Pages That Mention Isla de Cuba
The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]
shore of the river Maranon, near the port of Curupa.
CAUIANA, an island of the N. sea; situate in the middle of the mouth of the large river Marañon.
CAUIJA, a lake of the province and government of Guayana or Nueva Andalucia. It is n. of that of Ipava, from whence, according to some, the river Orinoco takes its rise.
CAUINAS, an ancient and barbarous nation of the province of Charcas in Peru, which was bounded by the nation of the Canches ; here was a superb palace belonging to the Incas, built upon the top of an high mountain, the remains of which are yet to be seen near the settlement of Urcos, and those of Querquesana and Quiquijana, these being about nine miles distant from the aforesaid palace.
CAUIUSARI, a river of the province and government of San Juan de los Llanos in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It rises in the mountains of the country of the Guames Indians, runs e. for many leagues, and enters the Apure,
CAUJUL, a settlement of the province and corregimienio of Caxatambo in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Andajes.
CAUMARES, a barbarous nation inhabitingthe woods which lie upon the banks of the river Maranon towards the n. Some of them were reduced to the faith by the missionaries of the extinguished company of Jesuits of the province of Mainas, and formed part of the population of the settlement of San Ignacio de Pevas.
CAUN, a settlement of the missions which were held by the regulars of the company of the Jesuits, in the province of Cinaloa.
CAUO, or Couvo, a river of the province and government of Guayana. It runs towards the e. and enters the sea, at the distance of leagues from the mouth of the river Aprovaca : its banks on the e. side are inhabited by some barbarous Indians of the Yaus nation.
CAUOS, a barbarous nation of Indians who in-habit the woods to the w. of the river Putumayo. They are thought to be a branch or tribe of the Abives, and are but little known.
CAUQUE, a settlement of the kingdom and presidency of Guatemala.
CAUQUENES, a river of the kingdom and government of Chile. It rises in the mountains of its cordillera, and enters the Maule.
CAUQUICURA, an ancient and large province of the kingdom of Peru, to the s. of Cuzco. It was conquered and united to the monarchy by Mayta Capac, fourth Emperor.
CAUQUIS, a nation of Indians of the kingdom of Chile, and one of the most warlike and valorous, who resisted and put a check to the conquests of Yupanqui, eleventh Emperor of Peru, obliging liim to retreat with his army to Coqnimbo.
CAURA, a large and copious river of the province of Guayana, and government of Cumana. It rises in some very lofty sierras, and its shores are inhabited by many Indiatis, wlio retreat hither when pursued by the Caribes, who are accustonicd to kill the adults, and to ko('p as prisoners tlie women and children, iit order to sell them to the Dutch. This river is the largest of the kingdom of Tierra Firme ever discovered since that of the Orinoco. It runs 60 leagues before it enters into this latter river, through chains of rocks, which so impede its navigation as to render it unsafe for any but very small craft. On its shores are two forts, one at tlie mouth, where it enters the Orinoco ; and the other at its mid-course. The Maranon and the Orinoco also communicate with it by an arm which is very considerable, and is called the Rio Negro.
Caura, a settlement of the jurisdiction of the town of San Gil, in the Nuevo Reyno de Gra.nada.
CAURANTA, a settlement of the province and government of Cumaná ; situate on the coast and at the point of Paria.
CAURE, a small river of the province and government of San Juan de los Llanos in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It rises opposite that city, towards the s. and then enters the Ariari.
CAURI, a settlement of the province and corregimienlo of Tarma in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Cayna.
CAURIMPO, a settlement of the province and government of Cinaloa ; situate between the forts Rio and Mayo. It is n reduccion of the missions which were held by the regulars of the company of Jesuits.
CAUSAN, a river of the ])rovince and colony of Georgia, is the same as that of the name of Combahi. It runs till it enters the sea.
CAUTE, a small river of the island of Cuba, Which runs rw. and enters the sea.
CAUTEN, a large river of the kingdom of Chile, in the district and province of Repocura. It rises in the district of Maquegua, runs continually from e. to vs. collecting the waiters of many other rivers, in such a gentle and mild course, that it has also acquired the name of Las Damns. It passes before the Ciudad Imperial, and enters the S. sea. It is 500 toises broad at its mouth, and of sufficient depth to admit of a ship of the line ; at
certain seasons of tlie year it is so filled with fish, for seven leagues from its mouth, that the Indians are accustomed to harpoon them from the shores.
Cauten, a point of land, or cape, which is one of those which form the entrance of the former river.
CAUTO, a settlement of the s. coast of the island of Cuba; situate on the shore of a river which bears the same name.
CAUX, Montanas de, mountains in the province and government of French Guinea, which run along the shore of a river of the same name, between the rivers Orapu and Aprovaque.
(CAVALLO, as some erroneously spell it, a sea-port town in the province of Venezuela, in Tierra Firme. Lat. 10'’ 28'. Long. G8° 8'. See Cabello Pderto and Cavello Puerto.)
(CAVAILLON, a town on the s. side of the s. peninsula of the island of St. Domingo, about three leagues n. e. of Les Cayes, and five w. by s. of St. Louis. Lat. 18° 18' w.)
(CAVELLO, Puerto, Borburata. One league e. of Puerto Cavello, was originally the only resort of vessels trading to this part of Venezuela. Puerto Cavello was merely frequented by smugglers, fishermen, and the outcasts of the interior. The old town is surrounded by tlic sea, excepting a space of a few fathoms to tlie w. ; through which they have now cut a canal communicating to the sea on the n. of the town to that on the s. ; thus forming an island, the egress being by a bridge with a gate which is shut every evening, and at which is placed the principal guard. This island being too small for the increasing population, houses were built on a tongue of land to the w. of the town, which was the only part free from inundation ; and this has now become the residence of the merchants, and the principal place. The total population of Puerto Cavello is 7600, of which, excepting the military and the officers of government, none are of the nobility. The whites are generally employed in trade and navigation ; the chief correspondence being with the ports of the continent or the neighbouring colonies ; for, although the port has been open from 1798 to the trade of the metropolis, there is as yet but. little communication with it. Of about 60 vessels trading to this place, 20 at least are from Jamaica, and 20 from Cura 9 oa, whilst only four or five are from Spain. According to the custom-house books, the cargoes of these veesels are of little value ; but the revenue is defrauded, and the vessels discharge their lading on the coast before entering the port. This place supplies all the w. part of Venezuela,
and the jurisdiction of Valencia, San Carlos, Bariquisimeto, San Felipe, and a part of the valleys of Aragoa. About 20 Europeans engross the w hole trade. All vessels trading to the neighbourhood resort here for repairs, and nothing but the unwholsoraeness of the air prevents Puerto Cavello becoming the most important port in America. This insalubrity arises from the exhalations from the rain water that accumulates in a clayey marsh to the s. of the city. It is particularly fatal to those who are not seasoned to the climate. In 1793 a Spanish squadron anchored at Puerto Cavello ; but in six months of its stay, it lost one-third of the crew; and in 1802 a French squadron in 20 days lost 16 i officers and men. It has been computed that 20,000 piastres fortes would be sufficient to drain this tatal marsh. The inhabitants are supplied by conduits with water from a river that runs into the sea one- fourth of a league w. of the town. A military commander is also at the head of the police, and is likewise the administrator of justice, his decisions being subject to an appeal to the royal audience. The people have demanded the establishment of a cahildo, but without success. They obtained in 1800 a single alcalde y who is appointed annually ; but great inconveniences have been found to arise from this arrangement.
There is no convent, and but one church, in Puerto Cavello. The foundation of another church was begun, but for want of funds it has not beeh completed. There is a military hospital, and another for the poor. The garrison consists of a company of the regiment of Caracas in time of peace ; but daring war it is reinforced from the militia and troops of the line. 'I'hcre arc from 300 to 400 galley-slaves always employed onthepiiblic works.
Puerto Cavello is 30 leagues from Caracas, in embarking for La Guaira, and 48 leagues in the direction of Valencia, Maracay, Tulraero, La Victoria, atid San Pedro. Reaumur’s thermometer is generally in August at 26°, and in January from 18° to 19°. Lat. 10° 20' «. Long. 70* 30' w. of Paris. See Puerto Cabello.)
(CAVENDISH, a township in Windsor county, Vermont, w. of Wcathersfield, on Black river, having 491 inhabitants. Upon this river, and within this township, the channel has been worn down 100 feet, and rocks of very large dimensions have been undermined and thrown down one upon another. Holes are wrought in the rocks of various dimensions and forms ; some cylindrical, from one to eight feet in diameter, and from one to 15 feet in depth ; others are of a spherical form.
down from the mountains to the jy. of the Rachcs Indians, and runs 52 leagues from s. to «. e. until it enters the Marmore together with the Guapaix, opposite the settlement and reduccion of Loreto, which lies to the s.
CHOPO, a settlement of the government and jurisdiction of Pamplona in the JNuevo Reyno de Granada. It is of a very mild climate, and abounds in sugar-canes, plantains, maize, and many sorts of vegetables ; these being the principal branch of its trafiic with the Indians, Avho carry them for sale to the capital, which lies at a small distance from hence, in the road leading to M6rida and Gibraltar. It contains 50 Indians, and almost as many indigent settlers.
[CHOPS, The, in Kennebeck river, are three miles from Swan Island; Avhich see.]
CHOPTANK, a large navigable river of the province and colony of Maryland, [emptying itself into Chesapeak bay.]
CHOPTANK, Little, another (river) of the same province Maryland. It runs w. and enters the sea in the bay of Chesapeak.
CHOQUE, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxatarabo in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Acros.
CHOQUECAMATA, a settlement of the province and corregtmiento of Cochabamba in Peru.
CHOQUELIMPE, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Arica in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Copia.
CHOQUES, a barbarous nation of Caribes Indians, of the Nuevo Reino de Granada, dwelling immediately upon the mountains and forests of Fosca. They are ferocious and cruel, and pitch their huts near the river Bermejo. But little is known of their customs and of their country.
CHORAS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huamalies in Peru; annexed to the curacy of Jesus.
CHOROMA, a settlement of the province and corrregimiento of Chichas and Tarija, in the district of the former, and annexed to the curacy of Tupisa.
CHOROMOROS, a barbarous nation of Indians of Peru, who formerly occupied the plains or llanuras of Calchaqui towards the ??. ; touching toAvards the e. upon the source of the river Mogoles, and extending n. as far as the mountains of the Lules, and w. as far as the Andes. They are at present reduced to the Catholic religion, and are mixed with those of other nations ; but some few of them still persist in their idolatry, and live dispersed upon the mountains.
CHORONI, a port of the coast of the kingdom of Tierra Firme, in the province and government of Venezuela, between the mountain of Ocumara and the port of Chuapo.
CHOROS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Coquimbo in the kingdom of Chile. It has the hard lot of being scantily supplied Avith Avater, even as much as is necessary lor drinking.
Same name, a point of the coast of this province and kingdom (Chile).
Same name, an island near the coast and point of its name (Choros),
CHORRERA, a settlement of the jurisdiction and akaldia mayor of Nata in the kingdom of Tierra Firme; situate near the coast of the S. sea.
Same name, a creek of the island of Cuba, on the 71. coast, having a fort for its protection, with a detacliment of troops from the Havana.
CHORILLO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huarochiri in Peru.
Same name, another (settlement), in the province and corregimento of Cercado in the same kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of Surco.
CHORRILLOS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cañete in Peru; situate on the coast, close to the point of China.
CHORROS, a settlement of the province and government of Jaen de Bracamoros in the kingdom of Quito.
CHORROU, Chike du, a rivulet and establishment of the French, in their possessions in Guayana.
CHORUNGA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Condesuyos de Arequipa in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Andaray ; situate in the valley of its name.
CHOSAPACK, a large and beautiful bay on the coast of the province and colony of Virginia]]. [See Chesapeak.]
CHOSCHAMA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Lucanas in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Huacaiia.
[CHOSCUMUS, a fort of the province and government of Buenos Ayres, near a small lake about 20 leagues s. e. of Buenos Ayres, in Lat. 35° 33' 40^. Long. 38° 2' 15" 20 .]
CHOTA, Todos Santos de, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxamarca in Peru.
[Chota, a valley of the Andes, which, though only two miles Avide, is nearly a mile in depth. It Avas passed by Humboldt and his companions, in 1801, on tlreir way to Quito, Avhen they found its temperature to be intensely sultry.]
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manufactures peculiar to the country, such as coarse trowsers, baizes, and blankets. Although it is some years since this province has received any mischief from the infidels who inhabit the mountains of the Andes, yet it has regular advanced detachments or guards stationed for the defence of the frontiers, prepared against a recurrence of the evils experienced in former times. As we have before said, it is the largest province, so also it is the best peopled, since it contains upAvards of 50,000 souls and 33 settlements, the capital of Avhich has the same name. Its repartimiento, or tribute, used to amount to 226,730 dollars, and it used to pay an alcavala of 1814 dollars per annum. The settlements are,
Cicasica, Mecapaca,
Coroico, Pasca,
Yanacache, Ynquisive,
Chulumani, Quimi,
Caza, Collana,
Suri, Huayrapaya,
Cabari, Coripaya,
Mohosa, Chupe,
Capinata, Milluhuay,
Ychoca, Taxma,
Coani, Choxlla,
Yaco, Chirca,
Luribay, Yrupana,
Haichayo, Colqui,
Calamarca, Plaraca,
Zapanqui, Ocavaya.
CICAYARI, a river of the province and country of Las Amazonas, in the Portuguese possessions. It rises in the territory of the Chappoanas Indians, runs n. n. w. and enters the Rio Negro.
[CICERO, a military township in New York, on the s. tv. side of Oneida lake, and between it, the Salt lake, and the Salt springs.]
CICLADAS Grandes, islands of the South sea, discovered by Mr. De Bouganville in 1763.
CICOBASA, a river of the province and government of Quixos y Macas in the kingdom of Quito, and of the district of the latter. It rises in the cordillera of the province of Cuenca, runs s. and enters the river Santiago.
CIENEGA, a settlement and real of the silver mines of the province of Tepeguana, and kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya ; situate near the settlement of Parral.
Same name, another settlement, of the province and government of Santa Marta in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It is situate on the sea-coast, and on the bank of the cknega or marsh which
lies close to it, and which gives it its name. It wag a reduccton of the monks of St. Domingo.
CIENEGA of Oro, another (settlement), with the surname of Oro, in the province and government of Cartagena, of the same kingdom, it is of the district of Tolu, and formed by the re- union of other settlements in the year 1776, effected by the Governor Don Juan Pimienta.
Same name, another (settlement), of the island of Cuba; situate on the n. coast.
CIMA, a valley of the province and govornraent of Antioquia ; bounded by that of Paucura, from which it is divided by the river Cauca just at its source.
CINACANTLAN, a settlement of the province and alcaldia mayor of Chiapa in the kingdom of Guatemala.
==CINAGUA Y GUACANA, the alcaldia mayor and jurisdiction of the province and bishopric of Mechoacán in Nueva Espana. It is 80 leagues long from e. to w. and 60 wide from n. to s. Its territory is for the most part mountainous and uneven, and its temperature bad. Its productions are large cattle, wax, maize, and fruits. Tire capital is the settlement of the same name, of a hot temperature, and inhabited by 25 families of Indians, who cultivate maize and melons, upon which this scanty population consists, though it was formerly of some consideration. It has suffered, no doubt, from the iinkindness of the temperature, and from the wantof water. The jurisdiction is 80 leagues to the w. with a slight inclination to the s. of Mexico. The other settlements are, Guacana, Paraquaro,
Ario, Nocupetajo,
Etuquarillo, Acuiyo,
Santa Ana Turicato. Punguco.
CINALOA, a province and government of Nueva España. It is between the w. and «. of Mexico, from whence it is distant 300 leagues. It extends in length as far as proselytes have been made to the gospel, viz. to 140° ; and it extends to 40° in width. On the e. of it are the loftiest sierras of Topia, running towards the n. and on the w. it is embraced by the arm of the sea of California. On the s. it has the town of Culiacan, and to the n. the innumerable nations of Indians, the boundaries of which are unknown. This province lies between lat. 27° and 32° n . ; this being the extent to Avhich the inissonaries have penetrated. The temperature is extremely hot, although the cold is intense during the months of December and January. It rains here very little, especially upon the coast ; and seldom more than 3 p
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which is above 100 leagues distant, and that through a desert country.]
COBITU, a river of the province and missions of the Gran Paititi. It rises in the mountains of the infidel Indians, which serve as a boundary to the province of Larecaja ; runs nearly due n. collecting the waters of many others, and enters theMarmore w ith the name of Mato.
COBLER’S Rock, a rock or isle of the North sea, very close upon the e. coast of the island of Barbadoes.
[COBLESKILL, a new town in the county of Schoharie, New York, incorporated March 1797.]
COBO, a river of the province and government of Neiva in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It rises in a llanura^ or plain, runs w, and enters the river Magdalena, opposite the city of La Plata.
COBORCA, a large and capacious bay of the province of Pimeria in Nueva Espana.
COBOS, a fortress of the province and government of Tucuman in Peru ; of the district and jurisdiction of the city of Salta, from whence it is nine leagues distant ; having been founded in 1693 at the foot of a declivity, to serve as an outwork or defence against the Indians of Chaco, it is at present destroyed and abandoned, and serves as a country-house on the estate of an individual.
COBRE, Santa Clara de, a settlement of the alcald'ia mayor of Valladolid, in the province nnd bishopric of Mechoacan. It contains 100 families of Spaniards, bO oi Mustees, 38 of Mulattoes, and 135 of Indians ; some of whom speculate in working the mines of copper which are close by, others in the cultivation of maize, and others gain their livelihood as muleteers. Three leagues s. of the city of Pasquaro.
COBRE, another settlement in the island of Cuba, on the s. coast.
Same name, a river of the province and government of Veragua in the kingdom of Tierra Firrae. It has its origin in the sierras of Guanico to the s. and enters the Pacific sea.
Same name, a mountain on the coast of the province and corregimiento of Coquimbo in the kingdom of Chile. It derives its name from some very abundant copper mines. Great quantities of this metal are carried from hence to Spain for founding artillery, and for different purposes.
COBULCO, a settlement of the province and alcaldia mayor of Los Zacatepeques in the kingdom of Guatemala.
COCA, a large river of the kingdom of Quito. It rises from different streams which flow down from the cordillera oi t\\e paramo, or mountain desert, of Cotopaxi. It continually follows the course
of the large river Napo, and at last becomes incorporated with the same.
COCAGNE, a small river of Nova Scotia. It runs e. and enters the sea in the gulf of St. Lawrence, and in the strait formed by the island of St. John, opposite the island of its own name.
[COCALICO, a township in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania.]
COCAMA, a great lake in the midst of the thick woods which lie in the country of Las Amazonas, to the s. and w. of tlie river Ucayale. It is 10 leagues long from n. to s. and six wide from e. to w. On the e. it flows out, through a little canal, into the river Ucayale, and on the w. it forms the river Cassavatay, which running n. and then e. enters also the Ucayale. Its shores are constantly covered with alligators and tortoises.
COCAMAS, a barbarous nation of Indians of the country of Las Amazonas, who inhabit the w'oods to the s. of the river Maraiion, and in the vicinities of Ucayale. It takes its name from the former lake, called La Gran Cocama. They are a barbarous and cruel race, wandering over the forests in quest of birds and wild beasts for mere sustenance. Their arms are the macana, and the Indian cimeter, or club of chonia, a very strong ebony.
COCANIGUAS, a settlement of the province and government of Esmeraldas in the kingdom of Quito.
COCAS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Castro Vireyna in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Uuachos.
Same name, another settlement, in the province and corregimienito of Vilcas Huaiman, of the same kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of Tofos.
COCATLAN, San Luis de, a settlement of the head settlement of Coatlan, and alcadia mayor of Nexapa, in Nueva Espana. It contains 160 families of Indians, employed in the trade in cochineal and cotton stuffs. It is four leagues to the n. of its head settlement.
COCAYA, a river of the province and government of Maynas in the kingdom of Quito. It unites itself with the Ibinelo, and then takes the name of Unquizia, and enters the Putumayo.
COCHA, a settlement of the province and government of Jaen de Bracamoros in the kingdom of Quito.
Same name, another settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cotabambas in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Llaaquas.
COCHA, another (settlement), of the province and corregimiento of Vilcas Huaiman in the same kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of Vilcas.
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