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6 revisions
at Jan 06, 2023 02:44 PM


'ndači 'ndoo da'šika ia šika
'ndači 'ndoo tašika šika
-- Who walks far away?
'šika 'diši 'kwa~řa
'šika 'diši kwa~-- He walks very far away.
'ñani 'žoʔo 'dia na'xaʔnda nimayo -- Your brother cut the stomach of the deer.
na 'xa~ʔa~ 'kaxa 'beʔña -- Her step children were inside her home.
'meeña na 'xini na či'beoña 'kaa -- She saw that those men hid the bell.


'ndači 'ndoo da'šika ia šika -- Who walks far away?
'šika 'diši 'kwa~řa -- He walks very far away.
'ñani 'žoʔ 'dia na'xaʔnda nimayo -- Your brother cut the stomach of the deer.
na 'xa~ʔa~ 'kaxa 'beʔña -- Her step children were inside her home.
'meeña na 'xini na či'beoña 'kaa -- She saw that those men hid the bell.