



Status: Complete

the tools and this quality, with its handsome color and its failure to
warp after seasoning, makes it much used in the manufacture of
various novelties. Practically all spools are made of birch, Maine
being the chief seat of this industry

Still another "slacker" who, up to the moment of going to press,
has so far failed to deliver "copy" is "Dug" Mahoney. We presume
that he is called "Dug" (past tense for Dig) for the same reason
that he has failed to get to us, said copy. He, however, has volun-
teered to work when he gets here.

Incidently everybody knows that he sells (present tense) L.
Wolff Manufacturing Co.'s plumbing goods.

The Moline Vacuum & Vapor systems of steam heating, other-
wise known as Moline Heat, has been specified and sold in twenty-
nine buildings in Texas so far this year, an average of three a month.
As more architects realize the value of the services Moline Heat
offers in an engineering way, making heating plans and specifications
for them, the number of buildings equipped with Moline heat will
increase several times its present rate. Those wishing information
regarding same may communicate with Geo. H. Greenway, Heating
Engineer, Dallas, Texas.

The iron to iron push nipple joint of the radiators made by the
United States Radiator Corporation, Detroit, Mich., continue to gain
in favor among the architects and heating contractors in preference
to the iron to paper washer screw nipple
joint of its competitors, which is a per-
fectly natural result. Then too the price is
less, which in these days of high prices
is worth while remembering as it
helps the architects let their job. This
superior quality of radiation can be
shipped in the same car with Capitol cast
iron boilers, saving freight. For further
particulars communicate with Geo. H.
Greenway, Heating Engineer, Dallas, Tex.

A dead fish will drift with the tide, but it takes a live one to
swim against the current.

Another Big Hydrated Lime-Concrete Job

All of the concrete placed on the new smalter plant nad concrete
docks now being built for the Ford Motor Company on the Rogue
River, near Detroit, Michigan, will contain 5 per cent of hydrated
lime by weight of cement. This construction will require over 200,000
cubic yards of concrete and order for 3,000 tons of hydrate for this
concrete has already been placed.

Hydrated lime that is ideal for use in concrete is manufactured
by the DITTLINGER LIME CO. of New Braunfels, Texas. Their
"SNOW DRIFT" brand has been used in concrete with entirely satis-
afctory [satisfactory] results at quite a number of Texas points and is handled by
retail lime dealers throughout the Southwestern States.

The Texas Portland Cement Co. send us a very nice letter with
their best wishes for the success of the convention and promise
to have a representative at the convention. Their product needs no
introduction in this locality.

And the Standard Varnish Works makes a very modest request,
to-wit: "The Standard Varnish Works respectfully ask a mention in
your specifications."

Now that is an entirely unnecessary request as they are also send-
ing Fred Benedict down to see that it is duly carried out.

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