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2 revisions | cpmorgan at Oct 02, 2020 03:56 PM | |
138BY-LAWS ARTICLE I. There shall be a regular of the association on the third (3rd) Tuesday in January of each year, and at every such meeting the place of the next regular meeting shall be decided upon before adjournment. One-third of the members in good standing shall constitute a quorum; but a smaller number may adjourn from time to time. No member shall be considered in good standing if more than thirty days in arrears for his dues. ARTICLE II. -- RULES OF ORDER. The meetings of this association shall be conducted according to "Robert's Rules of Order." ARTICLE III. -- APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP. Any candidate for membership in this association shall send his application in writing to the Executive Committee, endorsed by two Fellows of the Association in good standing, and who are personally acquainted with the candidate. ARTICLE IV. -- ELECTION OF MEMBERS. When receiving an application for membership, the Executive Committee shall investigate the standing of the candidate, and shall, by ballot, admit or refuse him. All discussion of applicants shall be strictly confidential. Any person so elected, who shall not within three after notice of his election, left or sent to this address, signify his acceptance and pay his proper fees and dues, shall be considered as having declined to become a member. ARTICLE V. -- DUES. All Fellows -- including charter members -- of this association shall pay an initiation fee of five dollrs and annual dues of five dollars. Honorary members shall pay an initiation fee of twenty-five dollars and no dues. All dues ahll be payable within thirty days after each regular meeting, in default of which any member shall be liable to suspension or expulsion by the Executive Committee. ARTICLE VI. -- ELECTION OF OFFICERS. All officers shall be elected at the annual meetings of the association by majority ballot vote of the Fellows present. An officer shall be eligible to the same office not to exceed two (2) successive years, but all officers shall hold over until their successors shall be duly elected. ARTICLE VII. -- PAPERS AND RECORDS. All papers and other records not considered by the Executive Committee as confidential shall be at all times open to the inspection of the Fellows of the Association. ARTICLE VIII. -- AMENDMENTS TO BY-LAWS. The by-laws of this association may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Fellows present at any annual meeting, notice having been given as in the case of proposed amendments to the constitution. | 138 |