| 349C E R
CENEWINI, a port of the river Poumaron, in
the part of the province and government of Cuay-
ana in the possession of the Dutch.
CENIS, a settlement of Indians of the province
and government of Louisiana, situate in the road
which leads to Mexico. It has a fort whicli was
built by the French when they had possession of
the province.
CENOMANAS, a barbarous nation of Indians,
descended from the Naunas, who live in the woods,
and without any fixed abode, along the banks of
the great river Magdalena.
CENOS, a barbarous nation of Indians, to the
n. of the river Marañon, w ho inhabit the woods
near the river Aguarico. They are at continual
war with that of the Encabellados.
CENTA, a small river of the province and go-
vernment of Tucumán. It runs from the z£. to e.
and enters the Bermejo. The Fathers Antonio Sa-
linis and Pedro Ortiz de Zarate, of the extin-
guished company, suffered martyrdom upon its
shores whilst pn'aching to the barbarian Indians.
CENTERVILLE, the chief town of Queen
Anne’s county, and on the e. side of Chesapeak
bay, in Maryland. It lies between the forks
of Corsica creek, which runs into Chester river,
and has been lately laid out; 18 miles s. of Ches-
ter, S4 s. e, by e. of Baltimore, and 93 s. xso. by s.
of Philadelphia. Lat. 39° 6' n,~\
CEPEE, a small river of Nova Scotia, which
runs s. and enters the Miamis.
CEPEROUX, a French fort, called also San
Louis, in Cayenne ; situate at the mouth of the
river, and on a lofty spot commanding the en-
trance of the same. It was taken by the Dutch in
1676 ; and in the following year it was recovered
by the French ; which date has been mistaken by
Mons. Martiniere, who mentions it as having been
lost the year preceding.
CEPITA, a small settlement of the province
and corregimiento of Charcas in Peru, above the
channel of the great lake Titicaca, near the fa-
mous bridge that was built by the Emperor Capac
Yiipanqui over the channel, and which is 160
yards in length. The Indians of this settlement
are diligent in keeping this bridge in repair, and
assist in helping and directing the cavalcades which
are continmdly passing it,
CEQUER, a small settlement of the province
and corregimiento of Pastos in the kingdom of
Quito, to the n. of this city, and on the shore of
the river Telembi. Its temperature is cold, and it
is the direct road for such as are going to the pro-
vince of Barbacoas.
CEQUIN, a mountain of the province of Los
Canelos in the kingdom of Quito. Its skirts are
washed by the river Puyuc, and on the other side
by the Bobonasa : from it rise the rivers Tinguisa
and Paba-yacu, which run from w. to e. until they
enter the Bobonasa. It is entirely covered with
thick woods, save upon the top, where there is
ncifher tree nor plant.
CERCADO, a province and corregimiento of
Peru, bounded n. by that of Chancay, n.e. by
that of Canta, e. by that of Huarochiri, by
that of Cañete, and w. by the S. sea; is 13 leagues
long s. and eight wide at the widest part; is of
a very mild and kind temperature, but somewhat
sickly ; and is neither subject to tempests nor high
Avinds, although it is often visited by earthquakes.
It only rains in the winter, and this is a species
of small sprinkling shower which they call garua;
so that they have no necessity for houses with roofs,
and they are covered only with clay or mortar.
The whole of its territory is fertile, and abounds
in seeds and fruits. The herb alfalfa, which is
good forage for horses, is particularly cultivated,
there being a great demand for it at Lima. Here
are many estates of sugar-cane, from Avhich sugar
is manufactured, as Avell as honey, and a kind of
drink called guarape. Chica is also made here;
this being the common drink of the Indians
throughout the whole kingdom. It is irrigated by
the rivers Rinac and Lurin, which run down
from the province of Guarochiri, and by the Car-
rabayilo, which runs from the province of Canta :
all three of them are small ; but in the months of
December, January and February, which is the
rainy season in the sierra^ they swell greatly. Its
population consists of seven parochial settlements,
and as many others thereunto annexed. Its repar-
timiento used to amount to 10,000 dollars, and it
paid an alcaxala of 80 dollars per annum. The
capital is of the same name, and the other 14 set-
tlements are,
San Joseph de Bel-
Cercado, San Cristoval de, a settlement
to the s. of the city of Lima, to which it is as a
suburb. It is inhabited only by Indians, who are
governed by a cazique ; and until 1776, it was a
cure of the regulars of the company of Jesuits,
who had in it a college.
CERCELLES, a river of the island of Gua-
dalupe. It rises in the mountains, runs e. and en-
TranslationCEÑIS, Pueblo de Indios de la Provincia y Gobierno de la Luisiana, situado en el camino que va a México: tiene un fuerte que construyeron los Franceses quando poseian la Provincia.
CENOMONAS, Nación bárbara de Indios, descendiente de los Naunas, viven entre los bosques y sin lugar fixo en las inmediaciones del río Yetau.
SAN CENON, Pueblo de la Provincia y Gobierno de Cartagena en el partido de Mompox, situado a orilla del río grande de la Magdalena.
CENOS, Nación bárbara de Indios al N del río Marañon, que viven entre los bosques cerca del río Aguarico: están en continua guerra con la de los Encabellados.
CENTA, Río] pequeño de la Provincia y Gobierno del Tucuman: corre del O al E y entra en el Bermejo: a sus orillas padecieron martyrio predicando la fe a los Indios bárbaros los PP. Antonio Salinas y Pedro Ortiz de Zarate, de la extinguida Compañía.
CENTINELA, Isla de la, una de las que están entre la Punta del S del Caico grande y el Pañuelo Quadrado.
CEPEE, Río] pequeño de la Nueva Francia o Canadá: corre al S y entra en el de Miamis.
CEPEROUX, Fuerte de los Franceses, llamado también de San Luis en la Cayena, situado a la boca del río en un sitio alto que domina la entrada: los Holandeses lo tomaron el año de 1676, y en el siguiente lo recobraron los Franceses, cuya fecha equivoca Mr. de la Martiniere poniendo la pérdida el año antes.
CEPITA, Pueblo pequeño de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Charcas en el Perú, sobre el Canal de la gran laguna Titicaca: está cerca del famoso puente que hizo fabricar el Emperador Capac Yupanqui sobre el Canal, y tiene mas de 160 varas de largo: los Indios de este Pueblo cuidan de la conservación de él, y ayudan a los que continuamente lo pasan para conducir las caballerías.
CEQUER, Pueblo pequeño de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Pasto s en el Reyno de Quito al N de esta Capital y orilla del río Telembi: es de temperamento frío y paso preciso para los que van a la Provincia de Barbacoas: está en 1 gr. 1 5 min. de lat. bor.
CEQUIN, Monte de la Provincia de los Canelos en el Reyno de Quito: baña sus faldas el río Puyuc, y por otra parte el Bobonasa, y de él nacen los de Tinguisa y Paba-yacu que corren de Poniente a Levante hasta entrar en el Bobonasa: está cubierto de espesos bosques, menos la cima en que no hay árbol ni planta alguna: en 1 gr. 36 min. de lat. aust.
CERCADO, Provincia y Corregimiento del Perú: confina por el N con la de Chancay, por el NE con la de Canta, por el E con la de Huarochiri, por el S con la de Cañete, y por el O con el mar del S: tiene de largo 13 leguas N S, y 8 de ancho por donde mas: es de temperamento muy templado y benigno; pero algo enferma: no experimenta tempestades ni vientos fueites; pero sí frequentes y grandes terremotos; solo llueve en el invierno una menuda lluvia que llaman garúa, por lo qual no tienen texados las casas, y solo están cubiertas de argamasa de barro: todo su territorio es fértil y abundante de frutas y semillas, y particularmente cultivan la alfalfa, que es la yerva del forrage para las caballerías, de que hay mucho consumo en Lima: tiene muchas haciendas de cañas de que hacen azúcar, miel y una especie de bebida que llaman guarapo, como chicha, y se hace de maiz, que es bebida común de los Indios en todo el Reyno: riéganla los rios Rimac y Lurin, que baxan de la Provincia de Guarochiri, y el de Carabayllo de la de Canta; los tres son pequeños; pero en los meses de Diciembre, Enero y Febrero, que es quando llueve en la sierra, vienen muy crecidos: su población consta de 7 Pueblos Parroquiales y otros tantos anexos: tenia asignado de repartimiento 100 pesos, y pagaba de alcavala 80 cada año: la Capital tiene el mismo nombre, y los otros 14 Pueblos, son:
San Joseph de Bellavista,
y otro con la advocación de San Cristóval, al S de la Ciudad de Lima, a quien sirve como de arrabal: solo está habitado de Indios, que gobierna un Cazique, y hasta el año de 1776 era Curato de los Regulares de la Compañía que tenían en él un Colegio.
CERCELLES, Río] de la Isla de Guadalupe: nace en sus montañas, corre al E, y | 349C E R
CENEWINI, a port of the river Poumaron, in
the part of the province and government of Cuay-
ana in the possession of the Dutch.
CENIS, a settlement of Indians of the province
and government of Louisiana, situate in the road
which leads to Mexico. It has a fort whicli was
built by the French when they had possession of
the province.
CENOMANAS, a barbarous nation of Indians,
descended from the Naunas, who live in the woods,
and without any fixed abode, along the banks of
the great river Magdalena.
CENOS, a barbarous nation of Indians, to the
n. of the river Marañon, w ho inhabit the woods
near the river Aguarico. They are at continual
war with that of the Encabellados.
CENTA, a small river of the province and go-
vernment of Tucumán. It runs from the z£. to e.
and enters the Bermejo. The Fathers Antonio Sa-
linis and Pedro Ortiz de Zarate, of the extin-
guished company, suffered martyrdom upon its
shores whilst pn'aching to the barbarian Indians.
CENTERVILLE, the chief town of Queen
Anne’s county, and on the e. side of Chesapeak
bay, in Maryland. It lies between the forks
of Corsica creek, which runs into Chester river,
and has been lately laid out; 18 miles s. of Ches-
ter, S4 s. e, by e. of Baltimore, and 93 s. xso. by s.
of Philadelphia. Lat. 39° 6' n,~\
CEPEE, a small river of Nova Scotia, which
runs s. and enters the Miamis.
CEPEROUX, a French fort, called also San
Louis, in Cayenne ; situate at the mouth of the
river, and on a lofty spot commanding the en-
trance of the same. It was taken by the Dutch in
1676 ; and in the following year it was recovered
by the French ; which date has been mistaken by
Mons. Martiniere, who mentions it as having been
lost the year preceding.
CEPITA, a small settlement of the province
and corregimiento of Charcas in Peru, above the
channel of the great lake Titicaca, near the fa-
mous bridge that was built by the Emperor Capac
Yiipanqui over the channel, and which is 160
yards in length. The Indians of this settlement
are diligent in keeping this bridge in repair, and
assist in helping and directing the cavalcades which
are continmdly passing it,
CEQUER, a small settlement of the province
and corregimiento of Pastos in the kingdom of
Quito, to the n. of this city, and on the shore of
the river Telembi. Its temperature is cold, and it
is the direct road for such as are going to the pro-
vince of Barbacoas.
CEQUIN, a mountain of the province of Los
Canelos in the kingdom of Quito. Its skirts are
washed by the river Puyuc, and on the other side
by the Bobonasa : from it rise the rivers Tinguisa
and Paba-yacu, which run from w. to e. until they
enter the Bobonasa. It is entirely covered with
thick woods, save upon the top, where there is
ncifher tree nor plant.
CERCADO, a province and corregimiento of
Peru, bounded n. by that of Chancay, n.e. by
that of Canta, e. by that of Huarochiri, by
that of Cañete, and w. by the S. sea; is 13 leagues
long s. and eight wide at the widest part; is of
a very mild and kind temperature, but somewhat
sickly ; and is neither subject to tempests nor high
Avinds, although it is often visited by earthquakes.
It only rains in the winter, and this is a species
of small sprinkling shower which they call garua;
so that they have no necessity for houses with roofs,
and they are covered only with clay or mortar.
The whole of its territory is fertile, and abounds
in seeds and fruits. The herb alfalfa, which is
good forage for horses, is particularly cultivated,
there being a great demand for it at Lima. Here
are many estates of sugar-cane, from Avhich sugar
is manufactured, as Avell as honey, and a kind of
drink called guarape. Chica is also made here;
this being the common drink of the Indians
throughout the whole kingdom. It is irrigated by
the rivers Rinac and Lurin, which run down
from the province of Guarochiri, and by the Car-
rabayilo, which runs from the province of Canta :
all three of them are small ; but in the months of
December, January and February, which is the
rainy season in the sierra^ they swell greatly. Its
population consists of seven parochial settlements,
and as many others thereunto annexed. Its repar-
timiento used to amount to 10,000 dollars, and it
paid an alcaxala of 80 dollars per annum. The
capital is of the same name, and the other 14 set-
tlements are,
San Joseph de Bel-
Cercado, San Cristoval de, a settlement
to the s. of the city of Lima, to which it is as a
suburb. It is inhabited only by Indians, who are
governed by a cazique ; and until 1776, it was a
cure of the regulars of the company of Jesuits,
who had in it a college.
CERCELLES, a river of the island of Gua-
dalupe. It rises in the mountains, runs e. and en-
Translation |