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6 revisions
adamrabinowitz at Oct 15, 2019 09:46 PM


demand a money consideration of any
one desiring betrothal. We have never
in a single instance availed ourselves
of this check. They agree not to marry
against our will. You can see how
important this is when I tell you
their own uncle desires to have one or
all of them in his hareem, and that
while their aunt is still living. How
can this be otherwise abhorrent to them!
One of them was deaf and dumb, her
I placed in a school for mutes in
Philadelphia, Pa, nearly six years ago,
she has learned to read and write
there, and to converse in the sign language.
I complied carefully with the passport
and police regulations when I took
her with my family to America. When
the question was up a few years ago,
during the Ministry of Mr. Strauss,
with referrence to Moslems in our
Schools it was decided by the Powers.
The United States' position was that
our Missionaries could not be required
to do police duties. Mr. Strauss was about


demand a money consideration of any
one desiring betrothal. We have never
in a single instance availed ourselves
of this check. They agree not to marry
against our will. You can see how
important this is when I tell you
their own uncle desires to have one or
all of them in his hareem, and that
while their aunt is still living. How
can this be otherwise abhorrent to them!
One of them was deaf and dumb, her
I placed in a school for mutes in
Philadelphia, Pa, nearly six years ago,
she has learned to read and write
there, and to converse in the sign language.
I complied carefully with the passport
and police regulations when I took
her with my family to America. When
the question was up a few years ago,
during the Ministry of Mr. Strauss,
with referrence to Moslems in our
Schools it was decided by the Powers.
The United States' position was that
our Missionaries could not be required
to do police duties. Mr. Strauss was about