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3 revisions
LLILAS Benson at Oct 18, 2018 01:28 PM





manufactures peculiar to the country, such as
coarse trowsers, baizes, and blankets. Although it
is some years since this province has received any
mischief from the infidels who inhabit the moun-
tains of the Andes, yet it has regular advanced de-
tachments or guards stationed for the defence of the
frontiers, prepared against a recurrence of the evils
experienced in former times. As we have before
said, it is the largest province, so also it is the best
peopled, since it contains upAvards of 50,000 souls
and 33 settlements, the capital of Avhich has the
same name. Its repartimiento, or tribute, used to
amount to 226,730 dollars, and it used to pay an
alcavala of 1814 dollars per annum. The settle-
ments are,

Cicasica, Mecapaca,

Coroico, Pasca,

Yanacache, Ynquisive,

Chulumani, Quimi,

Caza, Collana,

Suri, Huayrapaya,

Cabari, Coripaya,

Mohosa, Chupe,

Capinata, Milluhuay,

Ychoca, Taxma,

Coani, Choxlla,

Yaco, Chirca,

Luribay, Yrupana,

Haichayo, Colqui,

Calamarca, Plaraca,

Zapanqui, Ocavaya.


CICAYARI, a river of the province and country
of Las Amazonas, in the Portuguese possessions.
It rises in the territory of the Chappoanas Indians,
runs n. n. w. and enters the Rio Negro.

[CICERO, a military township in New York,
on the s. tv. side of Oneida lake, and between it,
the Salt lake, and the Salt springs.]

CICLADAS Grandes, islands of the South sea,
discovered by Mr. De Bouganville in 1763.

CICOBASA, a river of the province and govern-
ment of Quixos y Macas in the kingdom of Quito,
and of the district of the latter. It rises in the
cordillera of the province of Cuenca, runs s. and
enters the river Santiago.

CIENEGA, a settlement and real of the silver
mines of the province of Tepeguana, and kingdom
of Nueva Vizcaya ; situate near the settlement of

Same name, another settlement, of the province
and government of Santa Marta in the Nuevo
Reyno de Granada. It is situate on the sea-coast,
and on the bank of the cknega or marsh which


lies close to it, and which gives it its name. It wag
a reduccton of the monks of St. Domingo.

CIENEGA of Oro, another (settlement), with the surname of Oro, in the province and government of Cartagena, of the
same kingdom, it is of the district of Tolu, and
formed by the re- union of other settlements in the
year 1776, effected by the Governor Don Juan

Same name, another (settlement), of the island of Cuba; situate
on the n. coast.

CIMA, a valley of the province and govornraent
of Antioquia ; bounded by that of Paucura, from
which it is divided by the river Cauca just at its

CINACANTLAN, a settlement of the province
and alcaldia mayor of Chiapa in the kingdom of

==CINAGUA Y GUACANA, the alcaldia mayor
and jurisdiction of the province and bishopric of
Mechoacán in Nueva Espana. It is 80 leagues
long from e. to w. and 60 wide from n. to s. Its
territory is for the most part mountainous and un-
even, and its temperature bad. Its productions
are large cattle, wax, maize, and fruits. Tire ca-
pital is the settlement of the same name, of a hot
temperature, and inhabited by 25 families of In-
dians, who cultivate maize and melons, upon
which this scanty population consists, though it
was formerly of some consideration. It has suf-
fered, no doubt, from the iinkindness of the tempera-
ture, and from the wantof water. The jurisdiction
is 80 leagues to the w. with a slight inclination to
the s. of Mexico. The other settlements are,
Guacana, Paraquaro,

Ario, Nocupetajo,

Etuquarillo, Acuiyo,

Santa Ana Turicato. Punguco.

CINALOA, a province and government of
Nueva España. It is between the w. and «. of
Mexico, from whence it is distant 300 leagues. It
extends in length as far as proselytes have been
made to the gospel, viz. to 140° ; and it ex-
tends to 40° in width. On the e. of it are
the loftiest sierras of Topia, running towards
the n. and on the w. it is embraced by the arm of
the sea of California. On the s. it has the town of
Culiacan, and to the n. the innumerable nations of
Indians, the boundaries of which are unknown.
This province lies between lat. 27° and 32° n . ; this
being the extent to Avhich the inissonaries have
penetrated. The temperature is extremely hot,
although the cold is intense during the months of
December and January. It rains here very little,
especially upon the coast ; and seldom more than
3 p


alguna ropa de lá tierra, como; pañetes, bayetas y frazadas: aunque hace algunos años que esta Provincia no recibe daño alguno de los infieles, que habitan las montañas de los Andes, se tienen partidas abanzadas di destacamentos que, continuamente hacen guardia en sus fronteras para impedir que hagan las hostilidades, que ha experimentado en otros tiempos: así como hemos dicho que es la Provincia mayor, es también la mas poblada, pues contiene mas de 50.000, almas, y 33 Pueblos, cuya, Capital, tiene el mismo nombre: su repartimiento era de 220.750 pesos, pagando de alcavala cada año 1814 los Pueblos. son:
Luribay. .

CICAYARI, Río de la Provincia y Pais de las Amazonas en la parte que poseen los Portugueses: nace en él territorio de los Indios Chapoanas: corre al N NO y entra en el xio Negro.

CICLADAS, Grandes, Islas de la mar del Sur, descubiertas por Mr. de Bouganvile el año de 1763.

CICOBASA, Río de la Provincia y Gobierno de Quixos y Macas en el Reyno de Quito y partido del segundo;: nace en la Cordillera de la de Cuenca: corre al S y entra en el de Santiago

CIENEGA, Pueblo y Real de Minas de Plata de la Provincia de Tepeguana y Reyno del Nueva Vizcaya, situado cerca del del Parral.

Tiene el mismo nombre otro Pueblo de la Provincia y Gobierno de Santa Marta en el Nuevo Reyno de Granada: está situado en la Costa del mar y a orilla de la Ciénega que desagua en aquel, y le da el nombre: fue doctrina y reducción de los Religiosos de Santo Domingo.
Otro con el sobrenombre del Oro en la Provincia y Gobierno de Cartagena del mismo Reyno: es del partido de Tola, y formado de la reunión de otros el año de 1776 por el Gobernador Don Juan Pimienta.
Otro de la Isla de Cuba, situado en la Costa del N.

CIMA, Valle de la Provincia y Gobierno de Antioquía: confinante con el de Paucura, de quien lo divide d río Cauca en su nacimiento.

CINACANTLAN, Pueblo de la Provincia y Alcaldía mayor de Chiapa en el Reyno de Goatemala.

CINAGUA Y GUACANA, Alcaldía mayor y jurisdicción de la Provincia y Obispado de Mechoacán en Nueva España: tiene 80 leguas de largo de Oriente a Poniente, y 60 de ancho N S; es por lo general de terreno montuoso y quebrado y de mal temperamento: los frutos que produce y con que mantiene su comercio, son ganado mayor, cera, maíz y frutas: la Capital es el Pueblo del mismo nombre, de temperamento cálido, habitado de 25 familias de Indios que cultivan mucho maiz, sandías y melones, con que se sustenta este corto vecindario, que antiguamente era muy considerable, y se ha ido despoblando por el mal temperamento y escasez de aguas: dista 80 leguas al Poniente con alguna inclinación al S de México en 271 gr. de long. y 20 y 21 min. de lat.: los demás Pueblos son:
Santa Ana Turicato.

CINALOA Provincia y Gobierno de Nueva España: está entre Poniente y N de México, de donde dista 300 leguas: tiene de longitud, hasta donde se ha reducido al Evangelio, 140, y de latitud o anchura 40: por el Oriente tiene las altísimas sierras de Topia, que van declinando al N; por el Occidente la cerca el brazo de mar llamado California, que también va dando vuelta al N; por el Mediodía tiene la Villa de Culiacan, y al N las inumerables naciones de Indios, cuyo término se ignora: tiene principio esta Provincia en 27 grados de altura al N hasta 32, término a donde han penetrado los Misioneros: el temple es sumámente cálido, sin embargo de que en los dos meses de Diciembre y Enero es grande el frío: llueve muy poco especialmente en la Costa, que suele ser





manufactures peculiar to the country, such as
coarse trowsers, baizes, and blankets. Although it
is some years since this province has received any
mischief from the infidels who inhabit the moun-
tains of the Andes, yet it has regular advanced de-
tachments or guards stationed for the defence of the
frontiers, prepared against a recurrence of the evils
experienced in former times. As we have before
said, it is the largest province, so also it is the best
peopled, since it contains upAvards of 50,000 souls
and 33 settlements, the capital of Avhich has the
same name. Its repartimiento, or tribute, used to
amount to 226,730 dollars, and it used to pay an
alcavala of 1814 dollars per annum. The settle-
ments are,

Cicasica, Mecapaca,

Coroico, Pasca,

Yanacache, Ynquisive,

Chulumani, Quimi,

Caza, Collana,

Suri, Huayrapaya,

Cabari, Coripaya,

Mohosa, Chupe,

Capinata, Milluhuay,

Ychoca, Taxma,

Coani, Choxlla,

Yaco, Chirca,

Luribay, Yrupana,

Haichayo, Colqui,

Calamarca, Plaraca,

Zapanqui, Ocavaya.


CICAYARI, a river of the province and country
of Las Amazonas, in the Portuguese possessions.
It rises in the territory of the Chappoanas Indians,
runs n. n. w. and enters the Rio Negro.

[CICERO, a military township in New York,
on the s. tv. side of Oneida lake, and between it,
the Salt lake, and the Salt springs.]

CICLADAS Grandes, islands of the South sea,
discovered by Mr. De Bouganville in 1763.

CICOBASA, a river of the province and govern-
ment of Quixos y Macas in the kingdom of Quito,
and of the district of the latter. It rises in the
cordillera of the province of Cuenca, runs s. and
enters the river Santiago.

CIENEGA, a settlement and real of the silver
mines of the province of Tepeguana, and kingdom
of Nueva Vizcaya ; situate near the settlement of

Same name, another settlement, of the province
and government of Santa Marta in the Nuevo
Reyno de Granada. It is situate on the sea-coast,
and on the bank of the cknega or marsh which


lies close to it, and which gives it its name. It wag
a reduccton of the monks of St. Domingo.

CIENEGA of Oro, another (settlement), with the surname of Oro, in the province and government of Cartagena, of the
same kingdom, it is of the district of Tolu, and
formed by the re- union of other settlements in the
year 1776, effected by the Governor Don Juan

Same name, another (settlement), of the island of Cuba; situate
on the n. coast.

CIMA, a valley of the province and govornraent
of Antioquia ; bounded by that of Paucura, from
which it is divided by the river Cauca just at its

CINACANTLAN, a settlement of the province
and alcaldia mayor of Chiapa in the kingdom of

==CINAGUA Y GUACANA, the alcaldia mayor
and jurisdiction of the province and bishopric of
Mechoacán in Nueva Espana. It is 80 leagues
long from e. to w. and 60 wide from n. to s. Its
territory is for the most part mountainous and un-
even, and its temperature bad. Its productions
are large cattle, wax, maize, and fruits. Tire ca-
pital is the settlement of the same name, of a hot
temperature, and inhabited by 25 families of In-
dians, who cultivate maize and melons, upon
which this scanty population consists, though it
was formerly of some consideration. It has suf-
fered, no doubt, from the iinkindness of the tempera-
ture, and from the wantof water. The jurisdiction
is 80 leagues to the w. with a slight inclination to
the s. of Mexico. The other settlements are,
Guacana, Paraquaro,

Ario, Nocupetajo,

Etuquarillo, Acuiyo,

Santa Ana Turicato. Punguco.

CINALOA, a province and government of
Nueva España. It is between the w. and «. of
Mexico, from whence it is distant 300 leagues. It
extends in length as far as proselytes have been
made to the gospel, viz. to 140° ; and it ex-
tends to 40° in width. On the e. of it are
the loftiest sierras of Topia, running towards
the n. and on the w. it is embraced by the arm of
the sea of California. On the s. it has the town of
Culiacan, and to the n. the innumerable nations of
Indians, the boundaries of which are unknown.
This province lies between lat. 27° and 32° n . ; this
being the extent to Avhich the inissonaries have
penetrated. The temperature is extremely hot,
although the cold is intense during the months of
December and January. It rains here very little,
especially upon the coast ; and seldom more than
3 p
