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3 revisions | cpmorgan at Jul 02, 2020 09:06 AM | |
82the ruin of others by depreciating all merit and by innuendoes and evil speaking, seeking to pull others down that we may rear ourselves upon their ruins. Remember, that if we are to accomplish anything, it is to be by a united effort and to attain to a united effort, self respect and respect for other must unite us into a band of workers, each rejoicing in the success of his associates. I know of nothing of such a debasing character, or such a sure index to absolute littleness of capacity, as a depreciation of others and an exaltation of self - nothing that has such an adverse influence on others in forming opinions of our worth, as to know low esteem each holds the other. If this principle in regard to our associates is not acted upon by each member, we are needlessly spending our time and our money in any effort to effect the objects of our association. Here, all stand upon the same plane, and no one is abvoe his fellow except by the force of his own individuality, and instead of trying to pull others down, let us endeavor to raise ourselves to their standard. What standing has a family in a community where each member is accusing the other as unworthy of confidence, only that evidence is given that all are unworthy of respect, and will be treated accordingly? It is an axiom, true in this respect, that a member cannot suffer without the whole body suffering. Then, if we have unworthy members, who are detriment to our good and are an affliction to us as a body, cut them off and get rid of them, but if not, let us not lower ourselves by criminations of others. What I have said to you is for the best interests of our association, and in the hope that these suggestions will be acted upon, each of us can have the assurance that we will attain the high ends for which we are united. On motion of J J Kane of Fort Worth it was resolved that the thanks of this association be tendered President Dodson for his masterly address and that the address he spread upon the minutes and be published in the next annual report in full. Moved by Geo E Dickey of Houston that the reading of the minutes by the Secretary be [?] with as each member of the association was in possession of a copy the motion prevailed. The Executive Committee in their report admitted the following members of this association Geo F King El Paso Mc Donald Austin L McQuirk Dallas J. R. Gordon San Antonio Geo S Kane Fort Worth The chairman of the Executive Committee assured further time for a full report from the Committee. Granted | 82the ruin of others by depreciating all merit and by innuendoes and evil speaking, seeking to pull others down that we may rear ourselves upon their ruins. Remember, that if we are to accomplish anything, it is to be by a united effort and to attain to a united effort, self respect and respect for other must unite us into a band of workers, each rejoicing in the success of his associates. I know of nothing of such a debasing character, or such a sure index to absolute littleness of capacity, as a depreciation of others and an exaltation of self - nothing that has such an adverse influence on others in forming opinions of our worth, as to know low esteem each holds the other. If this principle in regard to our associates is not acted upon by each member, we are needlessly spending our time and our money in any effort to effect the objects of our association. Here, all stand upon the same plane, and no one is abvoe his fellow except by the force of his own individuality, and instead of trying to pull others down, let us endeavor to raise ourselves to their standard. What standing has a family in a community where each member is accusing the other as unworthy of confidence, only that evidence is given that all are unworthy of respect, and will be treated accordingly? It is an axiom, true in this respect, that a member cannot suffer without the whole body suffering. Then, if we have unworthy members, who are detriment to our good and are an affliction to us as a body, cut them off and get rid of them, but if not, let us not lower ourselves by criminations of others. What I have said to you is for the best interests of our association, and in the hope that these suggestions will be acted upon, each of us can have the assurance that we will attain the high ends for which we are united. |