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2 revisions | cpmorgan at Apr 14, 2020 11:16 AM | |
41is this shown by the intemperate and lavish display of ornament otuside and inside on most of late. But we must be free to admit that we see a strong tendency in all cases to add all that is possible for domestic comfort first, and second, the beauty of the outline of the building. Thus we see in the present day the low wide entrance steps in place of the high narrow steps. Wide windows, wide and square framed stairways, wide, open fireplaces and handsome wood mantles take the place with their warm and pleasing tint and shades of the cold and cheerless marble that was used in the past. From all that has been said it is evident that the artistic eye and mind of the architect of the present day has reached a variety of styles of which our city and county buildings afford examples in all their variety. We must admit that the architect of the present day has a broader field and better opportunity to educate and prepare himself to meet the increasing demand for skillful and competent work than he has ever had at any time before. The importance of the | 41 |