Terrell to his wife, October 1, 1894

A short letter from Terrell to his wife in which he mentions a massacre at Erzurum that was either part of, or prefatory to, the Hamidian massacres of 1895 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamidian_massacres), and also comments on collecting and sending seeds of Anatolian plants to grow in Texas.




Oct 1st 1894

My dear Wife --

Yesterday through Sunday found me still working and I failed to write to you.

I am quite as well as usual except a tremble in my voice, tho not serious -- the result of deep seated cold that I neglected too long. It wil pass off I think in a few days under the influence of your bottle of Mizzara(?) oil. My scrawl written when I started Riddle to Aleppo informed you of little, and the story now of troubles there, is too uncertain to relate. If it becomes serious the press at home is apt to keep you advised of facts

Last edit 6 months ago by adamrabinowitz



I find this fall more favorable on the whole than last year, and my deep seated cold was the result of my own imprudence + neglect.

I see that Mme Neledova has just returned with a Miss Neledova ; their Embassy(?) is still at Taro[...] I want just as soon as I can to go down and look at the excavations of Old Troy. I can reach there in 12 hours, and dont you think it hard that I have not found two or three days to spare to go down there?

The Sultan gives a dinner to the Russian Admiral tomorrow I dont expect an invitation, for I think his diplomacy will invite only the Russians and French

Last edit 6 months ago by adamrabinowitz



and make it a Russio-Franco love fest I sent him a few fine cigars today. Recently he has been breaking up the balls again -- fearing Armenians would there form conspiracies. News has just reached here of a massacre of some 60 Armenians not far from Erezoum by the mountain Kurds. So every thing at the Palace is full of suspicion, fearing the Armenian sedition may break out in the city. This fear of course is idle

I have not heard recently from the Bremonds + Steiners.

Am glad to see that you got the bible safely to the Board of Regents, but I feel no assurance that they appreciated the present.

Last edit 6 months ago by adamrabinowitz



for I see no evidence of it. Many Universities would have been glad to purchase it for a large sum of money.

I send some more seed by mail tomorrow, and am promised by a fine Turk gardener an assortment of best seeds next week. Some I will send to C[...] direct. Some send you to be tried by Annie + the plantation. She is the mascot -- better let her nurse them the first years

Lewis thinks the baby production is suspended for a year, and you can come next spring. Tell him such a guess about the suspension is unreliable + I fear you cannot leave them. May a kind Providence keep you. Your afft husband

A. W. Terrell

Last edit 6 months ago by adamrabinowitz
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