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2 revisions | cpmorgan at Jun 30, 2020 08:43 AM | |
112themselves as clever and important enough without becoming members of a corporate body. Members of an order consult one another and derive benefit from the intercourse, and that the bond of friendship is strength. Mr Haggart said that his paper was not a motion, only suggestions, as a basis to work on. Mr. McQuirk, his associate on the committee, had done nothing in the matter, and he thought that a new appointment should be made. Mr Wahrenberger recommended that the report be referred back to the Committee, and he would nominate Mr. Dickey as a fit member to detail the requirements, in conjunction with Mr Haggart. Approved. Mr. Dickey wished to know whether they would enter into competitions without compensation, or on the ideas advanced by Mr Gordon. Motion - That the report submitted by Haggart on formulating rules under which members will take part in competitions be referred to the executive committee, with addition of Dickey, added for special purpose, and report at this convention. Moved by J. J. Kane seconded by J. R. Gordon. Carried. Mr. Haggart on special committee said that badges had been made and were in the hands of the secretary. He did the best he could and hoped they were satisfactory. He had consulted Kane, Sanguinet + Stewart in the matter | 112 |