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the severe stiff cold lines and coloring of the earlier days, with the graceful forms and beauties in the works of the Renaissance.

By reason of the amount of study to become well skilled in these beautiful and important branches of our profession, the practice of architecture should be entitled to stand as one of the most prominent practiced among the cultured and refined classes. That the educated architect does not yet fully receive the encouragement through a proper appreciation on the part of the general public which his profession entitles him to, and which he enjoys in older countries where the profession and its requirements are better understood, is a fact of which we have almost a daily demonstration in our practice.

However, of late years we may note a marked imporvement in this respect, with the wonderful growth of our country. The temporary log cabin of the hardy pioneer will soon exist only in the recollection of a few, and the time of the weatherboarded corner grocery and dry-good establishment, with a stock of patent medicines and the U.S. postoffice combined, is quickly passing by. The character of our public buildings is undergoing a marked change, and the importance of the profession is steadily increasing until it will eventually arrive at that high plane of excellence to which it rightfully belongs.

In the meantime, let us strive to establish those proper and correct relations which should exist between the honorable educated architect and his clients; we will thereby gain the confidence of the public, that is necessary for the attainment of our objects.

We have repeatedly and in vain petitioned for legislation to regulate the practice of our profession, and to protect us, as well as the general public, against the abuses and pernicious practices of uneducated and unscrupulous pretenders. While we should renew our efforts with increased energy and vigor, what the prospects for success will be in the near future remain yet to be seen. The average legislator is not given to much thought in matters of this kind, and as long as only questions of a political nature remain uppermost in his mind an encouragement in the promotion of science and the arts can not be looked for by any legislation in this direction in the near future. And positions held under the government by professional men, chiefly obtained through party infleucnes, instead of ability and personal merit, will for some time, still lack that moral influence and high honro due the profession.

However, it is for us not to become discouraged in our labors, but to renew the same with a determined resolution, hand in hand with those of kindred associations and with the fond hope that with the wonderful growth and increasing prosperity of this country, our unremitting efforts will be eventually crowned with success. In the meantime, let us meet in ocuncil, and advise with each other, as to the proper steps to be taken towards the public, to overcome the evils borne of unprofessional and unscrupulos methods, and present such professional facts, methods and ideas in a manner that the public mind must become educated to the importance of our occupation. We must form rules to guide us in our practice that will command the respect of our clients, with whom we have our daily business transactions, and the public at large will soon begin to appreciate our position. Let us also, not hesitate to exclude from our ranks, and ignore the pretensions of those who are not fitted by education or otherwise, to practice the profession; such, who look upon the occupation simply as a milch-cow, and especially those whose past career in the profession has been of a dishonorable character.

During the few years since the organization of our association much good has been accomplished; the interchange of ideas and personal experiences has been of great benefit to all of us; we have become united in one common fellowship, and have learned to struggle hand in hand, for one common cause. Our aims and objects are already beginning to be understood and appreciated by educated and well thinking men. Let us remoain united in our persistent efforts to ultimately attain the objects of our association, and aid in raising the profession to that high standing which it so fully deserves.

In conclusion, I take the liberty of stating to you, gentlemen, that my views in regard to architects' competitions as now generally conducted, have not changed in the least since expressing them at our last meeting at Waco. I still believe that the more architects respond to the shallow inducements offered in advertisements for these sham competitions, the more difficult the task will become to raise the profession to the standard so much desired. Good professionals should discourage such competition by paying no attention to them, and all competitions where are not made by juries of competent professional men, should be entirely ignored. The temptation, I admit, is sometimes great to convince an ignorant committee of the superiority of one's ideas expressed in his plans and specifications, but we may only succeed in our aims by sacrifices commensurate with the results to be accomplished. The methods of proceeding in these unregulated competitions, controlled by persons totally disqualified, have led to much dissention and ill-will among our professional brethren, and it is necessary that we have the

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