Terrell to Walter Gresham, March 29, 1895 (No. 475)

Copy or draft of initial letter from Terrell to Walter Gresham, the first of two written on the same day, apparently concerning accusations that Terrell was too sympathetic to the Ottoman Sultan




No. 475 Legation of the United States Constantinople March 279 - 1895

To the honorable Walter Q. Gresham Secretary of State Washington DC.

Sir, Refering to the expression in your 371. of March 6th that an opinion prevails in some quarters that I am "the sultans apologist or advocate," I must ask that your department correct the unjust imputation. My opinion of the Sultan will only concern the public when it affects my official conduct. Whatever atrocities his troops may have practiced, I do not feel called on to destroy my influence here by publicly joining

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in his condemnation, before trial or while it is pending.

Missionaries have been urged to refrain from correspondence attacking the conduct of the Government of Turkey; for their correspondence incites fanaticism, + they and their families are exposed and helpless. Beyond this no effort has been made to influence their action , and no publication in the press has been made or inspired by me.

My duty, as I understand it, is to avoid all connection with the pending investigation, or with the policy which the segniatory(?) powers will adopt toward Turkey; and to secure the protection of our citizens and of their interests. This duty I am performing, - how efficiently my despatches must show - If you

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concur with me in this, it seems but a measure of justice that the public should know it.

I have the honor to remain, Your Obedient Servant,

A. W. Terrell

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