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2 revisions | cpmorgan at Oct 02, 2020 03:25 PM | |
135Texas State Association of Architects. 15 dered the local committee, members of the press and citizens for magnificent manner in which they have entertained its members during the present convention, and that copies of this resolution be sent to the press for publication. Unanimous. Offered by Mr. Gill, seconded by Mr. Muller. Resolved, that the thanks of this association are hereby tendered the members who have furnished architectural work and matters of interest to the profession for exhibition at this meeting and urge members to take more interest in this matter at our future meetings. The exhibition at this meeting being a feature of decided success. Unanimous. THIRD DAY. MORNING SESSION. Moved by Mr. Gill, seconded by Mr. Dickey, that the secretary have 250 copies of the annual proceedings published in the usual form, and also to have embodied the constitution and by-laws, and the schedule of charges, and to distribute same to the members of the association, and that $35.00 or as much as may be necessary be appropriated for expenses of same. Carried. The executive committee report that owing to illness Treasurer Herbert had not been able to attend the convention and his report was delayed, and authorized the new committee to look into the same as soon as they found it convenient to assemble. The report was adopted. Mr. Stewart, the custodian of the association badges, announced that he had several unappropriated and that the association was indebted for the amount of $13.85. It was moved that the badges be handed over to the new treasurer and that he be further authorized to pay out the balance of the account due. The executive committee approved the account of Mr. Stewart for $6.95, for disbursments made while acting secretary pro tem. during the past year. On motion, the convention adjourned to meet in Dallas on the third Tuesday in January, 1893. Entertainment. The local committee of architects assisted by citizens of Galveston exerted themselves to the utmost in showing every attention to the visitors, and it is much regretted that there was so small an attendance to enjoy the pleasures. The first evening was spent at the Tremont opera house. On Wednesday afternoon the tug "Cynthia" was boarded and about 2 o'clock the party, including ladies, was taken out to see the new jetties and a sail on the gulf beyond the bar. The sea breezes were more enjoyed than the roll of the craft. After adjournment, Mr. N. J. Clayton, a former member of the association, chaperoned the visitors around different portions of the city, and provided carryalls to conduct the party down the beach to enjoy the novelty of an oyster roast. With appropriate remarks, Judge Hurt presented a beautiful molluse shell to Mr. Clayton as the champion oyster gauger, with Mr. Muller a close second. | 135 |