


Status: Complete

Mss Folio Word 1 Word 2 Word 3 Word 4 Word 5 Word 6 Word 7 Word 8
A Fxxx Whyche that thys troubly world haxth ay on honde
Ar Whiche that this troubly world hath ay on hond
Ad Wich þ^t þis troubly world haxth ay on honde
As Wiche that this trowbly worlde haxth ay on honde
Bo Which þ^t þis troubly world hath ay on honde
Cc Which þat þis trubly world hath ay in honde
Co Which that þis tubli(?) world hath ay on hand~
Di The which [ ] this trouble world hath ay on hond~
Do Whiche þat þat [ ] world hat (sic) ay on honde
Du Which þ^t this troubly world haxth ay in hond
Ed Which þat vs (?) troubly world haxth ay in honde
Fi1 lacking until l. 66
Fi2 Which~ [ ] this troubely world hath ay on honde
Ga Whiche that this troble world hath ay in honde
Gg Which that this troubelouſe world hath ay on hond
Ha1 Whiche þat þis [ ] world hath ay on honde
Ha3 Which [ ] this troubly word (sic) ay hath in honde
Ha4 [171r] Which that this [ ] world hath ay on honde
Ha5 Which that this troub(l)e worlde hath ay in (?)
Hh Which [ ] this troubly world ? ay in honde
Hn1 Wiche that [ ] trowbli world hathe ay on honde
Hn2 Wyche that this troubly worlde hath ay on hoVe=? -sic
La Which~ þ^t this troubli word (sic) haxth ay on honde
Ne Whiche þet þis [ ] world hat (sic) ay on honde
Na Which that this troubeloſe worlde h[a]th ay on honde
Qu Wich þat this troubly world hath ay on honde
Ra1 Which that this troubly world hath ay on honde
Ro Which that this [ ] world hath ay on honde
Ry1 Whych~ that this [ ] world hath ay on honde
Ry2 The which~ [ ] this troubly world hath ay on ILLEG
Ry3 Which that this troubly world hath ay in hande
Ry4 Whiche that this troubli worlde hath ay in honde
Sj Which [ ] þis troubly worlde hath ay on honde
Sl1 Whiche þat this [ ] worlde hath ay on honde
Sl2 Wiche þ^t this troubly world hath ay in honde
So [ILLEGIBLE - - -] world hath ay in honde
Tc Wiche that þis trobuly world hath ay on honde
Ya Which þ^t þis troubly world hath ay on hond~

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