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2 revisions
QuareSauce at Jul 02, 2021 08:27 AM


Office of Geo. E. King
Architect & Superintendent
Center Block.
Wells, Fargo's Bank Block, El Paso, Textas, May 10th 1890

W. W. Larmour [Esq.?]

Dear Frater,

Yours of the
7th just to hand in reply am sorry to
state that owing to my having to
be in Las Cruces N. M. on the 12th for
the purpose of meeting the Board of
Regents of the [Tex?] Agricultural
college which I expect to get it will
be impossible for me to be present
at the State Convention allthough I had
intended to have been with you
any business of importance when
necessary for [?]. You will confer
a favor by representing me through
proxy. Please have the mistake in
my initials from Geo. F. to Geo. E. etc.
as you will see the mistake on your
books. I oblige.
Fraternally Yours, Geo. E.