Pages That Mention Treasurer
Texas State Association of Architects Expenses-Dues
Waco May 13th 1890
To the Executive Committee of the TSAA the following is the disbursements of the Secretary for the year 1889, 1890
By [amount] of [??] [Pres.] W.C. Dodson | 75.00 | |
On hand from [amount] not turned over to Treas. | 20.00 | |
To [Lakes] of Proceedings 300 copies each day | 20.00 | |
" Extra notices | 3.00 | |
" Telegram R.C. McLean | .75 | |
" E.T. Heiner | .40 | |
Postage | 1.00 | |
1000 [Act] Legislature | 15.00 | |
[Expensage an acts] | .35 | |
500 Copies minutes | 20.00 | |
Postage on proceedings | 3.60 | |
Stationary | 3.55 | |
Postage | 1.00 | |
Notice [or or on?] [unit...?] San Antonio | 5.50 | |
Ballance [Balance] on hand | 20.85 | |
$95.00 | $95.00 |
Apr J. J. Kane
AIA Southern Chapter Proceedings
tages, the Chapter has grown and strengthened and expanded its sphere of usefulness. Nor will it cease its wholesome growth until its sphere shall embrace this entire section, and in its membership shall be found the name of every reputable architect in the South. Its objects and purposes are well-known to all. The measures to be discussed and the actions to be enforced are all intended to conserve the best interests of the profession, and of the public; to elevate the profession to the high plane it is entitled to and to keep it there, and to engender and promote the fraternity and harmorty so necessary to every organization, and whose effects are so well expressed in the old adage, "in union there is strength."
Proud of its position as the official organ and literary representative of this Chapter, "The Southern Architect" will leave nothing undone that would foster and advance the objects and purposes of this body. Its management feels the responsibility of its position, but also its opportunities for good works in a noble cause. Its constant aim shall be to do its duty, and to promote whatsoever is true and good and beautiful. To do this to the best advantage, the good-will and practical cooperation of every present and prospective member of the Chapter is necessary. Surely we will not be mistaken iu the hope that this goodwill and practical co-operation will be given us now, and in still larger and increasing measure as time goes on.
As your organ and representative in literature, we greet you, and heartily wish all the members of the Chapter, and the profession everywhere, health, prosperity and success during the new year!
The President : 'The next thing in order will be the appointment of a committee to examine the Treasurer's books, and I appoint Messrs. Lind and James M. Maddox on that committee, and request that they make their report to-morrow morning.
The President: The next thing in order will be the appointment of the usual Nominating committees, and I will appoint Messrs. Helmich, Woodruff and Wood as one of these committees, and Mess. C. Wheelock, Smith and Burke as the other committee, with the request that they report at the afternoon session to-morrow.
At the suggestion of Mr. Goodrich, Mr. Bassett, representing ''The Southern Architect," made explanation of engravings to be published, and recommended that pen and ink Perspectives, of any sizes, should be submitted from which to have the cuts made, and that they were usually reduced to 6 x 9 inches in size.
After a discussion participated in by quite a number of the
Texas State Association of Architects Minutes and Proceedings
Committee No. 1 - [Mssrs.] J. and W.W. Larmour, and N. Tobey. No. 2 - [Mssrs.] Dodson, Heiner and Clayton.
A recess was taken to allow the committees to report.
Conm. No. 1 reported:
For President - J. J. Kane - Fort Worth " 1st Vice " J. W. Preston, Austin " 2nd " " Nathaniel Tobey, Galveston " Secretary S. A. J. Preston, Austin " Treasurer W. W. Larmour, Waco
E. J. Heiner - Houston, chairman W. C. Dodson - Waco J. Wahrenberger San Antonio John Andrewartha - Austin
{Place of next meeting - Houston}
Committee No. 1 reported:
For President - J. J. Kane - Fort Worth " 1st Vice " J. W. Preston, Austin " 2nd " " Nathaniel Tobey, Galveston " Secretary S. A. J. Preston, Austin " Treasurer W. W., Larmour, Waco
W. C. Dodson, Waco - chairman E. J. Heiner - Houston N. J. Clayton - Galveston J. Wahrenberger. San Antonio J. Larmour Austin.
On motion of Mr. Preston, the secretary was instructed to cast one ballot for the first five officers in report [?] and the officers were declared elected.
The secretary was also instructed to cast one ballot for each of the
Albert Ullrich, Dallas George W. Stewart, Dallas A. O. Watson, Austin George E. Dickey, Houston
The treasurer, W. W. Larmour of Waco, submitted the following report.
To the Texas State Association of Architects:
Gentlemen - Herewith the treasurer presents this report for the year ending January 17th 1888:
Balnaces on hand from last report. January 19th 1887 ...... $80.50 Membership fees & annual dues 95.00 $175.50
By order certified by J. J. Kane $50.00 Balance in hands of treasurer 125.50 $175.50
Referred to the Auditing Committee
Roll of members in good standing
John Adrewartha Austin A. B. Bristol Dallas Albert F. Beckman San Antonio N. J. Clayton Galveston Cortez Clark Waco W. C. Dodson Waco George E. Dickey Houston W. W. Dudley Waco Alfred Giles San Antonio
as other licensed architects, of the state, in case he remains or intends to superinted such work. In case such architect fails to take out such license, he shall be liable to all the fines and penalties of this act.
On motion of Nat'l Tobey the convention adjourned to meet at 2 o'clock P.M.
Wednesday - Afternoon Session
The convention was called to order by the president at 2 P.M.
The auditing committe reported the statement of the treasurer correct, and on motion of E. J. Heiner the report was received.
To the Texas State Association of Architects:
At a session of the Executive Committee, held at Houston, January 17th 1888, the following architects were admitted fellows of this Association - viz:
A. B. Bristol, Dallas, Cortez Clark, Dallas, A. O. Watson, Austin, [Gary?] M. Tozer, Dallas, Albert Ullrich, Dallas, George W. Stewart, Dallas, George E. Dickey, Houston,