I would recommend that all should abandon the following as far as possible, severe criticism, selfishness, jealousy or envy, deceit or deception, and I might go on and go on and enumerate but it would be superfluous. Rather than criticize a brother architect who has failed to up to our standard or views in architecture, extend to him our sympathy if he is in any way worthy. If not, say as little as possible.
Be as unselfish as it is good policy and extend the same courtesy to our brother as we would wish him to us. Never be jealous or envious of one because he has out reached us and secured a good job we wished for, if he secured it squarely and honorably; and above all do not use deceit or deception with our clients and in our plans, [?] in order to secure a [fat?] or paying job. Stand firmly by every pledge we make to them and execute them faitfully to the best of our ability and then we will be honored as well as respected by this our association and those we serve. We will be in condition to serve each and every part of this our great state, so
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