Texas State Association of Architects

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Texas State Association of Architects Correspondence

Needs Review


Meeting called to order by V.P. J.R.G + address

1st Minutes read and approved

2d Reading Presidents ad -dispensed with

3d Rep ex. com. approved

4th Rep standing Com (none)

5th " spl " "

6th unfinished business "

7th New business - appointed Com to draft resolutions upon the death of V.P. Alfred Muller + Tom Wood Res by McDonald - Res by overbeck about certificates of membership Res by Gordon about liscensing [licensing] architects. ---..--- Com design for certificate of membership Payment of annual dues - Passed until the sense of the association is had upon resolution of McDonald - Election of officers : Moved by B. McD. sec by overbeck JRG. Passd unanimous -- B. McD V.P. unanimous F.S. Glover 2d V.P. - H.A. Overbeck. Sec'y A.A. Meyer Treas.

Ex Com J.R.G. ch B McD. F.S. Glover H.A. Overbeck. A.A. Meyer

Special Com. Res Death A. Muller. J.R.G. B. McD. + H.A O. Res Death Tom Wood same

Last edit 9 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer

AIA Southern Chapter Proceedings




Western brethren in the profession and reap the benefits to be derived from a united interest in our chosen profession.

I will close by quoting a sentence taken from the Journal of Architecture, of Philadelphia, which expresses fully the object of our assembly to-day; "Architects as a fraternity should, by their intermingling and interchange of ideas, by their unremitted and unanimous action, and, if possible, in a broad and all-embracing organization, working from within by and upon its membership, attempt to render the methods and practice of architecture more uniform, raise the average standard of design, and by making all true criteria of architectural merit more generally known and more universally adopted, pave the only highway to the popularity of true architecture which seems at present to be open."

The President: 'The next thing in order is the report of the Board of Directors.

The Secretary : As sec'y of the Board of Directors I wish to state that but one meeting of the Board of Directors was held in 1892, which occurred at Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 1st. At this meeting the letter ballot, similar to that used by the A. I. A. was adopted. The Board of Directors also instructed the Secretary to have a Certificate of Membership engraved with such conditions shown in its face as render it void after the following annual meeting, a copy of which, properly filled out, to be given to each Fellow, upon the full payment of all dues for the current year. A copy of this certificate is herewith submitted for your consideration. It was further ordered that Fellows of the A. I. A. requesting membership in this Chapter be excused from furnishing photographs or other drawings as evidence of their professional ability, but in other respects the application blank to be filled out by each applicant and endorsed in the usual way.

The Board of Directors held a meeting this morning prior to the assembling of this Convention, and after considering the applications filed in proper form with the Secretary, they recommend for membership the following named architects, viz.: W. E. Hall, Winston, N. C.; Tom Wood, Sherman, Tex., ; C. H. Read, Jr.., Richmond, Va.; G. W. E. Field, Richmond, Va.; J. G. Barnwell, Rome, Ga.; C. C. Wilson, Roanoke, Va.; J. W. McClain, Birmingham, Ala.; E. W. Smith, Lexington, Ky.; Geo. W. Stewart, Dallas, Texas ; Harry D. Breeding, Huntsville, Ala.; P. S. Rabbit, Galveston, Tex.; J. A. Tempest, Houston, Tex.; W. A. Bird, Bir-

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Last edit 10 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
Needs Review


28 The Southern Chapter, A. I. A.

committee consisting of L. F. Goodrich, D. B. Woodruff and F. L. Rosseau., who reported that in their opinion it is inexpedient at that time to take any action, and recommended that the resolution be laid upon the table. Upon motion of Mr. Lind the report of the committee was adopted.

At this point the Secretary stated that there had been a successful attempt made by some members of the Institute to have the dictionaries make a clear distinction between the "supervision" of work by architects and the "superintendence" of work, and that it was understood that such distinction would be in future editions of the dictionaries, and that it was high time that the profession generally were dropping the expression "superintendence," as applied to their "supervision" of work; as superintendence could be furnished only by persons who remained all the while on the building, and this was clearly the duty of the cleck of the works; and the expression "superintendence" should not be used in connection with architectural service.

Mr. Helmich : In view of the fact that the evening session will be occupied by the members of the Legislature, and the amount of work that is yet to be accomplished, it strikes me that we should go into the election of officers at this morning session instead of afternoon, as formerly decided upon, and since Mr. Burke has waived his objection to proceeding before hearing the report of the Committee on the Treasurer's Accounts, I move that we hear the report of the Nominating Committees now.

Which motion was carried.

Mr. D. A. Helmick, chairman of one of the committees, submitted the following recommendation : Mr. L. F. Goodrich for President, W. P. Tinsley for Vice-President, Mr. P. E. Dennis, Secretary and Treasurer. Directors: D. B. Wood, ruff, T. H. Morgan, Tom Wood, T. H. Maddox and C. C. Burke.

Mr. Chas. Wheelock, chairman of the other committee. made the following recommendation : Mr. L. F. Goodrich for President, Mr. E. G. Lind for Vice-President, and W. P. Tinsley for Secretary and Treasurer. Directors : C. C.

Last edit 9 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer

Texas State Association of Architects Minutes and Proceedings



Meeting Aug 26/95 Beach hotel Galveston 159

Moved by Wood seconded by Messer and carried unanimously by that the minutes ^ of 1895 be approved as read Present Alfred Mueller V. P. A. A. Messer Treas J R G, Secy - A. O. Watson, Tom Wood.

A vote of thanks ( be and is []) extended to vice-president Mueller for his elequent and able address, V.P. appointed A A Messer & Tom Wood upon Ex. comp Report of Executive Committee upon appli[?] (was? passedoation of T. S. Glover, favorably; Elected unanimously_ Moved by Gordon, seconded by Wood that a committee of [] three be appointed to formulate a code of ethics petition, those submitted individually by the Members presentMoved by Messer that secy be instructed to send statements to all members requesting sentiment & reply - seconded by Glover carried -

Moved by Mueller Glover and seconded by Watson Wood that the mext conversation be held at Galveston upon call of the President in August 1896-

Secretary instructed to write Owen Brainard 44 [Bwdy] copies of Ethics of Architectural Competitions by John M. Carrere

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Last edit 10 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
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