Texas State Association of Architects

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AIA Southern Chapter Proceedings




mingham, Ala.; Wm. Stanton, Vicksburg, Miss.; W. Chamberlin, Knoxville, Tennessee; T. H. Abrahams, Charleston, South Carolina; B. B. Davis, Paducah, Kentucky; H. H. Huggins, Roanoke, Va.; F. L. Smith, Lexington, Kentucky; Geo. E. Dickey, Houston, Tex.; J. Riely Gordon, San Antonia, Tex.; Henry C. Holland, Houston, Tex.; C. W. Bulger, Galveston, Tex.; W. T. Walker, Montgomery, Alabama

On motion of Mr. Helmich the report of the Directors was adopted and ordered to be spread upon the Minutes of the meeting.

On motion of Mr. Goodrich the letter ballot was suspended and the above named architects were unanimously elected Fellows of this Chapter.

On motion of Mr. Wheelock the Chair appointed a committee (consisting of Mr. Lind and Mr. C. Wheelock) to notify the applicants present of their election.

The President: The next thing in order will be the report of the Committee on Charter.

The Secretary : As a member of this committee I beg to report that the Charter has been obtained from the American Institute of Architects, and is here for examination by the members present.

On motion of Mr. Goodrich the report of the committee was accepted and the committee discharged.

The President: The next thing in order will be the report of Committee on Seal.

The Secretary : As a member of this committee I beg to state that the design of the seal was chosen by your committee from a number of designs submitted, and the seal was engraved and furnished by the American Seal Works.

On motion of Mr. Goodrich the report of the committee was adopted and the committee discharged.

The President: Mr. Wheelock; Chairman of Local Committee of Reception, wishes to make a statement regarding the presence of members of the Legislature of Alabama, who are now in the city.

Mr. Wheelock: I wish to state that I have had a conference with several members of the Legislature regarding the anticipated bills to be presented to the Legislatures of the

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Last edit 7 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer

Texas State Association of Architects Minutes and Proceedings

Needs Review


Afternoon session 3 pm

Meeting called to order - President in the chair

The [Com?] on membership reported the following as charter members

[?] J.J. Kain of Fort Worth A.N. Dawson J.E. Flanders Dallas W.C. Dodson Waco W.W. Larmour [?] W.W. Dudley [?] Nathaniel Tobey Galveston N.J. Clayton " W.H. Lydall " J. Larmour Austin A.M.C. Nixon " J.N. Preston " S.A.J. Preston " Oscar Ruffini " Jn. Andrewartha " E. T. Heiner Houston Geo. E. Dickey " Alfred Giles San Antonio James Wahrenberger " Albert Beckmann "

Names accepted report adopted and [com?] discharged

By request the com. on constitution and by law was allowed further time to report

After discussion by [?] Dodson Preston and Andrewartha in regard to standing it was decided by vote to defer

\left margin/ Also Haggart Fort Worth F.W. Kane [dr?]

Last edit 8 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer


Albert Ullrich, Dallas George W. Stewart, Dallas A. O. Watson, Austin George E. Dickey, Houston

The treasurer, W. W. Larmour of Waco, submitted the following report.

To the Texas State Association of Architects:

Gentlemen - Herewith the treasurer presents this report for the year ending January 17th 1888:

Balnaces on hand from last report. January 19th 1887 ...... $80.50 Membership fees & annual dues 95.00 $175.50

By order certified by J. J. Kane $50.00 Balance in hands of treasurer 125.50 $175.50

Referred to the Auditing Committee

Roll of members in good standing

John Adrewartha Austin A. B. Bristol Dallas Albert F. Beckman San Antonio N. J. Clayton Galveston Cortez Clark Waco W. C. Dodson Waco George E. Dickey Houston W. W. Dudley Waco Alfred Giles San Antonio

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Last edit 8 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer


as other licensed architects, of the state, in case he remains or intends to superinted such work. In case such architect fails to take out such license, he shall be liable to all the fines and penalties of this act.

On motion of Nat'l Tobey the convention adjourned to meet at 2 o'clock P.M.


Wednesday - Afternoon Session

The convention was called to order by the president at 2 P.M.

The auditing committe reported the statement of the treasurer correct, and on motion of E. J. Heiner the report was received.

To the Texas State Association of Architects:

At a session of the Executive Committee, held at Houston, January 17th 1888, the following architects were admitted fellows of this Association - viz:

A. B. Bristol, Dallas, Cortez Clark, Dallas, A. O. Watson, Austin, [Gary?] M. Tozer, Dallas, Albert Ullrich, Dallas, George W. Stewart, Dallas, George E. Dickey, Houston,

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Last edit about 1 year ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
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