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3 revisions
Mjones at Sep 09, 2024 04:15 PM



I am very much obliged to your Chapter for its kind invitation to be
present, but a Directors' meeting of the Institute in Washington to-
morrow evening, and a hearing on the following day before the Senate
Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, with reference to obtain-
ing plans for government work by limited competition, will prevent my
accepting it. With best wishes for a successful meeting, I remain,

Yours very truly,


President A. I. A.

27 North Street, Toronto, Dec. 30th, 1892.
Dear Sir :—
I regret that I am unable to accept the invitation of the
Southern Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, to be present
at its second annual Convention, as I have just returned after an ab-
sence of two months, and find that I have a large amount of work to do
to get my office in proper shape.

I also regret that, owing to the above reason, I am unable to prepare
a paper to be read at the Convention.

On behalf of the Ontario Association of Architects, I wish your Chap-
ter every success in its efforts to forward the interests of our profession.

I am, sir,

Yours very sincerely,


President O. A. A.

To A. C. BRUCE, Esp., Atlanta, Ga.,

President Southern Chapter A. I. A.

Mr. Helmich: In order that the necessary bills may be
properly framed and put before the various Legislatures of the
Southern States, at as early a date as possible, I move that the
President of this Chapter at his earliest convenience, appoint
three members in each State where this Chapter is represented,
and that they co-operate with each other in formulating such
bill or bills as will be for the welfare of our profession, and
that these individual Committees shall press upon their res-
spective Legislatures the importance of passing such whole-
some and safe laws for the control of the practice of architects
as is deemed necessary for the protection and welfare of the

Unanimously carried.

The President: I appoint Mess. Halmich, C. Wheelock and
Smith the committee for the State of Alabama.

The Secretary : I should have stated in the report of the



I am very much obliged to your Chapter for its kind invitation to be
present, but a Directors' meeting of the Institute in Washington to-
morrow evening, and a hearing on the following day before the Senate
Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, with reference to obtain-
ing plans for government work by limited competition, will prevent my
accepting it. With best wishes for a successful meeting, I remain,

Yours very truly,


President A. I. A.

27 North Street, Toronto, Dec. 30th, 1892.
Dear Sir :—
I regret that I am unable to accept the invitation of the
Southern Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, to be present
at its second annual Convention, as I have just returned after an ab-
sence of two months, and find that I have a large amount of work to do
to get my office in proper shape.

I also regret that, owing to the above reason, I am unable to prepare
a paper to be read at the Convention.

On behalf of the Ontario Association of Architects, I wish your Chap-
ter every success in its efforts to forward the interests of our profession.

I am, sir,

Yours very sincerely,


President O. A. A.

To A. C. BRUCE, Esp., Atlanta, Ga.,

President Southern Chapter A. I. A.

Mr. Helmich: In order that the necessary bills may be
properly framed and put before the various Legislatures of the
Southern States, at as early a date as possible, I move that the
President of this Chapter at his earliest convenience, appoint
three members in each State where this Chapter is represented,
and that they co-operate with each other in formulating such
bill or bills as will be for the welfare of our profession, and
that these individual Committees shall press upon their res-
spective Legislatures the importance of passing such whole-
some and safe laws for the control of the practice of architects
as is deemed necessary for the protection and welfare of the

Unanimously carried.

The President: I appoint Mess. Halmich, C. Wheelock and
Smith the committee for the State of Alabama.

The Secretary : I should have stated in the report of the