No. 365. Department of State, Washington, Febuary 14 1895
A.W. Terrell, Esquire. +c., +c., +c., Constantinople
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch No 406, of the 31st ultimo, asking permission to visit your home in the United States in April next for private business and rest.
Apart from the present state of questions in Turkey which makes a prolonged absence from your post unadvisable, the
, the circumstance that you had leave last year to visit the United States brings your application under the general rule of the Department by which such leave is only accorded at intervals of two or three years unless some notable exigency shall appear.
The statutory effect of formal permission to visit the United States is to prolong the officer's absence from his post for the time needed to make the transmit {sic} both ways, and thereby to increase the charge upon the limited appropriation for compensation of Secretaries acting as Chargés
d'Affaires. The Department is of course bound to see that this appropriation is not overdrawn in any one year.
An "ordinary" leave of sixty days, with pay, is granted you, to be availed of at any time during the current calendar year when the business of your office will permit, and you may, of course spend the allotted time anywhere you please. You are not forbidden to come to the United States within the 60 days, but formal permission to do so, with added transmit time, is withheld for this year. I am +c, (signed) W. Q. Gresham