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kmr3934 at Oct 19, 2018 07:20 PM





appears to have been a settlement towards the n,
of the island, from some vestiges still remaining.
It is at present frequented only by some of the in-
liabitants of Chepo, who cultivate and gather here
oral^ges, lemons, and plantains of an excellent fla-
vour, which are found here in abundance. In
lat. 8^ 57' n.

CHEPO, San Christoval de, a settlement
of the province and kingdom of Tierra Firme, and
government of Panama ; situate on the shore of
the river Mamoni ; is of a kind temperature, fer-
tile and agreeable, though little cultivated. The
air is however so pure that it is resorted to by
invalids, and seldom fails of affording a speedy
relief. It has a fort, which is an esfacada, or sur-
rounded with palisades, having a ditch furnished
with six small cannon, and being manned by a
detachment from the garrison of Panama, for the
purpose of suppressing the encroachments of the
infidel Indians of Darien. This territory was dis-
covered by Tello Guzman in 1515, who gave it
the name of Chepo, through its Cazique Chepauri,
in 1679. It was invaded by the pirates Bartholo-
mew Charps, John Guarlem, and Edward Bol-
men, when the settlement Avas robbed and destroy-
ed, and unheard-of prosecutions and torments
were suffered by the inhabitants. Fourteen leagues
nearly due e. of Panama, [and six leagues
from the sea ; in lat. 9° 8' «.]

CHEQUELTI, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Chilcas and Tarija in Peru ; an-
nexed to the curacy of its capital.

(CHEQUETAN, or Seguataneio, on the
coast of Mexico or New Spain, lies seven leagues
w. of of the rocks of Seguataneio. Between this
and Acapulco, to the e. is a beach of sand, of 18
leagues extent, against which the sea breaks so
violently, that it is impossible for boats to land on
any part of it ; but there is a good anchorage for
shipping at a mile or two from the shore during
the fair season. The harbour of Chequetan is very
hard to be traced, and of great importance to
such vessels as cruise in these seas, being the most
secure harbour to be met with in a vast extent of
coast, yielding plenty of wood and water; and
the ground near it is able to be defended by a few
men. When Lord Anson touched here, the
place was uninhabited.)

CHEQUIN, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Maúle in the kingdom of Chile,
and in the valley or plain of Tango, near the river
Colorado. In its vicinity, toAvards the s. is an
estate called El Portrero del Key, at the source of
the river Maipo.

CHERA, a river near Colan, in the province of
Quito in Peru, running to Amotage ; from Avhence
Paita has its fresh Avatcr.

CHERAKEE. See Cherokee.

CHERAKIKAU, a river of the province and
colony of South Carolina. It runs e. and enters
the river Cliuvakansty. On its shore is a small
settlement of Indians of the same name.

CHERAKILICHI, or Apalachicola, a fort
of the English , in the province and colony of Georgia,
on the shore of the river Apalachicola, and at the con-
flux, or where this river is entered by the Caillore.

CHERAN EL Grande, S. Francisco de, a
settlement of the head settlement of Siguinan, and
alcaldia mayor of Valladolid, in Nueva Espana,
contains 100 families of Curtidores Indians, and is
a little more than half a league from its head set-

CHERAPA, a settlement of the province and
corregimiernto of Piura in Peru, on the confines of
the province of Jaen de Bracamoros, upon the river
Tambarapa, is of a hot and moist temperature,
and consequently unhealthy ; and is situate in the
royal road which leads from Lpxa through Aya-
baca and Guancabamba to Tomependa, a port of
the river Maranon.

(CHERAWS, a district in the upper country of
South Carolina, having North Carolina on the
n. and n. e. Georgetown district on the s. e. and
Lynche’s creek on the s. w. which separates it
from Camden district. Its length is about 83
miles, and its breadth 63 ; and is subdivided into
the counties of Darlington, Chesterfield, and Marl-
borough. By the census of 1791, there were
10,706 inhabitants, of Avhich 7618 were white in-
habitants, the rest slaves. It sends to the state
legislature six representatives and two senators ;
and in conjunction Avith Georgetown district, one
member to congress. This district is watered by
Great Peter river and a number of smaller streams,
on the banks of vdiich the land is thickly settled
and Aveli cultivated. The chief towns are Green-
ville and Chatham. The court-house in this dis-
trict is 52 miles from Camden, as far from Lum-
berton, and 90 from Georgetown. The mail stops
at this place.]

CHERIBICHE, a port of the province and
government of Venezuela, to the w. of the settle-
ment of Guaira.

CHERIGUANES. See Chiriguanos.

CHERILLA, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Caxamarca in Peru ; annexed to
the curacy of its capital.

CHERINOS, a river of the province and go-


hay al N vestigios de una población: hoy solo es frecuentada de algunos vecinos de Chepo que cultivan en ella y cogen limones naranjas y plántanos de exquisita calidad de que abunda: está en 9 gr. 7 min. de lat. bor.

CHEPO, San Cristóval de, Pueblo de la Provincia y Reyno de Tierra Firme y Gobierno de Panamá, situado a orilla del río Mamoni: es de benigno temperamento, fértil y agradable aunque poco cultivado, pero de ayres tan puros y sanos, que se tiene por convalecencia para los enfermos que van a él de muchas partes, y se restablecen con facilidad: hay en él un fuerte que es una estacada, con su foso guarnecido con seis cañoncitos, y un destacamento de la guarnición de Panamá, para contener las incursiones de los Indios infieles del Darien: descubrid este terreno Tell0 de Guzman el año de 15 15, y le dio el nombre de Chepo por su Cazique Chepauri el año de 1679: fue imbadidopor los Piratas Bartolomé Charps, Juan Guarlem, y Eduardo Bolmen, robando y quemando el Pueblo, después de haber hecho inauditas crueldades con sus habitantes: está 1 4 leguas casi al NE de Panamá.

CHEQUELTI, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Chichas y Tarija en el Perú, anexo al Clorato de su Capital.

CHEQUIN, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Maule en el Reyno de Chile y en el valle o llano de Tango, cerca del río colorado: en su inmediación a la parte del S hay una hacienda llamada el Potrero del Rey en la Cabecera del rió Maipo.

CHER A, Río del Reyno de Quito ; corre al S, y entra en el de Amotage.

CHERAKEE, Pueblo de la Carolina Septentrional, donde hay un Fuerte construido por los Ingleses a orilla del río de su nombre y boca del de Agiqua.

Tiene el mismo nombre nn río caudaloso de esta Colonia y Provincia, llamado también Hogohegec y Callamaco : nace en el Condado de Augusta, y toma el nomhre de una nación numerosa de Indios: corre al O muchas leguas, formando un arco, y entra en el Ohio, cerca des Fourches del Missisipi, y a sus orillas, y entre aquel hay unos grandes llanos muy fértiles, según la relación de los Indios, a 40 leguas de: la nación Chicazás forma 4 Islas: llamadas Tahogale, Kakick, Cochali y Tali, que habitan otras tantas naciones diferentes de Indios

CHERAKIS, Pais de Indios de 1 la nación de este nombre en la Carolina Septentrional: se extiende por el O hasta el Missisipi, y por el N hacia los confines de las 6 naciones; fue cedido a los Ingleses por el tratado de Weñsminster el año de 1729.

Tiene el mismo nombre un Pueblo de Indios de esta nación, en el propio pais: dónde tenían los Ingleses un Fuerte y establecimiento a la Cabecera del río Caillon, que hoy está abandonado.

CHERAKIHAU, Río] de la Provincia y Colonia de la Carolina Meridional: corre al E, y entra en el de Chuvakansty, a su orilla hay un Pueblo pequeño de Indios que tiene el mismo nombre.

CHERAKILICHI, o Apalachicola, Fuerte de los Ingleses en la Provincia y Colonia de Georgia, a orilla del rió Apalachicola, y en el Confluente, donde le entra el de Caillou.

CHERAPA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Piura en el Perú, en el confín de la de Jaén de Bracamoros sobre el río Tamborapa: es de temperamento cálido y húmedo, y por eso poco sano: está situado en el camino real que va de Loxa por Ayabaca y Guancabamba a Tomependa, Puerto del río Marañon, en 5 grad. 28 min, de lat. aust.

CHERAN, el Grande, S. Francisco de, Pueblo de la Cabecera de Siguinan y Alcaldía mayor de Valladolid en iNueva España: tiene 100 familias de indios Curtidores, y dista poco mas de media legua de su Cabecera.

CHRENAL, Puerto de la Costa del Reyno de Chile en el distrito de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Copiapó: está en 27 grad. 27 min. de lat.

CHERIBICHE, Puerto de la Provincia y Gobierno de Venezuela, al O del de la Guaira.

CHERIGUANES, Véase Chiriguanos.

CHERILLA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Caxamarca en el Perú, anexo al Curato de su Capital.

CHERINOS, Río] de la Provincia y





appears to have been a settlement towards the n,
of the island, from some vestiges still remaining.
It is at present frequented only by some of the in-
liabitants of Chepo, who cultivate and gather here
oral^ges, lemons, and plantains of an excellent fla-
vour, which are found here in abundance. In
lat. 8^ 57' n.

CHEPO, San Christoval de, a settlement
of the province and kingdom of Tierra Firme, and
government of Panama ; situate on the shore of
the river Mamoni ; is of a kind temperature, fer-
tile and agreeable, though little cultivated. The
air is however so pure that it is resorted to by
invalids, and seldom fails of affording a speedy
relief. It has a fort, which is an esfacada, or sur-
rounded with palisades, having a ditch furnished
with six small cannon, and being manned by a
detachment from the garrison of Panama, for the
purpose of suppressing the encroachments of the
infidel Indians of Darien. This territory was dis-
covered by Tello Guzman in 1515, who gave it
the name of Chepo, through its Cazique Chepauri,
in 1679. It was invaded by the pirates Bartholo-
mew Charps, John Guarlem, and Edward Bol-
men, when the settlement Avas robbed and destroy-
ed, and unheard-of prosecutions and torments
were suffered by the inhabitants. Fourteen leagues
nearly due e. of Panama, [and six leagues
from the sea ; in lat. 9° 8' «.]

CHEQUELTI, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Chilcas and Tarija in Peru ; an-
nexed to the curacy of its capital.

(CHEQUETAN, or Seguataneio, on the
coast of Mexico or New Spain, lies seven leagues
w. of of the rocks of Seguataneio. Between this
and Acapulco, to the e. is a beach of sand, of 18
leagues extent, against which the sea breaks so
violently, that it is impossible for boats to land on
any part of it ; but there is a good anchorage for
shipping at a mile or two from the shore during
the fair season. The harbour of Chequetan is very
hard to be traced, and of great importance to
such vessels as cruise in these seas, being the most
secure harbour to be met with in a vast extent of
coast, yielding plenty of wood and water; and
the ground near it is able to be defended by a few
men. When Lord Anson touched here, the
place was uninhabited.)

CHEQUIN, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Maúle in the kingdom of Chile,
and in the valley or plain of Tango, near the river
Colorado. In its vicinity, toAvards the s. is an
estate called El Portrero del Key, at the source of
the river Maipo.

CHERA, a river near Colan, in the province of
Quito in Peru, running to Amotage ; from Avhence
Paita has its fresh Avatcr.

CHERAKEE. See Cherokee.

CHERAKIKAU, a river of the province and
colony of South Carolina. It runs e. and enters
the river Cliuvakansty. On its shore is a small
settlement of Indians of the same name.

CHERAKILICHI, or Apalachicola, a fort
of the English , in the province and colony of Georgia,
on the shore of the river Apalachicola, and at the con-
flux, or where this river is entered by the Caillore.

CHERAN EL Grande, S. Francisco de, a
settlement of the head settlement of Siguinan, and
alcaldia mayor of Valladolid, in Nueva Espana,
contains 100 families of Curtidores Indians, and is
a little more than half a league from its head set-

CHERAPA, a settlement of the province and
corregimiernto of Piura in Peru, on the confines of
the province of Jaen de Bracamoros, upon the river
Tambarapa, is of a hot and moist temperature,
and consequently unhealthy ; and is situate in the
royal road which leads from Lpxa through Aya-
baca and Guancabamba to Tomependa, a port of
the river Maranon.

(CHERAWS, a district in the upper country of
South Carolina, having North Carolina on the
n. and n. e. Georgetown district on the s. e. and
Lynche’s creek on the s. w. which separates it
from Camden district. Its length is about 83
miles, and its breadth 63 ; and is subdivided into
the counties of Darlington, Chesterfield, and Marl-
borough. By the census of 1791, there were
10,706 inhabitants, of Avhich 7618 were white in-
habitants, the rest slaves. It sends to the state
legislature six representatives and two senators ;
and in conjunction Avith Georgetown district, one
member to congress. This district is watered by
Great Peter river and a number of smaller streams,
on the banks of vdiich the land is thickly settled
and Aveli cultivated. The chief towns are Green-
ville and Chatham. The court-house in this dis-
trict is 52 miles from Camden, as far from Lum-
berton, and 90 from Georgetown. The mail stops
at this place.]

CHERIBICHE, a port of the province and
government of Venezuela, to the w. of the settle-
ment of Guaira.

CHERIGUANES. See Chiriguanos.

CHERILLA, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Caxamarca in Peru ; annexed to
the curacy of its capital.

CHERINOS, a river of the province and go-
