| 5so are the Castly(?) boys -- all fond of fine horses, and rather
suspicious, as Jane says
Riddle returned to day. I have achieved
a great triump for the security of the missionaires -- viz
I have procured the consent of the Porte, that whenever
a native subject of the Turk (Armenian) is employed as
a teacher in an American school he shall not be
imprisoned on mere suspicion; but I shall know the
facts, and approve his imprisonment, in advance.
This is a great safeguard to Missionary enterprise here,
If justice is done we the Department will let the
religious world at home know this. I did it in ad=
vance of instructions and ignorant as to whether I would
be sustained: but it was a necessity, though no
treaty -- international law -- or capitulation, justified
me in claiming it. Two thirds of their teachers
are native Armenian subjects, and it was manifest
that the Turk had determned to drive our people
out, by arresting their native teachers on suspicion.
The Russian Emperor may be dead before
this reaches you. He will never see the spring again.
Kidney disease, created by over work and mental
torture. This, Nelledow, who saw him ten days ago
tells me in strict confidence. He knows it, and | 5so am the curly [...]-all faced(?) of first [h...], [...] [...]
[..shie..] as fame says.
Riddles occured(?) to day. I have achieved
a great triump for the security [...] missionaires [...]
I have influenced the(?) consent of [...] [P...o], that whenever
a waiting(?) [...] it if the Turk (Armenian) is employed as
a teacher in an Armenian school he(?) shall not be
[mi...] [...] [m...] [...]; then I shall [...] the
facts, and offer this [mi...], in advance
this is a great difference to mispairing? suffering troy
if justice is done we who ? ? nice for who
? need of human? ? ? I did a ? and
value of mishandling and |