



Status: Needs Review

[Al margen superior al centro: crismón gráfico]
[Al margen superior derecho, en lápiz] 158
[Al margen superior derecho] 66
A veinte y siete del mes
de agosto de mill y seiscientos y veinte
años ante Josephe de Truji
llo alcalde hordinario en ella
prosma presente se leyo esta peticion
que presento el contenido
[Al margen izquierdo] Auto
El alcalde demando dar traslado
a la otra parte y que sea testigos
el ultimo remate y para
ello se le de carta de justicia
que pide Josephe de Trujillo
ante mi Fernando de Rroças escribano publico
[Al margen izquierdo] sitacion
Josephe de Trujillo alcalde
hordinario en ella por su
magestad hago saber a dichos jueces
y justicias desta manera es para
ante quien esta mi carta
fuese presentada y de ella
se pidiere cumplimiento
como ante mi en trato y esta
pendiente pleyto extraordinario
entre partes de la una
[Al margen inferior: línea de cancelación rubrica al centro]

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@subway surfers In-game events often bring unique challenges and rewards in Subway Surfers. Participating in these events allows players to earn exclusive items and characters. Staying informed about upcoming events can significantly enhance your gameplay and overall enjoyment.


@ragdoll hit Wow, this document is fascinating! It looks like a legal or administrative record from 1620, based on the date and the formal tone. The references to 'Josephe de Trujillo' and the mention of a public scribe ('escribano público') really ground it in its historical context.


In the game @ escaperoad, in-game events frequently offer distinctive challenges and rewards. By engaging in these events, players have the opportunity to unlock exclusive items and characters. Keeping up-to-date with upcoming events can greatly enrich your gameplay experience and enjoyment.


This historical document is fascinating! I never thought about the role of a stimulation clicker in shaping outcomes, kind of like a legal strategy, right?


Impressive to follow soccer random and update interesting programs and documents. Learn when updating new data. Each topic is updated and has interesting classification.