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3 revisions
Katie Pierce Meyer at May 01, 2024 04:04 PM


a high and honorable place with its sister states associations, by making and enforcing just and honorable rules for the guidance and practice of its members, and to be ever ready to exert our best efforts to elevate the profession to which we belong.

On motion of W. C. Dodson, of Waco, seconded by Eugene J. Heiner of Houston, it was resolved - that the thanks of the association be tendered President Kane for his able address, and that the address be spread upon the minutes and published in the next annual report in full.

Moved by W. C. Dodson that the reading of the minutes of the last meeting be dispensed with, as each member of the association was in possession of a printed of the last minutes. The motion prevailed.

The report of the Executive Committee admitted the following architects as members of the association,

A. B. Bristol, Dallas
Cortez Clark, Dallas
Guy M. Tozer, Dallas


a high and honorable place with its sister states associations, by making and enforcing just and honorable rules for the guidance and practice of its members, and to be ever ready to exert our best efforts to elevate the profession to which we belong.

On motion of W. C. Dodson, of Waco, seconded by Eugene J. Heiner of Houston, it was resolved - that the thanks of the association be tendered President Kane for his able address, and that the address be spread upon the minutes and published in the next annual report in full.

Moved by W. C. Dodson that the reading of the minutes of the last meeting be dispensed with, as each member of the association was in possession of a printed of the last minutes. The motion prevailed.

The report of the Executive Committee admitted the following architects as members of the association,

A. B. Bristol, Dallas
Cortez Clark, Dallas
[?] M. Tozer, Dallas