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2 revisions
cpmorgan at Jun 30, 2020 08:58 AM


The President wished the badge to be the official badge of the assn. Their adoption was moved by Dickey, seconded by Herbert. Carried.

Gordon wished a clause about the [?] law as to whether an architect is an artisan and can claim protection under that law. An architect is first on the building and the last off it, and should be defended.

Mr. Dickey spoke of the new [?] law and its effect and required the use of the word "architect" mentioned in the bill in conjunction with artist, artisan, etc. Does the term "architect" coincide with and mean the same as artist?

Mr. Gordon moved that a committee of one member of the T. S. A. A be appointed to [lurge?] the insertion of the word "architect" in the present [lien?] law. Seconded by Mr. Rabitt. Adopted. Mr. Dickey moved that Mr. Wahrenberger be the member on the aboved Committee. Carried.

The bill before the legislature, viz; an act to regulate the practice of architecture in the state of Tex. Came up for discussion and a motion was made that Mr. Wahrenberger be authorized to use his endeavors to promote the welfare of the present bill before the house, and that he be allowed the necessary means to obtain that end. He could look after it in connection