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LLILAS Benson at Oct 09, 2018 11:19 AM





los Llanos. Its inhabitants amount to about 200,
besides 100 Indians.

CHIPATA, a settlement of the corregimiento of
the jurisdiction of Velez in the Nuevo Reyno de
Granada. It is of an hot temperature, and it is
healthy, though by no means abounding in the
productions peculiar to its climate. Its inhabi-
tants are very few, and the number of Indians is 50.
It was one of the first settlements entered by the
Spaniards, and where the first mass ever celebrated
in that part of the world was said by the Friar Do-
mingo de las Casas, of the order of St. Domingo ;
and is situate very close to the city of Velez.

[CHIPAWAS. See Chepawas.]

CHIPAYA, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Carangas in Peru, and of the
archbisnoprhe of Charcas ; annexed to the curacy
of Huachacalla.

CHIPEOS, a barbarous nation of Indians, of
the country of Las Amazonas, who inhabit the fo-
rests near the river Ucayala. Very little is known
of their customs.

[CHIPPAWYAN Fort, in N. America, from
whence M‘Kenzie embarked, on the lake of the
Hills, when he made his way as far as the N. sea,
in 1789.1

[CUJPPEWAY River runs s. w. into Missis-
sippi river, in that part where the confluent waters
form lake Pepin.]

CHIPURANA, a river of the province and go-
vernment of Mainas. It rises in the mountains
which are to the s. of Yurimaguas ; runs in a ser-
pentine course from s. to n. and enters the Gual-
laga on the e. side, in lat. 7° 8' s.

CHIQUALOQUE, a settlement of the head
settlement of the district and alcaldia mayor of
Popantla in Nueva Espana; inhabited by 12 fami-
lies of Indians, and lying 12 leagues to the n. w. of
its capital.

CHIQUIAN, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Caxatambo in Peru.

nation of Indians in former times, but now reduced to the
Catholic religion. It is in Perú, to the s. of Lima,
in the province of Condesuyos de Arequipa.

CHIQUILIGASTA, a settlement of the pro-
vince and government of Tucaman, in the district
of its capital ; situate to the s. e. of the same.

CHIQUILIXPAN, a settlement of the head
settlement and alcaldia mayor of Zayula in
Nueva Espana. It contains 50 families of In-
dians, and in the mountains in its vicinity are
some mines of copper, which have been worked
at different times ; but not having produced a be-
nefit proportionate with the expences incurred, they
have been abandoned. It is, 15 leagues n. w. of
its head settlement.

CHIQUILLANIANS. Sec Index to new mat-
ter concerning Chile, chap. IV.

CHIQUIMULA Y SACAPA, a province and
alcaldia mayor of the kingdom of Guatemala.

CHIQUINQUIRA, a settlement of the corregi-
miento of Tunja in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada.
It is of a cold temperature, but is healthy ; its
situation is delightful, and it abounds in produc-
tions. It is watered by a river which runs through
the centre of it, the waters of which are unwhole-
some : at a small distance another river passes
through a plain ; this is called Balsa, or Raft, since,
before the bridge was thrown across it, it was passed
by rafts. It rises from the lake Fuguene, and
abounds in most exquisite fish. The settlement,
which was formerly but small, is now of great note,
and its inhabitants are about 500, besides 70 In-
dians. It has a good convent of the religious order
of S. Domingo, and is noted for the sanctuary of
the virgin of its title. Under the large altar, at
which is placed this image, there is a small foun-
tain of water, renowned for the curing of infirmities,
as is also the earth which is extracted from thence;
it being by no means the least part of the prodigy,
that although this earth has been constantly taken
out for upwards of 200 years, the excavation formed
thereby is comparatively exceedingly small. The
faith in, and devotion towards this image, are
throughout the kingdom very great, and not lesa
so with regard to strangers, who visit it in great
numbers from far distant provinces. This settle-
ment is nine leagues from Tunja, and 15 to the
n. zeJ. of Santa Fe.

CHIQUITI, a river of the province and go-
vernment of Esmeraldas in the kingdom of Quito.
It runs from s. w. to n. e. between the rivers Vichi
and Cuche, and enters on the s. side into the river
of Las Esrneraldas.

CHIQUITOI, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Truxillo in Peru. It is at present
destroyed, and the few surviving inhabitants after-
wards collected together at the settlement of San-
tiago de Cao, and it then became merely a small
estate or hamlet, preserving its original name, and
being inhabited by a few Indians.

CHIQUITOS, a numerous and warlike
nation of Indians of Perú, whose country or territory ex-
tends from lat. 16° to 20° s. It is bounded w. by
the province and government of Santa Cruz de la
Sierra ; on the e". it extends itself for upwards of
140 leagues as far as the lake of Los Xarayes ; on
the n, as far as the mountains of the Tapacures,
the which divide this country from that of Moxos ;


CHIPATA, Pueblo del Corregimiento de la jurisdicción de Velez en el Nuevo Reyno de Granada: es de temperamento cálido; pero sano y excaso de los frutos que corresponden a su clima: tiene muy pocos vecinos y como jo Indios: fuá de los primeros Pueblos en que entraron los Españoles, y donde, dixo la prlmera. Misa que se celebro en aquel Reyno Fray Domingo de las Casas, del Orden de Santo Domingo: está muy inmediato a la: Ciudad de velez.

CHIPAYA Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento le Carangas en el Perú y del Arzobispado de Charca. c, anexo al Curato de Huachacalla.

CHIPEOS, Nación bárbara de Indios del Pais de las Amazonas, que habitan en los bosques cerca del río Ucayale; se tiene muy poca noticia de sus. costumbres.

CHIPURANA, Río de la Provincia y Gobierno de Mainas: nace de los montes que hay al S, de. Yurim aguas: corre haciendo muchos giros del S al N,y entra en el Guallaga por la parte Oriental en 5 grad. 8 min. de lat. aust.

CHIQUALOQUE, Pueblo de la Cabecera, de Partido y Alcaldía mayor de Papantla en Nueva España, habitado de. 12 familias de Indios, y distante 1 2 leguas al NO de su Capital.

CHIQUIAN, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Caxatambo, en el Perú.

CHIQUIGUANITAS, Nación bárbara de Indios en otro tiempo, y hoy reducida a la Religión Católica, en el Perú, al S de Lima, en la Provincia de Condesuyos de Arequipa.

CHIQUAIGASTA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Gobierno del Tucuman en el distrito de su Capital, situado al SE de ella.

CHIQUILIXPAN, Pueblo de la Cabecera y Alcaldía mayor de Zayula en Nueva España: tiene. 50 familias de Indios:, y en los cerros de su inmediación hay algunos minerales de cobre, que se han trabajado en diferentes ocasiones; pero no produciendo utilidad, a correspondencia, de los gastos, están abandonados: dista 1 5 leguas entre Poniente y N de su Cabecera.

CHIQUIMULA y Sacapa , Provincia y Alcaldía mayor del Reyno de Guatemala.

CHIQUINQUIRA, Pueblo del Corregimiento de Tunja en el Nuevo Reyno de Granada: es de temperamento frío; pero sano: su situación deliciosa y abundante de frutos: le baña un río que corre por medio de él, cuyas aguas son poco saludables: a poca distancia pasa por el llano otro caudaloso que llaman de la Balsa, porque antes que tuviera puente se pasaba en una: nace de la laguna Fuquene y abunda de pescado muy exquisitos es célebre este Pueblo, que ántes era muy corto y hoy pasa de 500 vecinos y 70 ndios, con un buen Convento de Religiosos de Santo Domingo, por el gran Santuario de la Virgen de su título, que se venera en el referido Convento en una pintura que Se encontro muy maltratada en un paxar el año de 1486 por una devota muger llamada Mari Ramos, y sin haberla retocado volvió a renovarse; debaxo del Altar mayor en que está colocada esta Imagen hay una fuentecilla de agua milagrosa para las enfermedades, como la tierra que se sacia de ella, no siendo menor prodigio ver la poca que falta en la excabacion, después de 200 años que se saca continuamente, por la gran fe y devoción que en todo el Reyno tienen con esta Imagen, como lo acredita la concurrencia de forasteros que de muy distantes Provincias tiene siempre: está 9 leguas de Tunja y 15 al NO de Santa Fe.

CHIQUITI, Río de la Provincia y Gobierno de Esmeraldas en el Reyno de Quito: corre del S O al NE entre los rios Vichi y Cuche: y entra por la parte austral en el de Esmeraldas en 1 grád. 25 min. de lat. bor.

CHIQUITOI, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Truxillo en el Perú ; hoy está destruido, y los pocos vecinos que tenia se agregaron al de Santiago de Cao, reduciéndose a una hacienda que conserva el nombre en que viven algunos Indios.





los Llanos. Its inhabitants amount to about 200,
besides 100 Indians.

CHIPATA, a settlement of the corregimiento of
the jurisdiction of Velez in the Nuevo Reyno de
Granada. It is of an hot temperature, and it is
healthy, though by no means abounding in the
productions peculiar to its climate. Its inhabi-
tants are very few, and the number of Indians is 50.
It was one of the first settlements entered by the
Spaniards, and where the first mass ever celebrated
in that part of the world was said by the Friar Do-
mingo de las Casas, of the order of St. Domingo ;
and is situate very close to the city of Velez.

[CHIPAWAS. See Chepawas.]

CHIPAYA, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Carangas in Peru, and of the
archbisnoprhe of Charcas ; annexed to the curacy
of Huachacalla.

CHIPEOS, a barbarous nation of Indians, of
the country of Las Amazonas, who inhabit the fo-
rests near the river Ucayala. Very little is known
of their customs.

[CHIPPAWYAN Fort, in N. America, from
whence M‘Kenzie embarked, on the lake of the
Hills, when he made his way as far as the N. sea,
in 1789.1

[CUJPPEWAY River runs s. w. into Missis-
sippi river, in that part where the confluent waters
form lake Pepin.]

CHIPURANA, a river of the province and go-
vernment of Mainas. It rises in the mountains
which are to the s. of Yurimaguas ; runs in a ser-
pentine course from s. to n. and enters the Gual-
laga on the e. side, in lat. 7° 8' s.

CHIQUALOQUE, a settlement of the head
settlement of the district and alcaldia mayor of
Popantla in Nueva Espana; inhabited by 12 fami-
lies of Indians, and lying 12 leagues to the n. w. of
its capital.

CHIQUIAN, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Caxatambo in Peru.

nation of Indians in former times, but now reduced to the
Catholic religion. It is in Perú, to the s. of Lima,
in the province of Condesuyos de Arequipa.

CHIQUILIGASTA, a settlement of the pro-
vince and government of Tucaman, in the district
of its capital ; situate to the s. e. of the same.

CHIQUILIXPAN, a settlement of the head
settlement and alcaldia mayor of Zayula in
Nueva Espana. It contains 50 families of In-
dians, and in the mountains in its vicinity are
some mines of copper, which have been worked
at different times ; but not having produced a be-
nefit proportionate with the expences incurred, they
have been abandoned. It is, 15 leagues n. w. of
its head settlement.

CHIQUILLANIANS. Sec Index to new mat-
ter concerning Chile, chap. IV.

CHIQUIMULA Y SACAPA, a province and
alcaldia mayor of the kingdom of Guatemala.

CHIQUINQUIRA, a settlement of the corregi-
miento of Tunja in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada.
It is of a cold temperature, but is healthy ; its
situation is delightful, and it abounds in produc-
tions. It is watered by a river which runs through
the centre of it, the waters of which are unwhole-
some : at a small distance another river passes
through a plain ; this is called Balsa, or Raft, since,
before the bridge was thrown across it, it was passed
by rafts. It rises from the lake Fuguene, and
abounds in most exquisite fish. The settlement,
which was formerly but small, is now of great note,
and its inhabitants are about 500, besides 70 In-
dians. It has a good convent of the religious order
of S. Domingo, and is noted for the sanctuary of
the virgin of its title. Under the large altar, at
which is placed this image, there is a small foun-
tain of water, renowned for the curing of infirmities,
as is also the earth which is extracted from thence;
it being by no means the least part of the prodigy,
that although this earth has been constantly taken
out for upwards of 200 years, the excavation formed
thereby is comparatively exceedingly small. The
faith in, and devotion towards this image, are
throughout the kingdom very great, and not lesa
so with regard to strangers, who visit it in great
numbers from far distant provinces. This settle-
ment is nine leagues from Tunja, and 15 to the
n. zeJ. of Santa Fe.

CHIQUITI, a river of the province and go-
vernment of Esmeraldas in the kingdom of Quito.
It runs from s. w. to n. e. between the rivers Vichi
and Cuche, and enters on the s. side into the river
of Las Esrneraldas.

CHIQUITOI, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Truxillo in Peru. It is at present
destroyed, and the few surviving inhabitants after-
wards collected together at the settlement of San-
tiago de Cao, and it then became merely a small
estate or hamlet, preserving its original name, and
being inhabited by a few Indians.

CHIQUITOS, a numerous and warlike
nation of Indians of Perú, whose country or territory ex-
tends from lat. 16° to 20° s. It is bounded w. by
the province and government of Santa Cruz de la
Sierra ; on the e". it extends itself for upwards of
140 leagues as far as the lake of Los Xarayes ; on
the n, as far as the mountains of the Tapacures,
the which divide this country from that of Moxos ;
