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4 revisions | LLILAS Benson at Feb 23, 2023 02:53 PM | |
page_0005Forward uestions come from students, teachers, media personnel,members of the public, etc. is an increasing thirst While there for information there is hardly any easily available and quickly read material that could serve as reference. I truly hope that it could be this booklet. with a clar conscience I can I have left out references with the exception of some tried to impart information that I have collected from several sources over the years, my OWn perspective, I have also which remains sympathetic to the Garifuna while being aware that there is so much nore work that has to be done. scholars strive to may change from new research tomorrow. Be that as it ay, I haveput together bits of information that have remained part of conventional wisdom and would probably remain so for years. Who | page_0005Forward uestions come from students, teachers, media personnel,members of the public, etc. is an increasing thirst While there for information there is hardly any easily available and quickly read material that could serve as reference. I truly hope that it could be this booklet. with a clar conscience I can I have left out references with the exception of some tried to impart information that I have collected from several sources over the years, my OWn perspective, I have also which remains sympathetic to the Garifuna while being aware that there is so much nore work that has to be done. scholars strive to may change from new research tomorrow. Be that as it ay, I haveput together bits of information that have remained part of conventional wisdom and would probably remain so for years. Who |