Henry Dwight to Terrell, April 9, 1895

Letter of Henry Dwight to Terrell updating him on the situation with respect to violence against Christians or missionary schools in central Turkey. Dwight suggests the situation is stable and credits Terrell with helping to stabilize it by defending the interests of the missionary schools with respect to the Ottoman state.




Bible House, Constantinople April 9, 1895

Hon A. W. Terrell Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary etc etc etc

Dear Sir, In reference to your favor (No 108) of yesterday's date, I have to say that the reports recieved by us from Americans in different parts of the country indicate relief from imminent danger. During Ramazan the threats of Mohammedans were more ferocious in some place than in fifty years past. In Bitlis and perhaps in Erzurum there is liability ^ to have new outbursts of fanaticism at any moment. But even there nothing worse than threats is reported. In some places the Government has intervened to check

Last edit almost 4 years ago by adamrabinowitz


violent language by Muslims.

I attribute this improvement as well as the fact that for two years past no American schools within my knowledge in Turkey have been closed by the Government, to your repreated actions in defence of the lives and property of Americans resident in this Empire. Allow me again to assure you of our appreciation of your efforts and of our gratitude for their wholesome results.

I remain Your obedient Servent Henry O. Dwight

Last edit almost 4 years ago by adamrabinowitz
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