Austin Tex. Jan'y 19th 1886
Minutes of the proceedings of the Convention of Architects held at Austin Jan'y 19th 188
Meeting called to order by S A J Preston Committe on State Organization of (W.A.A) Western Association of Architects -
On motion of J N Preston [?] - W.W. Larmour was chosen temporary chairman and on motion of J. Andrewartha S A J Preston was chosen temporary secretary and Oscar Ruffini assistant-[sect'y?] -
The following by J N Preston was read and adopted - Resolved That it is the sense of this meeting that a state association of Architects lie now or [?] in this place
On motion letters were read from absent architects -
Moved by J Andrewartha that the chair appoint [a com?] or permanent organization caused the chair appointed the following Com. [Mep N. Tobey?], J.N. Preston, J. Andrewartha, W.C. Dodson, and J. J Kane -
Moved by A.M.C. Nixon that a recess be taken to all the Com. [?] - carried.
Meeting called to order and the [?] organization reported as follows. Mr. Chairman [your?] [?] on permanent organization have the honor to report as follows. For President J.J. Cain of Fort Worth. First Vice President J.N. Preston of Austin, Second Vice President Nathaniel Tobey of Galveston. Sect'y S A J Preston of Austin. Treasurer + Ass. Sect'y W.W. Lamour of Waco. Com. N. Tobey Chair J.J. Cain, W.C. Dodson, J N Preston, J Andrewartha, Sect'y
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