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3 revisions
kmr3934 at Oct 19, 2018 09:12 PM














COTACACHE, a settlement of the province
and corregimiento of Otavalo in the kingdom of

COTACACHE, a mountain of this province and
kingdom, the top of which is eternally covered
Avith snow. From its summit runs the river Ca-

COTAGAITA, Santiago de, a settlement of
the province and corregimiento of Chichas and
. Twenty-nine leagues from Potosi.

COTAGAITILLA, a settlement of the same
province and corregimiento as the former ; annexed
to the curacy of the capital.

COTAHUASSI, a settlement of the province
and corregimiento of Chumbivilcas in Peru.

COTAHUAU, an ancient province of Peru, at
the foot of the cordillera of the Andes, and to the
w. of Cuzco. It is one of those which were con-
quered by Mayta Capac, fourth Emperor.

COTAHUIZITLA, a settlement of the head
settlement and alcaldia mayor of Cuicatlan in
Nueva Espana. It is of a hot temperature, con-
tains 28 families of Indians, who are busied in
making mats, which they cs\\ petates. It belongs
to the curacy of Atlatlauca, the capital of the
alcaldia mayor of this name; being distant 10
leagues from its capital.

COTAPARAZO, a settlement of the province
and corregimiento of Guailas in Peru.

COTA-PINI, a settlement of the province and
government of Quixos and Macas in the kingdom
of Quito.

COTAS, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Yauyos in Peru; annexed to the
curacy of Arma in the province of Castro

(COTEAUX, Les, a town on the road from
Tiburon to port Salut, on the 5. side of the s. pen-
insula of the island of St. Domingo, 13f leagues e.
by of the former, and four n.w, of the latter.)

COTICA, a river of Guayana, in the part pos-
sessed by the Dutch, or colony of Surinam. It
runs n. until it comes very near the coast, making
many turns, and then changing its course e. enters
the Comowini. At its mouth is a fort to defend
its entrance, called Someldick.

COTIJA, Valley of, of the alcaldia mayor of

Tinguindin in Nueva Espana. It is more than
two leagues in circumference, and in it live 205
families of Spaniards. It is of a mild temperature,
and abounds in seeds. Seven leagues to the w. of
its capital.

COTLALTA, a settlement and head settlement
of the alcaldia mayor of Tuxtla in Nueva Espana.
It contains 140 families of Indians, and three or
four of Spaniards. It abounds greatly in tamarinds,
of which are made excellent conserves.

COTOCHE, a cape of the coast of Yucatán,
opposite that of San Antonio, in the island of
Cuba ; between these lies the navigation leading
to this island from Nueva Espana.

COTOCOLLAO, a settlement of the kingdom
of Quito, in the corregimiento of the district of
the Cinco Leguas de la Capital; being situate just
where the beautiful llanura or plain of lilaquito
or Rumi-Pampa terminates. Its territory extends
to n. w. upon the skirt of the mountain Pichincha,
and is bounded on the n. by the settlement of Po-
masque. It is of a somewhat cold and moist tem-
perature ; and in it is the county of Selva Florida,
of the house of Guerrero Ponce de Leon, one of
the most ancient and illustrious of the kingdom.

COTOE, a settlement of the province and ga-
vernment of Canta in Peru ; annexed to the curacy
of Lampun.

COTOPACSI, a mountain and desert, or pa-
ramo, of the province and corregimiento of Ta-
in the kingdom of Quito, to the s. and one-
fourth to s. e. It is of the figure of an inverted
truncated cone, and is in height 2952 Parisian feet
above the level of the sea : on its summit, which
is perpetually covered with snow, is a volcano,
which burst forth in 1698, in such a dreadful man-
ner as not only to destroy the city of Tacunja,
with three fourths of its inhabitants, but other
settlements also. It likewise vomited up a river of
mud, which so altered the face of the province,
that the missionaries of the Jesuits of Maynos,
seeing so many carcases, pieces of furniture, and
houses floating down the Maranon, were persuaded
amongst themselves that the Almighty had visited
this kingdom with some signal destruction ; they,
moreover, wrote circular letters, and transmitted
them open about the country, to ascertain Avhat
number of persons were remaining alive. These
misfortunes, though in a moderate degree, recurred
in the years 1742, 1743, 1760, 1768. From the
e. part of this mountain the Napo takes its rise;
and from the s. the Cotuche and the Alagues,
which, united, form the river San Miguel, and
afterwards, with others, the Patate ; to this the
Chambo joins itself, which afterwards degenerates.



COTACACHE, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Otavalo en el Reyno de Quito.

Tiene el mismo nombre un monte de esta Provincia y Reyno, cuya cima está siempre cubierta de nieve, baxa de lo alto el río de Cayapas.

COTAGAITA, Santiago de, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Chichas y Tarija, está 29 leguas de Potosí.

COTAGAITILLA, Pueblo de la misma Provincia y Corregimiento que el anterior, anexo al Curato de la Capital.

COTAHUASSI, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Chumbivilcas en el Perú.

COTAHUAU, Provincia antigua del Perú, al pie de la Cordillera de los Andes y Poniente del Cuzcos es una de las que conquistó Mayta Capac, IV Emperador.

COT AHUIZTLA, Pueblo de la Cabecera y Alcaldía mayor de Cuicatlán en Nueva España: es de temperamento cálido: tiene 28 familias de Indios tratantes en hacer esteras que llaman petates: pertenece al Curato de Atlatlauca, Capital de la Alcaldía mayor de este nombre: dista a la suya 10 leguas.

COTAPARAZO, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Guailas en el Perú]].

COTA-PINI, Pueblo de la Provincia y Gobierno de Quixos y Macas en el Reyno de Quito.

COTAS, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Yauyos en el Perú anexo al Curato de Arma en la de Castro-Vireyna.

COTEAUX, Pueblo y Parroquia de los Franceses en la parte que poseen de la Isla de Santo Domingo, dependiente de la jurisdicción del de Cabo Francés.

COTICA, Río] de la Guayana en la parte que poseen los Holandeses, o Colonia de Surinam: corre al N hasta cerca de la Costa, haciendo muchos tornos, y torciendo su curso al E entra en el de Comowini: a su boca hay construido el fuerte de Someldick para defender la entrada.

COTI JA, Valle, de la Alcaldía mayor de Tinguindin en Nueva España: tiene mas de dos leguas de circunferencia, y en él hay 205 familias de Españoles: es de temperamento templado y abundante en semillas; dista 7 leguas al Poniente de su Capital.

COTLALTA, Pueblo y Cabecera de la Alcaldía mayor de Tuxth en Nueva España: tiene 140 familias de Indios y 3 o 4 de Españoles: abunda muchísimo en árboles de tamarindos, fruta medicinal muy estimada, con la qual hacen excelentes conservas.

COTOC, Pueblo de la Provincia y Gobierno de Canta en el Perú, anexo al Curato de Lampun.

COTOCHE, Cabo de la Costa de Yucatán, frente del de San Antonio en la Isla de Cuba, por entre los quales se hace la navegación para ir a esta Isla desde Nueva España.

COTOCOLLAO, Pueblo del Reyno de Quito en el Corregimiento del distrito de las cinco leguas de la Capital, distante poco mas de dos leguas de ésta, donde cierra y termina la hermosa llanura de Iñaquito o Rumi-Pampa: su territorio se estiende al NO sobre la falda del monte Pichincha, y al N confina con el de Pomasque; es de clima algo frío y húmedo, y en él está el Condado de Selva Florida, de la casa de Guerrero Ponce de León, una de las mas ilustres y antiguas del Reyno.

COTOPACSI, Monte y Páramo muy alto de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Tacunga en el Reyno de Quito, al S, al S E: es de figura de un cono trancado inverso, y tiene de altura 29J2 pies de Paris sobre el nivel del mar: tiene en su cumbre, siempre cubierta de nieve, un volcan, que rebentó el año de 1698 con tanto estrago, que no solo arruino la Ciudad de Tacunga, pereciendo las tres quartas partes de su vecindario, sino otros Pueblos, y desató un río de lodo que anegó la Provincia con tanto destrozo, que viendo los Jesuítas Misioneros de Maynas baxar por el río Maraño n tantos cadáveres, muebles y ruinas de edificios, se persuadieron que habia arruinado Dios aquel Reyno, y escribieron diferentes cartas abiertas y rotuladas al primer viviente que hubiese quedado: estos daños mas moderados se han repetido en los años de 1742, 1743, 1744, 1766 y 1768. Por la parte de Levante baxa de este monte y nace el río Napo; de la del Mediodía el de Cotuche y el de Alaqués, que unidos forman el de San Miguel, y después con otros forman el de Patate, a quien se agrega el de Chambo, que luego degenera














COTACACHE, a settlement of the province
and corregimiento of Otavalo in the kingdom of

COTACACHE, a mountain of this province and
kingdom, the top of which is eternally covered
Avith snow. From its summit runs the river Ca-

COTAGAITA, Santiago de, a settlement of
the province and corregimiento of Chichas and
. Twenty-nine leagues from Potosi.

COTAGAITILLA, a settlement of the same
province and corregimiento as the former ; annexed
to the curacy of the capital.

COTAHUASSI, a settlement of the province
and corregimiento of Chumbivilcas in Peru.

COTAHUAU, an ancient province of Peru, at
the foot of the cordillera of the Andes, and to the
w. of Cuzco. It is one of those which were con-
quered by Mayta Capac, fourth Emperor.

COTAHUIZITLA, a settlement of the head
settlement and alcaldia mayor of Cuicatlan in
Nueva Espana. It is of a hot temperature, con-
tains 28 families of Indians, who are busied in
making mats, which they cs\\ petates. It belongs
to the curacy of Atlatlauca, the capital of the
alcaldia mayor of this name; being distant 10
leagues from its capital.

COTAPARAZO, a settlement of the province
and corregimiento of Guailas in Peru.

COTA-PINI, a settlement of the province and
government of Quixos and Macas in the kingdom
of Quito.

COTAS, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Yauyos in Peru; annexed to the
curacy of Arma in the province of Castro

(COTEAUX, Les, a town on the road from
Tiburon to port Salut, on the 5. side of the s. pen-
insula of the island of St. Domingo, 13f leagues e.
by of the former, and four n.w, of the latter.)

COTICA, a river of Guayana, in the part pos-
sessed by the Dutch, or colony of Surinam. It
runs n. until it comes very near the coast, making
many turns, and then changing its course e. enters
the Comowini. At its mouth is a fort to defend
its entrance, called Someldick.

COTIJA, Valley of, of the alcaldia mayor of

Tinguindin in Nueva Espana. It is more than
two leagues in circumference, and in it live 205
families of Spaniards. It is of a mild temperature,
and abounds in seeds. Seven leagues to the w. of
its capital.

COTLALTA, a settlement and head settlement
of the alcaldia mayor of Tuxtla in Nueva Espana.
It contains 140 families of Indians, and three or
four of Spaniards. It abounds greatly in tamarinds,
of which are made excellent conserves.

COTOCHE, a cape of the coast of Yucatán,
opposite that of San Antonio, in the island of
Cuba ; between these lies the navigation leading
to this island from Nueva Espana.

COTOCOLLAO, a settlement of the kingdom
of Quito, in the corregimiento of the district of
the Cinco Leguas de la Capital; being situate just
where the beautiful llanura or plain of lilaquito
or Rumi-Pampa terminates. Its territory extends
to n. w. upon the skirt of the mountain Pichincha,
and is bounded on the n. by the settlement of Po-
masque. It is of a somewhat cold and moist tem-
perature ; and in it is the county of Selva Florida,
of the house of Guerrero Ponce de Leon, one of
the most ancient and illustrious of the kingdom.

COTOE, a settlement of the province and ga-
vernment of Canta in Peru ; annexed to the curacy
of Lampun.

COTOPACSI, a mountain and desert, or pa-
ramo, of the province and corregimiento of Ta-
in the kingdom of Quito, to the s. and one-
fourth to s. e. It is of the figure of an inverted
truncated cone, and is in height 2952 Parisian feet
above the level of the sea : on its summit, which
is perpetually covered with snow, is a volcano,
which burst forth in 1698, in such a dreadful man-
ner as not only to destroy the city of Tacunja,
with three fourths of its inhabitants, but other
settlements also. It likewise vomited up a river of
mud, which so altered the face of the province,
that the missionaries of the Jesuits of Maynos,
seeing so many carcases, pieces of furniture, and
houses floating down the Maranon, were persuaded
amongst themselves that the Almighty had visited
this kingdom with some signal destruction ; they,
moreover, wrote circular letters, and transmitted
them open about the country, to ascertain Avhat
number of persons were remaining alive. These
misfortunes, though in a moderate degree, recurred
in the years 1742, 1743, 1760, 1768. From the
e. part of this mountain the Napo takes its rise;
and from the s. the Cotuche and the Alagues,
which, united, form the river San Miguel, and
afterwards, with others, the Patate ; to this the
Chambo joins itself, which afterwards degenerates.
