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5 revisions
Katie Pierce Meyer at Apr 20, 2024 02:09 PM


action until after the report of the
committee on constitution bylaws. -

Moved and carried that the secretary
read the bill as framed by the W.A.A.
to regulate the practice of architects
in various states and also a paper
on architect's protective association.

Moved by J N Preston and seconded by N. Tobey that the Com.
to procure charter be also empowered to
provide a suitable seal.

Moved and carried that the Convention
stand adjourned tomorrow morning until 9:30


action until after the report of the
committee on constitution bylaws. -

Moved and carried that the secretary
read the bill as framed by the W.A.A.
to regulate the practice of architects
in various states and also a paper
on architect's protective association.

Moved by J N Preston and seconded by N. Tobey that the Com.
to procure charter be also empowered to
provide a suitable seal.

Moved and carried that the Convention
stand adjourned tomorrow morning until 9:30