then to their rightful owners in good condition, free of cost.
The announcement of the sudden death of Mr. J. W. Root, sec'y of the [A. S. A.?], having been made, the following resolution was prepared:
Resolved, that the T. S. A. A. extends to the [A. S. A.?] its heartfelt sympathies in the loss of so valuable a secretary, so true a man and so able an architect as John W. Root, [?].
Resolved, that a copy of this resolution be sent President R. M. Hunt, the bereaved family, and the professional press, adopted by a unanimous vote all the members standing.
At 4:40 it was moved and seconded that the convention adjourn until 7:30 o'clock, in order that the members might avail themselves of the courtesies of Mr. Lunch to visit the foundry and drive around the city generally, also visiting the new brewery in course of erection.
Wednesday - Evening Session
Meeting called to order by President Wahrenberger, at 7:40 o'clock.
The secretary report was read and adopted.
For applications for membership were not accepted.
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