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jgo384 at Oct 17, 2018 09:31 AM





country of Las Amazonas. It flows in the territory
of the Carigueres or Mutuanis Indians, runs c.
and enters the Madera opposite the great cataract.

CUIAPAN, a settlement of the head settlement
of Atoyaque, and alcaldia mayor of Zayula, in
Nueva Espana. It contains 70 families of In-
dians, who live by agriculture and making coarse
stuffs. It is one league to the s. of its head settle-

CUIATAN, a settlement of the head settlement
of the district and alcaldia mayor of Caxitlan,
being a league and a half’s distance to the s. w.

CUIAUTEPEC, Santiago de, a settlement
of the head settlement of Olinala, and alcaldia
mayor of Tlapa, in Nueva Espana. It contains
32 families of Indians, and is two leagues to the
n. c. of its head settlement.

CUIAUTEPEC, another settlement of the head
settlement of Ayotitlan, and alcaldia mayor of
Amola, in the same kingdom. It contains 13 fa-
milies of Indians, who live by agriculture and
breeding cattle; is 10 leagues to the w, of its
head settlement.

CUICATLAN, the alcaldia mayor of the pro-
vince and bishopric of Mechoacan. It is 19
leagues in length from e. to w. and 1 1 in width
n. s. It is of a hot temperature, abounds in salt-
petre, scarlet-dye, and cotton, of which beautiful
ornamental dresses are made ; these being the prin-
cipal source of its commerce. The capital is the
settlement of the same name, inhabited by 125 fa-
milies of Cuicatecos Indians, who cultivate great
quantities of maize, French beans, and cotton. It
is 70 leagues to the e. with a slight inclination to
the s. of Mexico. The other settlements of this
district are,

Alpizagua==, ==Teponastla,

Cotahuiztla==, Teutitlan]],

Nacantepec==, Santa Ana]],

Quiotepeque==, ==San Lucas,

Coyula==, ==San Antonio,

Izcatlan==, ==San Mateo,

Papalotipac==, ==San Martin,

Santiago==, ==Casa Blanca,

San Lorenzo==, ==Nanahuatipac,

San Geronimo==, ==San Juan de los Cues,

Santa Cruz==, ==Thecomahuaca,

Santa Maria==, ==Teopuxco,

San Lorenzo==, ==Santiago,

Los Santos Reyes==, ==Huehuetlan,

Tepeuzila==, ==San Pedro,

San Pedro==, ==San Juan,

San Andres==, ==Huahutla,

Santa Maria==,==Chilchola.

==CUICEO=, (Of the lake), the alcaldia mayor of

the province and bishopric of Mechoacan ; bounded
c. by the province of Acambaro ; n. by that of
Zelaya; nc. by that of Pasquaro ; and s. by that
of Valladolid. It is in length eight leagues from
e. to w. and five in width «. s. It is surrounded
by a lake of wholesome water, which gives its
name to the jurisdiction, and which, towards the
n. part, becomes dry in the summer season, its
waters being supplied from certain drains from
another large lake which lies on its s. side. The
temperature here is, for the most part, mild and
dry, and the place abounds with salutary waters,
which bubble out from a fountain in an island of
the above mentioned lake. Its commerce is very
small, since it produces only maize, French beans,
and Chile pepper, and a kind of fish found in great
abundance in both the lakes, called charaes.

The capital is the settlement of the same
name ; situate in front of the island formed by
the lake.. It contains a convent of the religious
order of St. Augustin, and 190 families of Indians,
including those of the wards of its district, 72 of
Spaniards, 11 of Mulattoes, and 43 of Mustees.
It is 50 leagues to the w, of Mexico. The other
settlements are,

San Marcos==, ==San Buena Ventura,

San Geronimo==, ==Cupandaro,

Sta. Ana Maya==, ==San Juan. (Mechoacan)

CUICOCHA, a large lake of the province and
corregimiento of Octavalo in the kingdom of
Quito, surrounded by living stone. To the e. it
has a rock, where it forms a streamlet, which after-
wards enters the river Blanco. It does not appear
to receive its waters from any source, and i«
thought to be filled through subterraneous aque-
ducts from the mountain of Cota-cacbe, which is
covered with eternal snow. In the middle of this
lake rise two hills, which have the appearance of
two beautiful isles, the one being covered with
trees, and filled with stags and mountain goats, and
the other being bedecked with a herb calledp^jow,
amongst which thrive many Indian rabbits, which,
in the language of the country, are called cuy^ and
from thence the name of Cuy-cocha, which means
the lake of Indian rabbits. The water which runs
between the two islands, forms a channel of 3000
fathoms. This lake belongs to the noble family
of the Chiribogas of Quito.

CUILAPA, a settlement of the head settlement
and alcaldia mayor of Ygualapa in Nueva Espana,
half a quarter of a league’s distance from its ca-

CUILAPA, a town, the head settlement of the
district of the alcaldia mayor of Quatro Villas in
Nueva Espana ; situate at the skirt of a mountain.


CUIAPAN, Pueblo de la Cabecera de Atoyaque y Alcaldía mayor de Zayula en Nueva España: tiene 70 familias de Indios, que viven del cultivo de las semillas y de texer sayal: está una legua al S de su Cabecera.

CUIATAN, Pueblo de la Cabecera de partido y Alcaldía mayor de Caxitlán, distante legua y media al SO.

CUIAUTEPEC, Santiago de, Pueblo de la Cabecera de Olinalá y Alcaldía mayor de Tlapa en Nueva España: tiene 32 familias de Indios, y está 2 leguas al NE de su Cabecera.

CUICATLAN, Alcaldía mayor] de la Provincia y Obispado de Mechoacan: tiene de largo 19 leguas de Oriente a Poniente y 1 1 de ancho N S: es de temperamento caliente y abundante en salitre, grana y algodón de que hacen excelentes tocados, y son los principales renglones de su comercio.
La Capital es el Pueblo del mismo nombre, en que habitan 125 familias de ndios Cuícatecos, que cultivan mucho maiz, fríxoles y algodón: está 70 leguas al Oriente con alguna inclinación al S de México; los demás Pueblos de este distrito son:
San Lorenzo.
San Gerónimo.
Santa Cruz.
Santa María.
San Lorenzo,
Los Santos Reyes.
San Pedro.
San Andrés.
Santa María.
Santa Ana.
San Lucas.
San Antonio.
San Mateo.
San Martin.
San Juan de los Cues.
San Pedro.
San Juan.

CUICEO, de la Laguna, Alcaldía mayor] de la Provincia y Obispado de Mechoacan: confina por el Oriente con la de Acambaro: con el N con la de Zelaya: por el Poniente con la de Pasquaro, y por el S con la de Valladolid: tiene de largo 8 leguas de Oriente a Poniente, y 5 de ancho N S: está rodeada toda de una laguna de agua salobre que da nombre ala jurisdicción, y por la parte del N en tiempo de Verano se disminuyen sus aguas, que son derrames de otra mas caudalosa que la circunda por la parte del S: es por la mayor parte de temperamento templado y seco, abundante de aguas saludables que brotan de una fuente que tiene una Isla que hay en la laguna referida: es de muy corto comercio, porque solo produce maíz, fríxoles y chile, y una especie de peces en que abundan ambas lagunas y llaman charaes.
La Capital es el Pueblo del mismo nombre, situado en frente de la Isla que forma la laguna; tiene un Convento de Religiosos de San Agustin, y 190 familias de Indios con los barrios de su distrito, 72 de Españoles, 11 de Mulatos, y 43 de Mestizos: está de México 50 leguas al O, los demás Pueblos son:
San Marcos.
San Gerónimo.
Sta. Ana Maya.
San Buenaventura.
San Juan.

CUICOCHA, Laguna grande de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Otavalo en el Reyno de Quito, distante 3 leguas al NO de aquella, y circundada de piedra viva: tiene un escollo a la parte de Levante, donde forma un riachuelo que despues entra en el río Blanco: no recibe aguas de parte alguna, y se cree que le entran por conductos subterráneos del monte Cota-cache, que siempre está cubierto de nieve: en medio de este lago se elevan dos Colinas, que parecen dos Isletas muy hermosas, la una está cubierta de árboles y de ciervos y cabras monteses, y la otra de una yerva que llaman pajón, donde hay muchos conejos de Indias, que en el idioma del Pais llaman Cuy, de donde le viene el nombre de Cuy-cocha, que quiere decir Laguna de Conejos de Indias: el agua que corre entre las dos Islas forma un canal de 30 brazas: pertenece esta laguna a la noble familia de los Chiribogas de Quito, y está en 1 o mín. de lat. bor.

CUILAPA, Pueblo de la Cabecera y Alcaldía mayor de Ygualapa en Nueva España, distante medio quarto de legua de su Capital.

Tiene el mismo nombre una Villa Cabecera de partido de la Alcaldía mayor de Quatro Villas en Nueva España, situada a la falda de un cerro: es de temperamento templado, pero declina mas a frío que caliente: tiene 264 familias de Indios, y un Convento de Religiosos de Santo Domingo, y en su distrito varias haciendas de labor, en las quales, y en 10 Pueblos de que consta su partido, benetieian grana, semillas, frutas, carbón, maderas y leña: está 2 leguas entre Oriente y S de la Capital





country of Las Amazonas. It flows in the territory
of the Carigueres or Mutuanis Indians, runs c.
and enters the Madera opposite the great cataract.

CUIAPAN, a settlement of the head settlement
of Atoyaque, and alcaldia mayor of Zayula, in
Nueva Espana. It contains 70 families of In-
dians, who live by agriculture and making coarse
stuffs. It is one league to the s. of its head settle-

CUIATAN, a settlement of the head settlement
of the district and alcaldia mayor of Caxitlan,
being a league and a half’s distance to the s. w.

CUIAUTEPEC, Santiago de, a settlement
of the head settlement of Olinala, and alcaldia
mayor of Tlapa, in Nueva Espana. It contains
32 families of Indians, and is two leagues to the
n. c. of its head settlement.

CUIAUTEPEC, another settlement of the head
settlement of Ayotitlan, and alcaldia mayor of
Amola, in the same kingdom. It contains 13 fa-
milies of Indians, who live by agriculture and
breeding cattle; is 10 leagues to the w, of its
head settlement.

CUICATLAN, the alcaldia mayor of the pro-
vince and bishopric of Mechoacan. It is 19
leagues in length from e. to w. and 1 1 in width
n. s. It is of a hot temperature, abounds in salt-
petre, scarlet-dye, and cotton, of which beautiful
ornamental dresses are made ; these being the prin-
cipal source of its commerce. The capital is the
settlement of the same name, inhabited by 125 fa-
milies of Cuicatecos Indians, who cultivate great
quantities of maize, French beans, and cotton. It
is 70 leagues to the e. with a slight inclination to
the s. of Mexico. The other settlements of this
district are,

Alpizagua==, ==Teponastla,

Cotahuiztla==, Teutitlan]],

Nacantepec==, Santa Ana]],

Quiotepeque==, ==San Lucas,

Coyula==, ==San Antonio,

Izcatlan==, ==San Mateo,

Papalotipac==, ==San Martin,

Santiago==, ==Casa Blanca,

San Lorenzo==, ==Nanahuatipac,

San Geronimo==, ==San Juan de los Cues,

Santa Cruz==, ==Thecomahuaca,

Santa Maria==, ==Teopuxco,

San Lorenzo==, ==Santiago,

Los Santos Reyes==, ==Huehuetlan,

Tepeuzila==, ==San Pedro,

San Pedro==, ==San Juan,

San Andres==, ==Huahutla,

Santa Maria==,==Chilchola.

==CUICEO=, (Of the lake), the alcaldia mayor of

the province and bishopric of Mechoacan ; bounded
c. by the province of Acambaro ; n. by that of
Zelaya; nc. by that of Pasquaro ; and s. by that
of Valladolid. It is in length eight leagues from
e. to w. and five in width «. s. It is surrounded
by a lake of wholesome water, which gives its
name to the jurisdiction, and which, towards the
n. part, becomes dry in the summer season, its
waters being supplied from certain drains from
another large lake which lies on its s. side. The
temperature here is, for the most part, mild and
dry, and the place abounds with salutary waters,
which bubble out from a fountain in an island of
the above mentioned lake. Its commerce is very
small, since it produces only maize, French beans,
and Chile pepper, and a kind of fish found in great
abundance in both the lakes, called charaes.

The capital is the settlement of the same
name ; situate in front of the island formed by
the lake.. It contains a convent of the religious
order of St. Augustin, and 190 families of Indians,
including those of the wards of its district, 72 of
Spaniards, 11 of Mulattoes, and 43 of Mustees.
It is 50 leagues to the w, of Mexico. The other
settlements are,

San Marcos==, ==San Buena Ventura,

San Geronimo==, ==Cupandaro,

Sta. Ana Maya==, ==San Juan. (Mechoacan)

CUICOCHA, a large lake of the province and
corregimiento of Octavalo in the kingdom of
Quito, surrounded by living stone. To the e. it
has a rock, where it forms a streamlet, which after-
wards enters the river Blanco. It does not appear
to receive its waters from any source, and i«
thought to be filled through subterraneous aque-
ducts from the mountain of Cota-cacbe, which is
covered with eternal snow. In the middle of this
lake rise two hills, which have the appearance of
two beautiful isles, the one being covered with
trees, and filled with stags and mountain goats, and
the other being bedecked with a herb calledp^jow,
amongst which thrive many Indian rabbits, which,
in the language of the country, are called cuy^ and
from thence the name of Cuy-cocha, which means
the lake of Indian rabbits. The water which runs
between the two islands, forms a channel of 3000
fathoms. This lake belongs to the noble family
of the Chiribogas of Quito.

CUILAPA, a settlement of the head settlement
and alcaldia mayor of Ygualapa in Nueva Espana,
half a quarter of a league’s distance from its ca-

CUILAPA, a town, the head settlement of the
district of the alcaldia mayor of Quatro Villas in
Nueva Espana ; situate at the skirt of a mountain.
