Pages That Mention Millsap plant
Texas State Association of Architects Year Book 1917
same year they took over the plant of the Denton Brick Co., located at Denton, Texas, and have developed an exclusive facing brick plant there. In 1917 machinery was installed for the manufacture of vitrified hollow building tile at both places, the Millsap plant being in full operation at the present time.
The shale from which their brick are made is selected under the supervision of experts and is housed under large sheds with the capacity for storing sufficient to make approximately 10,000,000 brick, which insures their ability to run during long periods of bad weather. The shale is ground, screened and prepared with the latest improved methods preparatory to being moulded into facing brick or hollow tile with the most modern machinery operat ed by skilled mechanics.
After being moulded into the desired shape the ware is transferred to drying rooms where it is thoroughly dried by means of waste heat drawn by means of large fans through tunnels from kilns that have already been burned.
The material is then transferred to the kilns where the heat is applied to it slowly in exact accordance with certain proven rules. A system of electric pyrometers records the exact number of degrees of heat being developed every minute of the 150 to 175 hours that thy are in the kilns. It is then cooled by drawing the heat away through the tunnels to the “waste heat dryer.”
After the kiln has cooled sufficiently, if tile, it is put into stock, if brick they are shaded by experienced shaders. This is one of the most particular departments and it is here that our highest skilled men are employed.
They carry a stock of finished brick at their two plants of from ten to fourteen million brick which enables them to take care of any size order promptly. They have the force of office men, traveling men and and agents in all the larger cities, all working to the same end—service to the architect builder.
Aside from material of their own manufacture, they are representatives of the following concerns:
Kansas Buff Brick & Manufacturing Co., Buffville, Kas. United States Roofing Tile Co., Parkersburg, W. Va. Thomas Moulding Brick Co., Chicago, Ill. A. P. Green Fire Brick Co., Mexico, Mo. Winkle Terra Cotta Co., St. Louis, Mo. Tiffany Enamel Brick Co., Chicago, Ill. B. Mifflin Hood Brick Co., Atlanta, Ga. Kittanning Brick & Fire Clay Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Elgin Standard Brick Co., Elgin, Texas.
The enormous capacity of their own plants, together with the above concerns, make it possible for them to take care of the clay products requirements of any building operation conceivable. Headquarters and dispaly rooms, Fort Worth, Texas. Branch office and display rooms, Acme Brick & Supply Co., Dallas, Tex[]