Charles Christopher Burke
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3 revisions | Katie Pierce Meyer at Dec 13, 2023 05:18 PM | Revision changes |
Charles Christopher BurkeBurke, Charles C., 1815-1901
An architect, born in Scotland, May 29, 1815; died at Memphis, Tennessee, September 11, 1901. He
received his early education at the London University, after which he went to Paris and took a complete
course in architecture and civil engineering. Going to New York, he pursued his profession in that city for
many years. He then went South, where his practice consisted of engineering work for the planters of
Louisiana and Mississippi. In 1859 he settled in Memphis, where he became the city engineer and was
county surveyor from 1870 to 1884. From this time on his work was largely architectural, his chief
characteristic being massive construction, such as storehouses, and he also designed many churches.
IV - 1903. -
Brief Biographies of American Architects Who Died Between 1897
and 1947
Transcribed from the American Art Annual by Earle G. Shettleworth, Jr., Director,
Maine Historic Preservation Commission. | Burke, Charles C., 1815-1901 |