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Gimena at Dec 05, 2018 01:34 PM


and tonegimknio of Atacama in Peru, situate on
the coast.

ALGONQUINENSES, or Algonquins, a
nation of savage Indians, who inhabit a part of
Canada : they are continually at war with the
Iroqiiees. Their idiom may be looked upon as
the mother tongue of all the other nations of that
country, and differs very slightly from the rest,
so that any one speaking it would be able to
travel in any other nation in these parts. They
border o;i the north side of lake Huron; and
although inhabiting the whole of the coast of lake
Superior, their number, according to Mackenzie,
does not exceed 150 families.

[ALGONQUINS, of Rainy Lake, Indians of
N. America, of the precise limits of whose coun-
try we are not informed. They live very much
detached in small parties. The country they
inhabit is but an indifferent one ; it has been much
hunted, and the game, of course, nearly exhaust-
ed. They are well-disposed towards the whites.
Their number is said to decrease. They are ex-
tremely addicted to spirituous liquors, of which
large quantities are annually furnished them by
the n. w. traders, in return for their bark canoes.
They live wretchedly poor.]

[Algonquins, of Portage de Prairie, In-
dians of N. America, who inhabit a low, flat,
marshy country, mostly covered with timber, and
well stocked with game. They are emigrants
from the lake of the Woods, and the country e. of
it ; who were introduced some years since by the
n, tc. traders, in order to hunt the country on the
lower parts of Red river, which then abounded
in a variety of animals of the fur kind. They are
an orderly, well-disposed people, but, like their
relations on Rainy lake, addicted to spirituous
liquors. Their trade is at its greatest extent.]

ALGUILGUA. See article Santa Monica;

ALllUE, a settlement of the province and
corregim'iento of Rancagua in the kingdom of
Chile, annexed to the curacy of San Pedro.

Aliiue, a large lake of the same province and

[ALIATANS, Snake Indians, ofN. America,
a numerous and well disposed people, inhabiting
a woody and mountainous country ; they are
divided into three large tribes, who wander at
a considerable distance from each other, and are
called by themselves So-so-na, So-s6-bubar, and
I-a-kar ; these are again subdivided into smaller,
though independent bands, the names of Avhich we
have not yet learnt : they raise a number of horses
and mules, with which they trade with the Crow In-
dians, or which are stolen by the nations on the e. of

them. They maintain a partial trade with the
Spaniards, from whom they obtain many articles
of clothing and ironmongery, but no warlike im-

[ALiATANs,of La Playes, Indians of N. Ame-
rica, who inhabit the rich plains from the head
of the Arkansas, embracing the heads of Red
river, and extending, with the mountains and high
lands, e. as far as it is known towards the gulph of
Mexico. They possess^ no fire arms, but are
warlike and brave. They are, as well as the
other Aliatans, a wandering people. Their coun-
try abounds in wild horses, beside great numbers
which they raise themselves. These people, and
the West Aliatans, might be induced to trade on
the upper part of the Arkansas river. The Alia-
tans do not claim a country within any particular

[Aliatans, of the West, Indians of N. Ame-
rica, who inhabit a mountainous country, and
sometimes venture in the plains e. of the rocky
mountains, about the head of the Arkansas river.
They have more intercourse with the Spaniards of
New Mexico than the Snake Indians. They are
said to be very numerous and warlike, but are
badly armed. The Spaniards fear these people,
and therefore take the precaution not to furnish
them with any warlike implements. In their pre-
sent unarmed state, they frequently commit hos-
tilities on the Spaniards. They raise a great
many horses.]

ALLANTE, a volcano of the kingdom of
Chile, in the province and country of Arauco ;
in 1640 it burst, the mountain opening in two
places, and throwing out large shapeless masses of
lava, with so great a noise as to be heard at many
leagues distance: the mischief it did was very

ALIBAMONS, or Alibamis, a nation of
Indians of Louisiana, dwelling «. of the Apaches.
It is very numerous, and is on terms of amity with
the French ; so that they never have communica-
tion with the ihiglisli, but from necessity. The
former, when they first established themselves in
this country, carried on a large trade here, but it
afterwards declined, on account of the distance of
the place. [These Indians are from West Florida,
off’ the Allibami river, and came to Red river
about the same time as the Boluxas and Appala-
ches. Part of them have lived on Red river,
about sixteen miles above the Bayau Rapide, till
lately, when most of this party, of about 30 men,
went up Red river, and have settled themselves
near the Caddoques, where, we are informed, they
have lately raised good crops of corn. The Cad-


ALGONQUINENSES, Nación de Indios Salvages, habitadores de una parte del Canadá; están continuamente en guerra con los Iraqueses; su idioma se puede mirar como madre de todas las demás de aquel País, que se diferencian muy poco, y el que lo hable puede viajar fácilmente por todo él

ALGUILGUA, Véase el artículo Santa Mónica.

ALHUE, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Rancagua, en el Reyno de Chile, anexo al Curato de San Pedro.

Tiene mismo nombre, Tiene este nombre tambien un Estero de la misma Provincia y Reyno.

ALLANTE, Volcan del Reyno de Chile, en la Provincia y Pais de Arauco: el año de 1640 rebentó, abriéndose el monte en dos partes; y arrojando disformes peñascos encendidos, con tanto estruendo, que se oyó el golpe a distancia de muchas leguas, y causó infinitos daños.

ALIBAMONS, Nación de Indios de la Luisiana, que están al N de los Apaches, es numerosa y tienen amistad con los Franceses, al paso que solo tratan a los Ingleses por necesidad: al principio que se establecieron aquellos en este Pais, mantenian gran comercio con ellos, pero después lo fueron dexando por lo distantes que están.



ALGONQUINENSES, Nación de Indios Salvages, habitadores de una parte del Canadá; están continuamente en guerra con los Iraqueses; su idioma se puede mirar como madre de todas las demás de aquel País, que se diferencian muy poco, y el que lo hable puede viajar fácilmente por todo él

ALGUILGUA, Véase el artículo Santa Mónica.

ALHUE, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Rancagua, en el Reyno de Chile, anexo al Curato de San Pedro.

Tiene mismo nombre, Tiene este nombre tambien un Estero de la misma Provincia y Reyno.

ALLANTE, Volcan del Reyno de Chile, en la Provincia y Pais de Arauco: el año de 1640 rebentó, abriéndose el monte en dos partes; y arrojando disformes peñascos encendidos, con tanto estruendo, que se oyó el golpe a distancia de muchas leguas, y causó infinitos daños.

ALIBAMONS, Nación de Indios de la Luisiana, que están al N de los Apaches, es numerosa y tienen amistad con los Franceses, al paso que solo tratan a los Ingleses por necesidad: al principio que se establecieron aquellos en este Pais, mantenian gran comercio con ellos, pero después lo fueron dexando por lo distantes que están.