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2 revisions | cpmorgan at Oct 02, 2020 04:31 PM | |
139SCHEDULE OF CHARGES AND PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE OF ARCHITECTS CLASS A Includes all churches, school houses, opera houses, city halls, office buildings, colleges, club houses. court houses, exchanges or other public buildings, 5 percent. CLASS B For monumental and decorative work, and designs for furniture, a special rate in excess of the above. CLASS C - RESIDENCES Costing less than 1,000 dollars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 percent CLASS D -- MERCANTILE BUILDINGS Includes storage warehouses, freight depots, wholesale business houses when occupied a entirety, shops, mills and all general business buildings not built for general rental purposes. Costing less than 5,000 dollars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 percent In all classes of work fees are due and payable as follows: 20 percent of the fee for preliminary work when the same is complete and accepted or abandoned. 50 percent for preliminary work, plans and specification, when same are ready to invite bids on the work. 70 percent for all the above with details, when complete, or if with supervision, to be pro rata as payments are made to contractors on contract price. In the event of abandonment or indefinite suspension of work, the architect is entitled to the full percentage for his serve, and upon every duplicate of his work. He may, however, make special agreement in such cases with his client in settlement. For alterations and additions, an aadditional charge to be made for suveys and measurements. An additional charge to be made for alterations or additions in ocntracts or plans, which will be valued in proportion to the additional time and service employed. Necessary traveling expenses to be paid by the client. Time spent by the architect in visiting for professional consultation, and in accompanying travel, whether by day or night, will be charged for, whether or not any commission, either for office work or supervising work is given. The architect's payments are exclusively due as his work is completed, in order of the above classificaitons. Until an actual estimate is received the charges are based upon the proposed cost of the works, and the payments are received as installments of the entire fee, which is based upon the actual cost. | 139 |