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3 revisions
Katie Pierce Meyer at May 01, 2024 04:08 PM


architectural profession and the increase in its ranks, shown the necessity of organization to encourage a close professional intercourse and fellowship, and to be a bond of union between all its members who are engaged in its professional practice.

In 1867 the American Institute of Architects was established for the object of associating as many as possible of the architects of good standing in all parts of the country. This was found not be sufficient to meet the want by those who lived in distant cities. It was found to be necessary to establish local chapters in various cities for the more close fellowship and personal intercourse of the members with each other in the order that all might practice under the same code. A few of its members were scattered in distant points from each other in the west. When the west and northwest to stretch out her mighty armies, building large and populous cities on her broad praries and sunny hills, then the evident necessity was felt for a Western Association of Architects and a fellowship of the men who were building up those magic cities in the west and


architectural profession and the increase in its ranks, shown the necessity of organization to encourage a close professional intercourse and fellowship, and to be a bond of union between all its members who are engaged in its professional practice.

In 1867 the American Institute of Architects was established for the object of associating as many as possible of the architects of good standing in all parts of the country. This was found not be sufficient to meet the want by those who lived in distant cities. It was found to be necessary to establish local chapters in various cities for the more close fellowship and personal intercourse of the members with each other in the order that all might practice under the same code. A few of its members were scattered in distant points from each other in the west. When the west and northwest to stretch out her mighty armies, building large and populous cities on her broad praries and sunny hills, then the evident necessity was felt for a Western Association of Architects and a fellowship of the men who were building up those magic cities in the west and