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2 revisions
cpmorgan at May 27, 2020 10:44 AM


conditions and whose fitness to assume the duties and responsibilities of an architect shall have been demonstated to said board by the examination to which said candidate has been subjected.

Section 8.

If any architect be accused of gross carelessness or recklessness in the discharge of his duties and after giving due hearing to the accused and his accusers, said board shall find him guilty of such offense, his license may be temporarily withdrawn or entirely revoked, as may seem proportionate to the gravity of the offense.

Section 9.

The fee to be paid for a license shall be $50, which shall be paid into the treasury of the state.

Section 10.

The members of said board shall serve without compensation but their actual expenses incured in the discharge of their duties shall be paid out of the state treasury general fund.

Section 11.

Any person who shall be engaged in the planning or supervision of the erection of buildings of presenting plans for competition shall be regarded as an architect within the