CON 499
far as the confines of the akaldia mayof of Tepi-
que. It is of an hot temperature, abounding’ in
maize, cotton, cocoa-trees, and other fruits pecu-
liar to the climate : and particularly in large and
small cattle, which breed in numberless wards and
country estates. It has silver mines, which are
worked to tolerable profit. It is but thinly
peopled, and the greater part of its inhabitants arc
Mustees and Negro slaves. It is watered by the
river Canas, which rises in the jurisdiction of
Acaponeta. The capital is of the same name.
This was founded by Nufio de Guzman in 1531,
and is the capital of the kingdom, and where the
tribunal of royal audience and episcopal see were
erected ; these being afterwards removed to the
city of Guadalaxara. This latter city was at the
same time made the capital, from its proximity to
the shore of the S. sea, its distance from the same
being only 12 leagues. It was at that time very
wealthy, but it afterwards fell to decay ; the pri-
macy was also taken from it, and it is nothing now
but a miserable village. Its natives are the most
polite and best affected to the Spaniards of any in
the whole kingdom. (To the n. w. of Compos-
tela, as well as in the districts of Autlan, Ahux-
catlan, and Acaponeta, a tobacco of a superior
quality was formerly cultivated.) Lat. 21° 10' w.
Long. 104° 40' w. The settlements of this juris-
diction are,
Matanchel, Sapotan,
San Pedro, Mazatlan,
Cali may a, Xaltocan.
Compostela, another city, in the island of St.
Domingo. See Azua.
COMPTON, a settlement of the English, in the
province and colony of Massachusetts ; situate on
the coast, at the entrance of the bay of Buzard.
COMUATO, a small island of the lake or sea
of Chalapa, in the district of the alcaldia mayor
of Zamora, and kingdom of Nueva Espana. It
is of a hot and moist temperature, surrounded by
thick reeds and Indian fig-trees. In the dry sea-
son it communicates with the mainland. Its po-
pulation is scanty, and consists of 20 families of
Spaniards, and in its plains various herds of large
cattle graze. Nine leagues from the capital.
COMUTA, a city of the province and captain-
ship of Pará in Brazil, founded in 1581 by Juan
Pedro de Olivciro, on the e. shore of the river
Paeaxa. It is at present destroyed, and some
small houses alone remain, where, for the conve-
nienee of its situation, a small garrison of Portu-
guese resides.
CONAHASET, a rocky shoal of the coast of
the province and colony of New England, at the
entrance of port Boston.
CONAICA, a settlement of tlie province and
correp;imiento of Angaraez in Peru.
(CONAJOHARY, a post-town on the s. side of
Mohawk river, New York, very large, 36 miles
above Schenectady, and 318 from Philadelphia.
See Canajoiiary.)
CONANAMA, a bay of the province and go-
venment of Guayana.
CONANAMA, a river of the same name, in this
CONARDO-TUBA, a river of the province
captainship o^ Los Ilheos in Brazil. It rises
near the coast, and runs e. between those of the
Duna and Ilheos.
(CONAWANGO, a n. branch of Alleghany
river, in Pennsylvania, which rises from Cha-
taughque lake.)
CONCARY, a river of the province and cor-
regimiento of Cuyo in the kingdom of Chile. It
rises from a small lake to the e. of the mountain of
the Pie de Palo, and running s, e. returns, form-
ing a curve to the w. when it divides itself into se-
veral branches.
CONCEPCION, or Penco, a city of the king-
dom of Chile, the capital of the province and
corregimiento of its name, founded in 1550 by
Pedro de Valdivia. Its situation is upon a barren
and uneven territory, somewhat elevated, on the
sea-shore, and on the side of a large, noble, and
convenient bay. On the n. side it is crossed by a
rivulet, and on the s. it is watered by the river
Andalien, and lies not far from the Biobio. It is
a small city, and its houses and buildings are
poor and much reduced. It has, besides the ca-
thedral church, convents of the religious orders of
St. Francis, St. Domingo, La Merced, St. Au-
gustin, an hospital of San Juan de Dios, and a
college w hich belonged to the regulars of the com-
pany of the Jesuits, and which is the best build-
ing in it. Its climate is moderately warm, al-
though in the winter the cold is great. It abouiids
greatly in all kinds of grain, cattle, and delicious
fruits, and these are cultivated in gardens which
are found attached to almost every house. It lies
open on all sides, being commanded by six emi-
nences ; amongst the which the most prominent is
that which is called Del Romitorio, and extends
as far as the city. Its only defence is a battery
on a level with the water, which defends the an-
choring ground of the bay. The natives resemble
the rest of tliis kingdom : they are strong, robust,
valorous, and well made, most dexterous in the
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