Terrell to "Lewis", July 14, 1895

Draft copy of letter from Terrell to a friend with the (last?) name Lewis, apparently based in Austin, in which he comments on both his interest in Trojan antiquities and the political situation in Turkey, and talks about personal and family matters. The scan seems to be missing page 7, which creates a significant gap in sense between page 6 and page 8.




{on the top left, printed letterhead} Legation of the United States of America

{on the top right} Constantinople, July 14th, 1895

Dear Lewis,

I have just read with interest your letter of the 28th, and hasten to reply. I accept with pleasure your very kind proposition to extend my debt for a definite time, and enclose my note for the amount due to mature July 1st 1896. It relieves me from a feeling of uncertainty, though I presume that I will ask you to let me liquidate it on my return next spring at least by June. The investment in archeological treasures need not disturb you. I have never contemplated doing more than to buy a few mementos of the Orient. If you will read Schlemans work (he wrote several) published I think in 78. you will find Mr. Frank Calvert often refered{sic} to. He owns the site of Acropolis of Troy, and owns the cabinet found by himself. You will also see him

Last edit 6 months ago by adamrabinowitz



refered{sic} to as an authority in Archeology in "Encyclopedia Britannica", and this quiet unpretending man, has high reputation among Scholars in England. He owns the private collection I refered{sic} to, and his present financial trouble is a sufficient caution to me, were one needed, for he has been been digging in tombs + {carat and "th"? Unclear sign, perhaps "etc"?} all his life. He writes promising to send me two vases taken by himself from excavating Troy "cleaned or uncleaned" as I prefer. I choose{chose?} them with the incrustation of lime of the centuries on them, and will have the pleasure of seeing the figures come out when I remove it, at home, with a light solution of Muriatic Acid. The vases will be from the ruins of the Greek Illium constructed under the orders of Alexander the Great, and antedating the Greco-Roman era. I have a well preserved vase from pre-historic Troy, but no pottery of that period was ever painted or ornamented. So much for that.

I have no idea of selling my part of my land, so long as Mrs. Terrell lives, + will act as overseer.

{written in pencil perpendicular to the text along the upper left margin:}(Presented by A. W. Terrell to the University of Texas. Lilla Watkins Rector)

Last edit 6 months ago by adamrabinowitz



I propose to be even with the world by June and you are right in saying that I cannot [.....] other investments. It has cost me much money, and if it will only rain, and let us have Old Time Texas back again, I may spend yet on my farm a quiet sun set. I had no idea of speculating in antiques - but do count it a burning shame that when Texas can supply her University with things, that no money can buy elsewhere, and for a small cost, that Calverts collection is not secured. It includes gold bracelets -- rings, ear rings + more 1200 BC. Columbia College N York is about to excavate in Crete -- they will find nothing perhaps older than the Mycen pottery, -- + here is a collection the oldest, + connected direct with Homeric Troy. Enough of that, it will go North.

I am glad that Lena enjoys her new life, I had hoped to send her a bridal present from the palace, + while waiting for it, neglected to send one for myself.

You don't tell me, how does any one, if you have moved back to town.

Last edit 6 months ago by adamrabinowitz



There is a fine article by Prof. Max Müller of Oxford in "The Arena" an English monthly, on "The real significance of the Worlds Parliament of Religions" -- Dec{abbreviation sign} number. Send to "The Arena Publishing Co, Boston -- it contains several other fine articles. He sent me a number with his portrait as a frontispiece. You should write to Boston + get it.

Your state polatics{sic} has degenerated into a scramble between cliques presided over by small men, who are unable to plan for the prosperity of a free state. Our national polatics{sic} are so bad, that an effort to found a new party with honesty as a motto is the necessity of the hour; but the very suggestion of such a necessity shows how hopeless is our con = dition. For in a free country general corruption in high places, is only the natural fruit of a dieing{sic} republic. Look at the revelations of New York! and Parkhurst, now idolized in a spasm of returning Virtue, will soon be overwhelmed by the energy of the bad men he is exposing.

Cleveland stands for the right as he believes it, but, silver mines -- machinery -- the outs who want to get

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in and the Army of fools, and sugar trust thieves will defeat all his good purposes(?), and I fear make his administration a failure.

You speak of desiring to come here. You would never regret it. I long for the time when I can go away the islands of the Archipelago. I saw just enough of them to desire to spend three weeks among them. Crete Tenedos, Somathrace, Imbros, and the rest. No tourist goes among them, and I am told that in Crete the old Greek type of man, with its clasic{sic} beauty, may be seen as wrought by the chisel of Phydias. If you will put your house in order and return with me in June next, I would be delighted, and would do those islands with you as I return; instead of spending the 40 days in transit back home, allowed me, in looking at them as I had intended.

I dont think I can come back here without my wife. Life is so short, that it dont pay me to save just a few dollars at the expense

Last edit 6 months ago by adamrabinowitz
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