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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]





particularly those of (lie parish church, the convent of the monks of Niiestra Sonora de la Merced, another of St. Francis, and the hospital of S. J uan de Dios. Its population consists of 200 families of Spaniards, 122 oi Mustees, 15 Mulattoes, and 22 of Indians. In its district is found and gathered the celebrated plant called in the country oleacazan^ ■which is considered as a wonderful restorer of lost strength, and a certain specific against all kinds of poison. The leaves of it are applied to the part affected, and the natives are accustomed to judge of its virtues by its degree of adhesion. One hundred and fifty leagues to the w. of Mexico, in long. 103^ 20', and lat. 18° 34'.

COLIMAS, a barbarous nation of Indians in former times, but now reduced to the faith, in the province of its name; this being now incorporated with that of Muzo of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. These Indians are also known by the name of Canapayes, being united to them. Its capital is the city of La Palma de los Colimas. See article Muzos.

COLIMBA, a settlement of the province and government of Popayán in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada.

COLINA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Santiago in the kingdom of Chile ; in the district of which there are five chapels of case, in a spacious and beautiful valley.

COLINA, a river of this province and kingdom, which rises in the mountains of its cordillera, and enters the Maypo.

COLIUINA, a settlement of the province and government of Nicaragua in the kingdom of Guatemala ; situate upon a long strip of land on the coast of the S. sea.

(COLLA, a parish of the province and government of Buenos Ayres ; situate on a small river near the sea-coast, about eight leagues e. of Colonia del Sacramento, in lat. 34° 19' 39" s. Long. 57° 21' 43" w.')

COLLADOS, Ensenada de los a bay on the s. coast of the w. head, and in the territory of the French, in the island of St. Domingo. It is between the rock of Bareo and the river Damasein.

COLLAHUAS, and Asiento of Mines of Caylloma, a province and corregwiiento of Peru ; bounded n. by that of Cbumbivilcas, e. by that of Canes and Canches or Tinta, s. e, by that of Lampa, s. by that of Arequipa, and w. by that of Camana. It is 52 leagues in length s. e. n. w. and 16 in width. Its temperature is cold, from being situate in the cordillera ; with the exception of that part which borders upon Camana, where it is very mild, especially in the five leagues where its


jurisdiction extends itself in the valley of Sihuas ; the other five leagues reaching to tlie sea bordering on Camana. Its productions are various : those of the valley are comprised in wine, brandies, wheat, maize, pulse, and fruits, especially figs, which being preserved, serve as nourishment to numbers of poor people. The other territories of this province are of the same temperature, though comparatively barren. It abounds in large and small cattle, native sheep, vicunas, and some wild animals. The roads are dangerous, from the country’s being extremely unequal, and the greater part of it beinga craggy ravine, over which labours, rather than to say runs, a pretty large river, which has its rise within the province. Here are many silver mines, from which great riches were formerly extracted, since they yielded 80 or 100 marks each caxon. Atthe present day they yield but sparingly, on account of their great depth, some of them being 200 fathoms in descent ; they are, nevertheless, worked with tolerable profit. The principal mountain of these mines is that of Caylloma, and it was through this mine that the capital was founded. There are also not wanting mines of gold, tin, lead, copper, and sulphur; but these, on account of the deficiency of resources, remain unworked. The capital, as we have before stated, is Caylloma. Its repartimmito used to amount to 37,100 dollars, and its alcavala to 456 dollars per annum. The other settlements of the jurisdiction are.
















Y chupampa,









COLLANA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cicasica in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Mccapa. Its Indian inhabitants have kept themselves unmixed from any other cast ever since the time of the conquest ; and in order to still preserve themselves so, they will not allow of any strangers sleeping in the settlement, though he should be sent by the corregidor. If any other person should come among them, he is put into prison, and after a very short time dispatched. Owing to these precautions, the vicious propenpensities observable in other settlements are en~

Last edit about 6 years ago by kmr3934




the province and captainship of Marañan, between the rivers Camindes and Paraguay.

Costa-Desierta, a large plain of the Atlantic, between cape S. Antonio to the n. and cape Blanco to the s. It is 80 leagues long, and has on the n. the llanuras ox pampas of Paraguay, on the etJ. the province of Cuyo, of the kingdom of Chile, on the s. the country of the Patagones, and on tlie c. the Atlantic. It is also called the Terras Magellanicas, or Lands of Magellan, and the whole of this coast, as well as the land of the interior territory, is barren, uncultivated, and unknoAvn.

Costa-Rica, a province and government of the kingdom of Guatemala in N. America ; bounded n. and w. by the province ot Nicaragua, e. by that of Veragua of the kingdom of Tierra Firme ; s. w. and n. w. by the S. sea, and n. e. by the N. sea. It is about 90 leagues long e. w. and 60 n. s. Here are some gold and silver mines. It has ports both in the N. and S. seas, and tAVO excellent bays, called San Geronimo and Caribaco. It is for the most part a province that is mountainous and full of rivers ; some of which enter into the N. sea, and others into the S. Its productions are similar to those of the other provinces in the kingdom ; but the cacao produced in some of the llanuras here is of an excellent quality, and held in much estimation. The Spaniards gave it the name of Costa-Rica, from the quantity of gold and silver contained in its mines. From the mine called Tisingal, no less riches have been extracted than from that of Potosi in Peru ; and a tolerable trade is carried on by its productions with the kingdom of Tierra Firme, although the navigation is not alway« practicable. The first monk Avho came hither to preach and inculcate religion amongst the natives, was the Fra_y Pedro de Betanzos, of the order of St. Francis, who came hither in 1550, when he was followed by several others, who founded in various settlements 17 convents of the above order. The capital is Cartago.

Costa-Rica, a river of the province ancT government of Nicaragua in the same kingdom, which runs n. and enters theDesaguadero, or W aste W ater of the Lake.

COSTO, a settlement of the English, in the island of Barbadoes, of the district and parish of Santiago ; situate near the w. coast.

COTA, a settlement of the corregimiento of ipaquira in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It is of a very cold temperature, produces the fruits peculiar to its climate, contains upwards of 100 Indians, and some white inhabitants ; and is four leagues from Santa Fe.

Cota, a small river of the province and govern-

ment of Buenos Ayres in Peru. It rises in the sierras, or craggy mountains, of Nicoperas, runs w. and enters the Gil.

COTABAMBAS, a province and corregimiento of Peru ; bounded n. by the province of Abancay, s. w. and s. and even s. e. by that of Chilques and Masques or Paruro, w, by that of Chumbivilcas, and n. w. by that of Aimaraez. It is 25 leagues long e.w. and 23 wide n.s. It is for the most part of a cold temperature, as are the other provinces of the sierra; it being nearly covered Avith mountains, the tops of which are the greatest part of the year clad Avith snoAV. In the Ioav lands are many pastures, in Avhich they breed numerous herds of cattle, such as cows, horses, mules, and some small cattle. Wheat, although in no great abundance, maize, pulse, and potatoes, also groAv here. In the broken, uneven hollows, near which passes the river Apurimac, and which, after passing through the province, runs into that of Abancay, groAV plantains, figs, water melons, and other productions peculiar to the coast. Here are abundance of magueges', which is a plant, the leaves or tendrils of which, much resemble those of the savin, but being somewhat larger ; from them are made a species of hemp for the fabricating of cords, called cahuyas, and some thick ropes used in the construction of bridges across the rivers. The principal rivers are the Oropesa and the Chalhuahuacho, Avhich have bridges for the sake of communication Avith the other provinces. Tlie bridge of Apurimac is three, and that of Chuructay 86 yards across ; that of Churuc, Avhich is the most frequented, is 94 yards ; and there is another which is much smaller : all of them being built of cords, except one, called Ue Arihuanca, on the river Oropesa, which is of stone and mortar, and has been here since the time that the ferry-boat was sunk, Avith 15 men and a quantity of Spanish goods, in 1620. Although it is remembered that gold and silver mines have been worked in this province, none are at present ; notAvithstanding that in its mountains are manifest appearances of this metal, as well as of copper, and that in a part of the river Ocabamba, Avhere the stream runs witli great rapidity, are found lumps^ of silver, which are washed off from the neighbouring mountains. The inhabitants of the whole of the province amount to 10,000, who are contained in the 25 following settlements ; and the capital is Tambobamba.










Last edit about 6 years ago by kmr3934
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