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7 revisions | Katie Pierce Meyer at Dec 18, 2023 11:25 AM | |
1916 THE SOUTHERN CHAPTER, A. I. A. Southern States in regard to laws controlling the practice of Which motion was unanimously carried. At this point Mr. Bassett read an address from Mr. Hubner, GREETING OF THE SOUTHERN ARCHITECT. To the Members of the Southern Chapter of the American Institute of GENTLEMEN: No profession is more thoroughly identified with the In view of these facts it is certainly a gratifying spectacle to see, gath- The organization of the Southern Chapter of the American Institute Beginning with a few zealous members, and under many disadvan- | 1916 THE SOUTHERN CHAPTER, A. I. A. Southern States in regard to laws controlling the practice of architecture, and it is necessary that we now appoint a time to give these gentlemen a hearing, and I move that three o'clock to-morrow evening be set as the time for this confer- ence. Which motion was unanimously carried. At this point Mr. Bassett read an address from Mr. Hubner, editor of ''The Southern Architect," who was unavoidably prevented from attending: GREETING OF THE SOUTHERN ARCHITECT. To the Members of the Southern Chapter of the American Institute of Architects in Annual Session at Birmingham, Alabama: GENTLEMEN: No profession is more thoroughly identified with the material progress of this section of our country, or more instrumental in developing a taste for the beautiful in Art, than the men who honor the profession of Architecture. No part of our great Republic has cause to be prouder of its representative architects than the South. Along with the wonderful progress of the Southern States since the war, in ma- terial prosperity and industrial growth, wealth and power, there has been apparent an encouraging development of the art-taste among our people in its architectural side. This finds expression in numerous grand public buildings and handsome private residences; and this practical art-taste has been promoted and fostered by educated and ex- perienced architects in our midst, whose wholesome influences and whose respect for the classic models of their art, have largely contributed in suppressing the vulgar and bizarre, and in bringing about among our people the good taste increasingly expressing itself to-day in the architectural appearance of our towns and cities, in public edifices and private residences, as well as in the tasteful homes of our suburban and rural districts. In view of these facts it is certainly a gratifying spectacle to see, gath- ered in this renowned and prosperous city, a body of men who are co-workers in this grand work, who worthily represent their noble pro- fession, and to whose labor, zeal, fidelity and culture, the remarkable development of the art-taste of the New South, already alluded to, is largely due. The organization of the Southern Chapter of the American Institute of Architects was a happy thought of those who conceived it, and the results thereof have proved the wisdom of their conception, and its practical value to the profession in the South. All honor is due to the founders and promoters of this Chapter, and they will be held in grate- ful remembrance as long as the beneficial influences of this organization shall exist. Beginning with a few zealous members, and under many disadvan- |