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2 revisions | cpmorgan at Apr 15, 2020 04:36 PM | |
30training, practice or experience to acquire a knowledge of the profession to fit them for the practice of architecture, nor ought we, under any circumstances, ever admit, knowingly, those whose professional practice in the past has been unprofessional or a dishonorable character. By all just and honorable means keep up the standard of true respectability for our association. Do not hesitate to refuse admission to such as would bring reproach or evil repute or cast a shadow on our association. Better a few in numbers and maintain your reputation and the standing of the Texas Association of Architects. Show to the world that our association is composed of gentlemen who are honorable alike in their personal character and in their professional practice. I sincerely hope that the records of our proceedings and official acts will be securely kept and preserved, to be handed down to our successors, for the time will come at no distant day, when such proceedings will be closely scanned by those who will come after our time has passed. | 30 |