldia mayor of
Zayula, in the same kingdom. It contains 60
familie.s of Indians,
its head settlement.

COZAUTEPEC, a settlement and head settle-
ment of the alcaldia mayor of Chichicapain Nu-
eva Espana, of the province and bishopric of

iid is two leagues to the w. of
