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3 revisions | Mjones at Sep 11, 2024 12:29 PM | |
page_0018posed to force cooled air through hollow Every architect and builder, who is directly or indirectly interest- With the large and very complete line of both Ruud and Hum- The expert advice of their engineers, who have devoted years Interlocking Tile—The Best Wall Interlocking Tile is the building material with which the architect Interlocking Tile is therefore one of the standard building ma- Directions for use: Specify Interlocking Tile (now made in both Interlocking Tile is sold at a uniform scale of prices in all parts Efficiency, Economy and Service—the architect gets them all in 16 | page_0018posed to air at fan of fans the through the cooled air force electric water a at the intakes the point lowest cooled by passing screen. and the on one side at the intake another, on and employed highest point building hollow through being is thorough circulation will be believed obtained. side be may treated electric current outlet. would Every architect ed the and Worth sun air homes the the for the hour. an indirectly interest- or contributing to the many material or that OF cent one who is directly builder, know COMPANY and exceed make to wo comfortable, should not of suggesting problem which things most exposed to the rays of the separate a direct more a as a The RUUD-HUMPHREY maintains distribution of these in WATER Water justly famous Heaters. the is and large phrey Water Heates immediate—goods of to study Water invited cordially are and pleasant carried of to and does troduction. improved. make is give his with Tile which ter walls at and Ruud to service Tile is more cost Best easily Hum- patrons therefore he outdistances architect damp-proof, before been its in- scientifically economically and service. of the offers mutually the case has standard building ma- solving their wall architects who which the was and one that established. Wall with which efficient progressive end be non-conductive, than brick more Naturally lower cost the may material fire-proof, lower the building problems. relations Tile—The clients to inquiries, building renders also Interlocking the Interlocking but up, Tile walls light weight the shipped Interlocking can both of stock, their business profitable Interlocking in promptly upon receipt of order. advice expert line complete very always are and less competitors. and 8-in. strong, rigid, of very pleasing than of kiln the State, being Ginger, Athens Seguin; and is leave Tile to with at face & by by Wichita Co., Products the Falls Athens; and job side and detail For Fraser scale of Fraser Seguin in rear walls is more is required, Brick Company. prices in & to cool being exposed; ornamentation by uniform a the in both want winter insure brick. issued you in work Where manufactured Clay tile made (now where warm cost the booklet sold Efficiency, Economy in commons. face them Tile Star damp-proof, etc., or Tile walls cottages, factory buildings, run stucco exterior enough Construction” Interlocking all low as property, with “Details for inexpensive business Specify Interlocking use: absolutely well as summer, for sizes) Tile all parts Company Wichita Co., Co., Elmendorf. Service —the Tile. 16 architect gets them all in |