Terrell to the Sultan, April 5, 1894

Draft of formal letter from Terrell, in his role as head of the American diplomatic mission, to the Ottoman Sultan, regarding a petition by a naturalized American citizen of Armenian descent resident in Turkey and accused of abetting criminal activities.




To Legation of the United States Constantinople Sept[ember] 4th(?) 1894,

The man Adam Aivazian who was tried at Yosgad, and convicted before a Turkish tribunal for assisting in the escape of a murderer; and who was brought to Constantinople at the request of this Legation in order to investigate his claim to protection, was once a naturalized American Citizen

A careful examination of his case discloses that since his return to Asia Minor from the United States he paid the temettu or income tax to the Turkish Government : a tax imposed only on Ottoman subjects

It also appears that his busi-

Vizier Vizeier

Last edit about 7 years ago by adamrabinowitz


ness was established and his domicile fixed in a house purchased in Asia Minor, & which for the last four years he has occupied with his wife, who he married after his return to the Ottoman Empire. It is also known that his wife refused ther consent to go to the United States, and that in 1893 this Legation refused to him a passport because his application showed no fixed intention to return to the United States, and there resume the duties of American Citizenship

For the causes above stated, and for other facts not necessary to state, I have decided that Adam Aivazian had for- feited his American citizenship and my protection, and had therefore no right to be tried for the offense charged with to before an American tribunal

The friendly solicitude of my

Last edit about 7 years ago by adamrabinowitz


Government for the peace of the Ottoman Empire is sufficiently apparent from its actions in consenting that all returning natives of Armenia naturalized in the United States since 1869 may be exclu- ded from the Ottoman Empire, when they return, from America, where seditious societies of Armenians exist.

But it is my duty to inform your Highness that the United States will extend the United States will extend its its protection equally to native citizens protection equally to native born American citizens of the United States, and to all naturalized and to ^all naturalized American citizens in Turkey citizens, who have not forfeited that who have not forfeited by their conduct protection, by their conduct or their long its protection residence in a foreign country

Accept Your Highness this renewed assurance of my high consideration

AW Terrell

Last edit about 7 years ago by adamrabinowitz
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